Save our site EBay. Cut the fees for all .Look after the businesses. Get rid of the excess fees on vat and taxes,

is it fair to charge businesses  to promote their listings and private sellers don't have to.

Is it fair that businesses pay for shops or insertions and private sellers don't have to

Is it fair that businesses pay high fvf  and private sellers don't have to

.Make it a level playing field for all. Give us all something to make it worthwhile being here.


Message 1 of 18
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I rant alone...

Message 2 of 18
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You'd have more chance finding a three legged Hippo than that list happening.

Message 3 of 18
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A fantasy, I know. One can dream....

Message 4 of 18
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Business sellers are paying ads to support the free listings... The less sales the more we panic and pay more.  Until sellers stop paying ads/promos nothing will change. Ebays profits have not dipped infact i saw a stockmarket report earlier this year that showed they had another profit increase in the stock market (think it was 2%) which is surprising to us at the bottom not experiencing this increase infact massive drops, so its pretty clear where ebay are making their profits. Personally wonder how long a business model can last when its based on sellers being blackmailed

Message 5 of 18
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I refuse to pay for promotions/ads, they get enough out of me already. Not much longer and I'm gone. 

Message 6 of 18
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I will never get sucked into promotions on principle. What's sad is that they don't value good business sellers or they would not be doing this to us. It takes a long time and hard work to really establish yourself. Let them lose good sellers and bring in an influx of not so good sellers and see where it will get them.

Message 7 of 18
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You're kidding yourself if you think ebay care what quality of sellers they have. As long as they pay them the monthly fess they don't care a jot.

As for good sellers leaving:

In my last job a mate said to me "Fill a bucket with water and stick your fist inside it. Now take your fist out. The hole that's left in the water is how much the organistaion will miss you when you're gone"

Message 8 of 18
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"Fill a bucket with water and stick your fist inside it. Now take your fist out. The hole that's left in the water is how much the organistaion will miss you when you're gone"


Really, so in your bucket, the water level didn't drop then...........

Message 9 of 18
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Volume of water wasn't mentioned, the hole that was left in the middle of it was the point. Eureka........

Message 10 of 18
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Well you could look at it from a different angle. I've been on here a long time and have bought some really carp stuff. Stuff covered in mould, stinky loft, cigarettes. Along with shoddy packing and expensive postage. Rude sellers. Nasty sellers. Ive seen and had it all. But they were generally private sellers.

Now there may be a few rubbish business sellers but on the whole they're good. You know what you're getting, you know how long they take. I often go back to the same people.

Now the average private buyer, had one too many of the stuff I mentioned in the first line and they've  left, 

They got fed up with high postage, high prices, items not described properly, damaged items from shoddy packing, taking too long or not getting their stuff at all.

But the good business sellers have stuck it out through hell and high water and every hoop thrown at them and now they are being shafted.

Its great having the tv advert telling everyone it's free to sell and how easy it could be....but the reality is it isn't and when the freebies have finished will they then be around. Of course not. It will be the business sellers left to pick up the pieces,,,what's left of them....

and that is my rant today...,

Message 11 of 18
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Good sellers may well leave and may not be missed, of course nobody is replacable 


But how many of those joining eBay to sell will be private sellers or people buying to resell but using a private account because it is free.?


Will new business sellers signing up stick around when they realise they have to pay fees and promote to get sales whilst others sell the same items but with no fees?


Who knows, but I hope 2025 sees some changes. 

Message 12 of 18
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I wonder what would happen if every business decided that's it and became private sellers. Now that would be interesting..,,

Message 13 of 18
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I don't and never will pay for promoting listings, as i said to one of ebays managers 'As you are getting commision from every sale then you have a duty to advertise this, otherwise whats the comission for? They tried convincing me they removed benefits for private seller by reducing free listings down from 1000 to 300.... they still get free listings and now no fees to pay!

I wont be sticking around on here and will move to my own site, you can never fully run your own business on ebay, limited on branding, limited on what information is displayed and governed by unfair rules between private and business accounts.  As with all corporate companies, they don't care what people think, their rules and thats it.  I can see many people either leaving ebay for other platforms or just opening private accounts.  When ebay see the income is going down from business sellers leaving then they will act and change things!


Message 14 of 18
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@simplyessential_uk wrote:

Business sellers are paying ads to support the free listings... The less sales the more we panic and pay more.  Until sellers stop paying ads/promos nothing will change. Ebays profits have not dipped infact i saw a stockmarket report earlier this year that showed they had another profit increase in the stock market (think it was 2%) which is surprising to us at the bottom not experiencing this increase infact massive drops, so its pretty clear where ebay are making their profits. Personally wonder how long a business model can last when its based on sellers being blackmailed

The increase is entirely due to increased promoted listings fees.

Message 15 of 18
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@john8150_0 wrote:

Volume of water wasn't mentioned, the hole that was left in the middle of it was the point. Eureka........

Your use of "eureka" brings to mind another story from the ancient world that perhaps those who run ebay should consider.


The emperor Tiberius sent a message to the Governor of Gaul when he was trying to curry favour by squeezing more taxes from the provincials than required.  He wrote "I want my sheep shorn, not shaved."


Tiberius understood that when taxes (or fees) were perceived as too high or unfairly collected, evasion would increase as would discontent with the regime.  The truth of which has been demonstrated pretty consistently ever since.


IMO isn't the healthy and prosperous province it once was and there are plenty of rumblings of discontent and disaffection already so whoever is "emperor" ATM should take note.



Message 16 of 18
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But it could be healthier. They should listen to the peasants, especially the ones that feed them....

Message 17 of 18
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It certainly could be, when I can sell so many items on a much smaller site and so few on ebay I think demonstrates that buyers would buy stuff here if they could find it.


At the risk of boring everyone with yet another story from antiquity the slaves on Sicily revolted soon after the Carthaginian War and took to writing "Romans feed your slaves" on villa walls as they headed for the hills and freedom.


The Romans put down the revolt, ignored the advice and continued to starve the source of their wealth.  A decade later Spartacus wrecked southern Italy with an even bigger revolt.  


The moral I suppose is that short-sighted pursuit of quick profit doesn't always end well, even when those running the show have the "whip-hand", literally.

Message 18 of 18
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