This Shop has no inventory available in your location

dave@ebay kat@ebay kate@ebay marco@ebay 


Despite what you guys may think I do not like spending my time on this forum. I'm really fed up with having to report issues constantly. 

When I view my shop I'm seeing this message on desktop and app. Issue is intermittent, refreshing the page sometimes makes it appear or disappear. 



'This Shop has no inventory available in your location'

Message 1 of 58
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This Shop has no inventory available in your location

I have had the same problem since last Friday with my Ebay shop. Nothing in it at all. There is supposed to be at least 1500 items

Message 41 of 58
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This Shop has no inventory available in your location

Since last Friday I have had No Inventory listed on my Ebay shop. There is supposed to be 1500 + items on there.


16 phone calls to Ebay customer care NO CHANGE AT ALL. 

Message 42 of 58
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This Shop has no inventory available in your location

I have the same problem just 5% of items show if I go to the US EBAY site (52 of 1060).  I am in the UK. I have contacted customer services 3 times.


The last customer service agent confirmed that this is what they see too! They said it might be because you don't have a shop - I said were does it say I have to have a shop and if I don't you will restrict my items?


I asked how can I sell if only 5% available.... "I will pass your issue to our back teck support team" .


I asked if they could send me a copy of what they send to the back office..." sorry we can't send internal reports to you".


Can you ask tech support to ring me ...." No sorry I will email you when they get back to me"


Great isn't it!!

Message 43 of 58
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This Shop has no inventory available in your location

I had a good one. I complained by email to the UK CEO a week ago. 


Had his secretary phone me up to say it's all my fault even though Ebay sent me an email admitting their error & putting my account back where it should be.

Ebay is not simple to sell on anymore. To many staff that have no idea. To many non UK call centres. 


Message 44 of 58
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This Shop has no inventory available in your location

I'm having the same issue for a whole week now! What has happend to the fix that was rolling out back in Aug/23 please?

Message 45 of 58
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This Shop has no inventory available in your location

Hey, could I please have that CEO email address? Having the same issue for the whole week and no solution for what is a known issue since Aug and apparently was resolved... Many thanks

Message 46 of 58
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This Shop has no inventory available in your location

I have the same issue.


On my store shows up with 5 items.



On my store shows my entire inventory of 480 items.


I have the Global Shipping Programme enabled and no shipping restrictions on any items. It seems to be category related. The 5 items that show up on both sites are in the VHS category. The 475 that only show in the UK are in the Video Games & Consoles or Vintage Computing category. I have potential US buyers complaining that they can't see my stock.

Message 47 of 58
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This Shop has no inventory available in your location

Hi @superchallenge,


I can confirm that there is no issue with your store in relation to the ‘no inventory’ error and all your items are visible in the store.


As for the US site, Video Games & Consoles is one of the restricted categories, so items in these categories may not show up on the US site. This page should give you more information on US GSP restrictions.

Let me know if you need any further assistance.




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Message 48 of 58
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This Shop has no inventory available in your location

Hi Anita - many thanks for this.


I'm a bit confused though. None of my items are in the categories in the Restricted Categories list from the page you linked, since I don't sell prepaid gaming cards. Unless you're saying the ENTIRE Video Games & Consoles category is restricted (which would be madness, frankly.)


Not only that, but I sold an item (ID: 186121288148) on the 12th November to a gentleman from Louisville, Colorado via the Global Shipping Programme, which was listed in Video Games & Consoles > Video Games the same as 90% of all my other items. If the category is restricted, how was he able to make the purchase? On the flipside, if he's able to make the purchase because it isn't restricted, can you tell me why didn't the item show up on ?

Message 49 of 58
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This Shop has no inventory available in your location

Hi @superchallenge, thanks for your reply.


There could be different subcategories, that may affect the eligibility. There also could be various restrictions such as customs/export limitations. If you feel there is an issue, could you please open a new thread, so we can track this separately, since your account is not affected by the issue reported in the original post. When opening a new thread, please also add an item number example, and I'll be happy to look into this.




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Message 50 of 58
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This Shop has no inventory available in your location

Have had this issue for 2 weeks now and it's still not fixed which is ridiculous.


Have been in contact with Ebay and keep getting told that the issue is a techinal issue and that it should be sorted soon but nothing has been done about it. I understand techinal errors occur but it shouldn't take 2 weeks to fix.


Extremely frustrated with the situation.


Does anyone have any idea on how i can get this sorted?

Message 51 of 58
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This Shop has no inventory available in your location

We have had the same issue since the 5th November.


Initially we had a 3 day search suspension on the 1st November for a repeat listing violation (we listed a confetti cannon as a party popper).


The suspension was lifted on the 5th, but our store is still empty and none of our products appear on search.


I have been through to seller support and literally been told every time that it is being worked on. 15 days and counting and still nothing.


This is beyond ridiculous at this point.

Message 52 of 58
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This Shop has no inventory available in your location

Any idea why it is happening on my account?

Message 53 of 58
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This Shop has no inventory available in your location



I keep getting told that this is a techinal error and they are unsure on how long it will take to fix.


Ebay knows this time of the year is the best time for sellers and yet they still can't seem to get this sorted. So frustrated and fed up.

Message 54 of 58
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This Shop has no inventory available in your location

Sorry to hear you are having the same issues.

They don't care because someone else's listing will sell so they don't lose out regardless.

Do you mind me asking when you first had this issue?
Message 55 of 58
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This Shop has no inventory available in your location

Hi @homesupply and @partyramamk,


Thanks for reporting.


I escalated this earlier to our tech team and have just been advised that the issue is now fully resolved.

Let me know if you'll need any further assistance.




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Message 56 of 58
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This Shop has no inventory available in your location

21/02/2024 and this issue is still continuing. My partner has created his shop and spent a lot of time updating his inventory only for it to show up as no items in store. But if he sends a physical link for an item then customers can be directed there but no search options and also can't find his shop page from his user name in the search bar. What's going on eBay?

Message 57 of 58
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This Shop has no inventory available in your location

I found same this problem recently. There is no any logical explanations why my items are visible in some EU countries and invisible in others((( no any restrictions or limitations can be applied as we live under the same laws here. Shipping to US - all items are visible Shipping to my own contry - ZERO. More over I can't understand how to contact CS? 

Message 58 of 58
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