A Question about Business Account Address ?

Recently I have decided that its time for me to create business account as i wish to start self-employment however one of the things I have come across is that the address will have be public for business accounts.. (for example the address will be made public in the business seller information section of listings)


so here some of my questions:

- Is they any other option that ebay will accpet for an address (instead of me using my house address and they do not accpet PO BOXS)

- how can I convince my parents if they is no other choice (yes i live with them)

-  What do other sellers use as their base of selling...


your advice will be very great to hear and will help a lot...

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A Question about Business Account Address ?

Unfortunately if were talking about eBay sellers there is a lot of scams also with the sellers stating UK but in fact using any address students accommodations etc Items not in the UK at all    coming through service centre s i.e. Hayes- giving wide ESTIMATED delivery dates often delivery exceeding this. AS actually ordered from from China then to the customer. Not technically illegal but misleading to the customer and extremely irritating to the buyer thinking UK stock as not transparent. Is wrong in that the customer suffers i.e. missed birthdays etc.  In short avoid buying from sellers that don't state UK stock and giving wide delivery dates  of several days which is also clue item not in the UK. 

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