03-01-2025 11:53 AM
I'm a private seller. Items I sell are between £2.90 - £10. Is It just me or will ebay's new Buyers' protection fee from the 4th Feb make it near impossible to sell competitively. A few months ago Ebay got rid of Sellers' fees for private sellers, which was a welcome move. But this new change and getting rid of multi-buy discount for private sellers will make it worse than it was with the original fees.
18-03-2025 6:26 PM
I had alreadyguessed as much - especially when the responses have a very scripted corporate communications feel to them
However it seems that in this instance we have a lot of Business Sellers deliberately masquerading as Private Sellers to share their 'insight' on a subject that has no bearing on their activities. Fundamental dishonesty and hardly in the spirit of the 'ebay Community'?
Frankly, I am surprised that they have the time, surely business sales must have soared to the heavens following the introduction of BPF? Although given that ebay have already stated that sales projections for Q1 have been revised downwards it seems that all is not going to plan - the Q2 Investor Call will be very interesting.
In the meantime - life goes on
18-03-2025 6:31 PM
really? this is brilliant news, since it's only shareholder value that motivates them - they need to reverse the con of the BPF and work out a more transparent and honest way of monetising private sellers' activity
18-03-2025 6:37 PM
It is only good news if they take action - in the meantime all sellers are losing out
They may tweak it a bit but there are be too many senior ebay people invested in the this new scheme - admitting that it is a bad idea won't happen overnight and the damage will take a long time to repair. Pride comes before a fall and all that.
18-03-2025 10:03 PM
No chance.
It's far too early to even consider a u-turn.
Despite the many thousands of posts on these forums, many of them heated, you're only seeing a tiny snapshot of opinion. There are several million active UK sellers.
Furthermore, the idea that eBay are paying undercover forum posters in order to sway opinion is for the birds. For every seller on here that is unhappy with their lot, there are tens of thousands of others who are just getting on with it.
18-03-2025 10:40 PM
Frankly, I am surprised that they have the time, surely business sales must have soared to the heavens following the introduction of BPF?
I wish. ebay has mightily upset buyers and they are not discriminating between private and business sellers. It's ebay they want to kick back at and all sellers are in the firing line. As with all changes ebay believes the anger will dissipate and buying will return to normal when it does.
19-03-2025 12:15 AM
Or there are tens of thousands who have just walked.
19-03-2025 12:20 AM
I hear you, but what my buyer's experience tells me is that *buyers* are unhappy (with the impossibility to combine postage, the huge fees on tiny purchase prices, the fatuous 'service' it supposedly pays for, and obviously the crazy stuff around bid consistencies, plus who knows what else), and whilst more sellers will notice if buyers give them a kicking, I'm saying we need to encourage buyers to complain to Ebay CS themselves, loudly and frequently
19-03-2025 1:10 AM