Buyer protection fees

As a private seller I WAS selling multiple low value items on ebay relying on volume to make it worthwhile.

Since the introduction of buyer protection fees I cannot compete on price with business sellers.


Message 1 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

It’s basically a scam!! EBay have realised that they’ve made a huge mistake by scrapping selling fees. Now they’ve panicked and realised they’ve got to get them back somehow….. WRONG OPTION EBAY..


buyers will go elsewhere.. NB




Message 41 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

I have not used ebay for a while but have a random selection of things to shift so it made sense to jump back on.


Oh wow I wish I hadn't, this buyer protection is an absolute disaster for private sellers, nothing is the price you think it is, it's impossble to do a deal with a buyer intertsted in mutliple items and have them use the offer system because what they offer to pay you is not what ebay then offers you and to make matters worse  if you do not use the new 'simpler postage' it appears you cannot actually access this alleged protection enyway, locking you into whichever courier they select for you.


Once I have shifted these items I will not be using ebay as a seller again. It's a shame to think that I part funded my round the world trip in the early 00s through ebay sales and now I can't even use it to clear the clutter.

Message 42 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

Exactly.. basically their ad should have said it’s not free to buy. Wonder
what people would do then !!!!!!!

It’s a company con. Simple as that
Message 43 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

What I find very annoying is that when you send an offer, that buyer protection bit is shown front and centre like it's within my control.

The blatant subtext is "hey before you send that offer, the buyer has no choice in paying buyer protection despite you sending it tracked and insured". 

Really infuriating.

Message 44 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

Totally agree with you... It's not on.

I sell an item that was listed at £1.50, but with eBay Buyer protection fees added, it comes to £2.28, which is hardly going to attract customers, and put off some of my regular buyers, of which I have several.

I had noticed a reduction in sales, now I know why ....

When people buy on eBay, they can elect to pay with PayPal, which has its own "Buyer Protection" built-in, for free !!

Message 45 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

I've managed to sell a few things recently. I do think that the new way of being paid is unfair. Though my theory is, globally, eBay holding onto funds for two or more days AFTER delivery, is just a way to harvest some extra funds via interest. All my stuff is sent tracked and insured so delivery is also recorded. So don't see why I have to wait extra time to get my funds. 

Message 46 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

Another seller on this tread also said that if a buyer pays by Paypal there is also some protection there.
Message 47 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

'Though my theory is, globally, eBay holding onto funds for two or more days AFTER delivery, is just a way to harvest some extra funds via interest.'



No Sh** Sherlock.


We all know it and we have all agreed to it by using ebay (there's no 'box to tick' to say you agree to the new terms and conditions; you're assumed to have agreed simply by using  the site)


Ebay lost money by getting rid of fees for private sellers.

They did this in order to compete with vinted and so on who are also 'free to sell'. But the loss of those fees means they need to make money somewhere else.

Hence the BPF and the payment holds.

Also the introduction of Simple Delivery, where ebay will make money on the contracts they've got with the delivery companies.


Yes, money being held for 2 weeks *is* a p.i.t.a. and nobody likes it.




Message 48 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

I really struggle to understand why people are so surprised that ebay makes changes that make them money!


They are a business not a charity.

Message 49 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

Sell bundles which are better value to ship. Try not to sell stuff for less than £20.

You're on the same playing field as everyone else.


If another seller is selling a product for £3.50, including VAT, fees and shipping, chances are they aren't making a profit. Don't waste your time trying to compete with them.


There really are people out there who sell at a loss just to boost their feedback. I used to rent a unit next to one of those, unsurprisingly he went bust. You can't eat feedback.

Message 50 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

Yes they are a business, but a business that has utmost contempt for its customers - Buyers and Sellers. And that is why people are leaving eBay in droves, or at the very least using it less and less.

Sent from my iPad
Message 51 of 52
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Buyer protection fees

Hi to all
Yes it is less and less purely by the fact less people are buying, my sales have dropped by over 50%,
So yes I get less but so does Ebay,
We all know it's a money making scheme that has back fired on them,
Will they change it? probably not
They are getting rid of private sellers, the very thing that started them off

Sent from Outlook for Android<>
Message 52 of 52
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