Share your tips for increasing sales

Good afternoon to you all 


it's very easy to get bogged down with negativity. I for one have in recent times been quite negative, but this morning I had a sale and yesterday I had 3 so I've decided to try and be positive in these uncertain times 

so I thought it would be a good idea to start a positive post 

would anyone like to share your tips for increasing sales. Something that has worked for you maybe or something you are trying to see if it has results 

I know there's no magic wand to be waved but let's see if we can try to improve our sales by sharing the love 

my first tip is to use sell similar on ended listings and to change just one thing. I think in the past I have been very complacent and just need to up my game a bit. I've been taking fresh photos of ended items to refresh the listing 

over to you 

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Re: Share your tips for increasing sales

... I suppose has stayed in my mind and his belief that you don't have to use PL, make an offer,  and sales - people will come anyway if the stock is good enough. I'm not sure about that. But I see the point, that maybe sales make people think your stuff isn't selling....

Message 161 of 336
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Re: Share your tips for increasing sales

@ojewellery I was watching a well known long term YT eBay reseller yesterday who decided to investigate newsletter tools/campaigns for the first time in the summer. His results were really good too, (obviously because he's a YTer his reach was huge). But people only buy if they want to buy, and his walk through of the process was really informative. 

I've only ever sent one sometime last year but after seeing your post and his video I thought why not, I've already had a couple of sales from it, repeat buyers group which I always appreciate.


@sheba-knows-best  You've convinced me re dynamic capped PL, launched a temporary campaign on a very few items to lead in and then switch off.


Thanks for these tips and continued positivity!



Message 162 of 336
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Re: Share your tips for increasing sales

@sheba-knows-best wrote:

Whilst I am running this close to VAT...

Do you not find that a huge issue?  As I'm sure eBay (correct me if I'm wrong) calculate VAT thresholds on a rolling monthly basis.  Whereas HMRC do not.  I was under the impression come the 6th April you start again with HMRC with eBay you don't...

Message 163 of 336
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Re: Share your tips for increasing sales

VAT is a rolling 12mths with HMRC, as I found out several years ago thinking it was April to April then read it was rolling and I was £1k off so had to shut shop for 2 mths to wait for it to fall down rather than risk going over, its definitely rolling.

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Re: Share your tips for increasing sales

@simplyessential_uk wrote:

.... and I was £1k off so had to shut shop for 2 mths to wait for it to fall down rather than risk going over, its definitely rolling.

You make £1k in 2 months?

Remind me again - what are listing fees for?
Message 165 of 336
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Re: Share your tips for increasing sales

No I was 1K off the VAT limit which is rolling and it was near xmas so I shut shop as I didnt want to take in the usual expected xmas £7-8k without it dropping off at the other end and didnt want to have to do it again month after as too stressful so closed for 2 months to allow it to drop off from prev year and then I could watch it from then on. If my xmas takings had exceeded prev yr then its too late afterwards if I had gone over so didnt want to risk it. Broke my heart to shut for xmas but no way was i going over VAT threshold 

Message 166 of 336
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Re: Share your tips for increasing sales

I'm at £80,500 today. I don't mind avoiding Christmas buyers 😄 but it breaks my heart not to promote and shift storage-space-taking large coats in this cold snap. Grrrrr. ☹️


Message 167 of 336
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Re: Share your tips for increasing sales

Yep, if only they increased it for small busineses as I dont mind paying the tax on my earnings but to go 1k over = the whole £85k is taxed 20%, never mind the VAT accountancy that goes with that.

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Re: Share your tips for increasing sales

Also ill add that I read at the time,  if a business is riding below the threshold, especially for a few consecutive years and dont use an accountant,  they are more of a target for an audit from HMRC, not sure how true that is but it was commonly agreed on forums I was reading when exploring VAT registering, which is why I now sit around the £75k mark 😉

Message 169 of 336
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Re: Share your tips for increasing sales

Ah - I ride at 78-80k but use an accountant fortunately... good to know.... cheers

Message 170 of 336
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Re: Share your tips for increasing sales

I've just gone through the VAT threshold a couple of days ago and am currently at about 86k, I've got until the end of January to register i think.  I've pulled back a couple of times from registration by shuttering the shop for a few days or weeks but I'm going to try and break through and grow the business.  Definitely not relishing the extra taxes, smaller margins and paperwork but here goes nothing...


Wish me luck! (or call me stupid)

Message 171 of 336
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Re: Share your tips for increasing sales

@tabletop-hobbies I'll wish you luck.  It is extra digital admin, it is a bit of a learning curve and the first year can come with moments of self doubt (especially the quieter months when there's potentially too much time in ones own head) but from what you post you recognise these so they shouldn't slow you down.


On the flip side you can look at digging out all your receipts for stock in hand and reclaiming that VAT, you may find a royal mail business account suddenly stacks up well with a collection because you can offset the VAT, you can offset your eBay fees VAT, you can move on from that hovering bit of friction on the should I shouldn't I fence of indecision.  It opens up new business potential, oportunities to consider platform expansions without the worry of growth restrictions.


I believe from another post on the forums recently there can be quite a delay in getting a VAT number so it would be worth getting the request in sooner rather than later - you can choose the most effective date for registration to commence as part of the application.

Message 172 of 336
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Re: Share your tips for increasing sales

Thankyou that's the sort of thing i need to hear right now 😄

Message 173 of 336
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Re: Share your tips for increasing sales

@tabletop-hobbies wrote:

Thankyou that's the sort of thing i need to hear right now 😄

Fantastic to hear about a business doing well on ebay. Sorry if you're already said... do you sell elsewhere as well?

Message 174 of 336
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Re: Share your tips for increasing sales

It's ridiculous that the VAT threshold hasn't gone up recently when you think what has been happening with inflation, some businesses that were previously generating sales of 75k probably need 95k now just to stay as they were.


It's been at 85k since 2017, a lot has happened since then.


Unless your margins are massive 85k doesn't go a long way for many retail businesses. I doubt many around the threshold are netting more than 15 - 20k.

Message 175 of 336
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Re: Share your tips for increasing sales

Does anyone have a good January/February routine/advice? 


Im finishing the last of my price changes this week, thinking this will leave me 14 days (I think I need to leave things that long) for a coupon run for January/February, using blocks of inventory (by price) every 14 days.


Any proven tips or thoughts?



Message 176 of 336
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Re: Share your tips for increasing sales

One of my favourite sale/ coupon tips was made at the online open a couple of years ago.  The seller suggested rather than creating a 20% sale, which might get you some sales and increase your watchers. 


Create a lower percentage maybe 10% sale, then you will probably sell some at 10% discount, you can also incentivise buyers by sending an offer for 5 or 10%,

In addition you can send coupons to existing customers to pull them in to look at the sale - via newsletters or individually send via the orders page. 


Human psychology, I know I love to feel I'm getting a bargain.  I've done a fair bit of testing and I sell more with a higher profit this way - may well vary by product type and whether your prices are impulse buy or considered purchases.  I'd say mine are more considered so if I've peeked interest I need to push them down the buying funnel and an extra incentive works.

Message 177 of 336
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Re: Share your tips for increasing sales

Thanks @ojewellery 


Is the following correct on your procedure above? 10% coupon sent and when they show interest you send them  5% discount and the system allows/you tell them to use the code as well?  


I ran a 10% coupon for the first 2 weeks in December for £25/£35 price point and got 4 sales with the coupon in two weeks (approx 80 lines)  guessing you can never know if they would have bought anyway, not sure if thats a good or bad stat, thought Id chuck it out there for thoughts. Planning 1st block of coupons for January at the lower price points and change blocks every 2 weeks, creating the blocks by price so all inventory would have a 10% coupon over a two week period January to end of February (4 blocks)


Question - Is there a tool to specifically target coupon watchers only or do you put ut a generic 5% incentive to all elegible


I slightly delayed a reply as I was running a test so to speak, I use PL standard and just started coupons since using this thread but as its last shopping week for Christmas I thought I would use Ebays send offers tool to eligible watchers, I have rarely had success in the past, 10% discount offer sent to 157 the offer was Ebays system generated and am guessing it automatic for 48 hours as I didnt note I could change ammend anywhere


Had a return of 2 sales in that 48 hour period. Started Monday ended today,  Seems pretty poor, again my general customer is impulsive need it now but 2 for 157 and at Christmas seems woeful even if you allow for competitors, 


Comments appreciated

Message 178 of 336
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Re: Share your tips for increasing sales

@fatbobfan I'm going longwinded in my explanation, apologies in advance - its been a very, very long day and I'm not self editing efficiently


Current promotional tool options:

Send offer

Order discount



Sale Event + Markdown

Sale Event*


*I think this is part of using rrp strike through pricing if you sell branded goods at an rrp discount.


My understanding of promotion stacking:


Send offer is a definative offer (with the exception of sales within the EU for VAT registered sellers).  The amount you send is the final offer to buyer and amount they'd pay.  Within the EU the buyer does not pay the VAT element within your sent offer.


Promotions that stack....Order discount, +,Multibuy, +,Coupon,+,Sale Event + Markdown,+Sale Event*


Multibuy stacks with everything but Multibuy gets priority in visibility over order discount ( so the buy 2, by 3, buy 4 of same item shows as a priority over buy 2 from this group of products type disount.  I chose to switch off multibuy for many listings as I feel order discount is a better incentive for my customers)


Coupon does not stack with other coupons - this is seller or ebay coupons - send an offer can't then use a coupon, ebay promotional coupons can't use a seller coupon as well, stock group coupon can't be used with other coupon.  There is one coupon code box.  Only one code can be used on checkout.  Coupons have no listing time restriction so are good for listings that are new or have been sold similared and you want to boost.  I don't find coupons generate lots of sales - they give a slight sales boost to my kind of stock but do increase listing views - its one of those little boost options and all the little bits stack up to generate sufficient interest to generate sales.  They're also great with newsletters to remind customers you exist.


Sale Event + Markdown items need to have been listed more than 14 days with no price or postage setting changes.  Sale events and coupons stack.  So does multibuy + Sale, So does Order discount + sale.  (It can get expensive) You can send offers to buyers for stuff on sale.  You can put a coupon in addition to a sale event for an extra discount.  You can send a private coupon (possibly of higher value than the standard coupon) to nice buyers who for example have left good feedback in addition to the sale price or to newsletter groups.  The low hassle repeat buyers cost less to administer so keeping them happy and being repeat customers stacks up well (for me).  I also like the psychology of rewarding nice.


Sale Event*  As I sold a reputable brand at a discount I have this option - I don't know if its mainstream eBay.  I have something called rrp strike through pricing where the rrp shows with a line though it all the time against my standard sale price.  This has no time limit.  It stacks with everything.  Its one of those I think having this set gives a little boost options.


@fatbobfan wrote:

Thanks @ojewellery 


Is the following correct on your procedure above? 10% coupon sent and when they show interest you send them  5% discount and the system allows/you tell them to use the code as well?  


 I run a sale event + markdown and then send offers (these can't be used with a coupon)/ run a coupon in parallel, create a private coupon and send in a newsletter, create a private coupon and use send offer to buyer from order history.


@fatbobfan wrote:

Thanks @ojewellery 


Question - Is there a tool to specifically target coupon watchers only or do you put ut a generic 5% incentive to all elegible

I use send an offer to people who've watched and if its that time of month send a private coupon with a newsletter.  I have occassionally used the send coupon option from orders page but its a bit slower than the mass sending of the other options.  I am slightly more hesitant of heavily discounting to unknown buyers.  Good happy repeat customers have a very low overhead.  Customers who've impulse purchased something that seemed like a bargain but wasn't what they actually wanted can be a PITA (Pain).  You can run a public available to all banner header coupon in addition to a sale event + markdown (maybe last few days or second week of a want to get shot of certain stock lines sale event)


Regarding return on sales and whether they'd have purchased anyway.  We will never know. 


A family member, who runs a successful online business, was talking to me about promotions a while ago.  They run promotions all the time.  They were saying customers add stuff to basket and check out a day/ a week / a month later.  If they go to checkout and no promotions show, they almost always don't check out.  If there are still promotions (even vastly different to when they added to basket) they proceed to check out.  We want browsers to convert to shoppers.  To get browsers we need visibility.  To get visibility we need to use the boost tools available.  All the little bits, using all tools that are available and stack up for us increase our potential for getting visibility.  I have been thinking about my mentality as a customer.  Sometimes I'm not ready to checkout, even when the offer looks good.  I might revisit and if said item is supposed full price I might feel negatively towards it but if its on offer, albeit not the same offer, and the timing suits me better - I may well hit that buy button.


Message 179 of 336
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Re: Share your tips for increasing sales



I just wanted to update. Earlier on this thread - I admitted to being worried when I didn't get my usual September pick-up in sales. These sales really matter to me for two reasons: 1) I can often make two thirds of my annual income in the last third of the year, and 2) it is my chance to sell my stock that takes a lot of room (heavy coats etc). I need to get rid of this bulky stock if I am to keep replenishing and changing my offering.


When I didn't get the pick up. I flipped out and turned to dynamic ads with no cap. Ebay only allows 90 days of data - so I cant go back to September - but you can see the data from mid October.  



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