18-02-2025 10:54 AM
Anyone else who is VAT registered received an email from Ebay advising their VAT details are mismatche with HMRC . This happened 3 years ago and ebay admitted an error on their part back then .
Again , the same today and all details I have match so cannot understand the issue. Been given a 30 day period to rectify but not rectifiable as I see it.
Anyone experiencing the same / can offer help here as want to avoid the issues from three years ago. Thanks
18-02-2025 8:55 PM
Had the same email, eBays issues are just becoming tiresome.
eBay have an issue, everyone spends collectively 100s of hours trying to work out whats going on for eBay to say "oops, our bad, everything will be fine" then 30 days later its not because they cant even follow their own instructions. eBay then wash their hands of it, try and blame the sellers, then everyone has to put in even more work to get back to where they were.
18-02-2025 8:58 PM
Exactly why I raised it as it happened to many of us
18-02-2025 9:00 PM
Possibly duplicate everything in drafts ?
18-02-2025 9:02 PM
Most of the old threads have been archived now from what I can tell, but just a friendly FYI for anyone who doesn't remember - when this happened in 2022, eBay eventually provided 3 months free shop subscription, insertion fee credits for relisting items that had been taken down in error, and up to £600 in Promoted Listings fee credits as a concession for affected sellers.
Hopefully they will get this sorted before anyone has to go through the hassle of redoing listings, but in case they don't...it would seem to me that matching that offer with amounts adjusted for inflation would be the absolute very least that eBay can and should do.
18-02-2025 9:02 PM
Just spoken to someone at eBay and nearly all half her calls have been from business sellers about this, she confirmed it's an error.
I asked if a message will be sent out to everyone thats received this saying it was an error, no they wont be doing that.
18-02-2025 9:04 PM
I use third party software to manage multi channel listing. The platform I use is Selro £69+vat/ month unlimited listings. NIt does my stock management, inventory locations and centralises all shipping for allocation to relevant couriers. This also acts as a live record of stock and on occasions I have 'lost' listings on eBay, the full data images stock levels have been retained in Selro.
Prior to Selro I used inkfrog which was around $19/ 1000 listings at the time and kept an accurate record of listings and stock levels.
There are lots of third party packages around. Some newer to market like crosslister that works out around £35 for linking unlimited eBay listings.
I'm just throwing this out there as a potential insurance policy
18-02-2025 9:10 PM
thank you for giving some options.
18-02-2025 9:11 PM
Useful . I can’t actually believe we’re discussing work arounds for something that should not be happening .
It really is pitiful that sellers just expect things to fall over without resolution . Let’s just hope there’s enough time to fix this and it’s given the urgency required by eBay.
18-02-2025 9:31 PM
Last time it happened, I did not lose the listings, they went into unsold and I could relist them, but I did lose all of the sales histories, they were like brand new listings.
18-02-2025 9:34 PM
Also had this message this evening
Had the same message at the start of Jan but there was a genuine mismatch, which was only flagged after 2 years
Just noticed the app has been updated this evening to show "Year to date" sales rather than last 90 days so there's some tinkering going on somewhere
18-02-2025 10:17 PM
We've just had the dreaded email here..looks like I've hot an hour of being passed around on the phone to look forward to tomorrow morning🫣
18-02-2025 10:37 PM
Just got the email now - obviously all is correct at this end. No listings are impacted as apparently we have 30 days to 'get it right'. Well done ebay! Clueless as usual.
18-02-2025 11:28 PM
Yep, we got it too, updated and then received 3 more of the same email 😂
19-02-2025 8:16 AM
Hi Kat,
Can you please add our ebay account to this ticket, we also had this scary message from ebay and our VAT details didn't changed for 10 years.
Will be nice to have some sort of official message from ebay confirming it was a glitch and confirming that our account will not be restricted and end the anxiety about potential removal of our listings (which is known to happen in the past) - Thank you.
Best regards,
19-02-2025 8:38 AM
Hi Kat,
Please add me as a seller to your list of affected users. Is there any more news on this? If not when can we expect an update - as others have pointed out time is really of the essence here...
19-02-2025 8:41 AM
I've had the same email, spoke to ebay and told likely a glitch due to the amount of people calling about it, I did read someone had said theirs was due to business name not matching hmrc records so I checked and noticed on HMRC there was one less 'space' in my business name so adjusted name on ebay so it is identical to HMRC vat account
19-02-2025 8:53 AM
So eBay has told me that we are not registered with HMRC even though our certificate clearly shows 20+years of trading. They have sent me a document upload link to send proof of VAT registration
Clearly this is a issue there end which they will never admit as it is always the sellers that are at fault
Again many of use will kiss goodbye to our listing in 30 days time
19-02-2025 9:17 AM
19-02-2025 9:20 AM
I think this time that the message may have actually been sent to all over 90k sellers, rather than a small proportion. I've spoke with a couple friends with eBay stores and have both have it, I've not yet come across any big business seller who has not received the email. In a way that's slightly reassuring
19-02-2025 9:25 AM
One of the two ebay CS staff yesterday told me that it was being sent to everyone and they suggested that it was intentional and essentially a reminder to ensure our details are correct.
I offered a suggestion that if that's the case then perhaps the email should read somewhat differently!