Promoted Listings

Hi Need help can anyone tell me how promoted listings work, I have a lot of promoted listings not selling,  But I have had three  or four sales that I myself directed the buyer from Facebook to the listing,  the most recent today was a chinese dish,  even though I directed them to the listing it states Sold via Promoted listings

Kind Regards Robert

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Re: Promoted Listings

Good question, would love to find out about this myself as I have posted similar concerns regarding promoted listings. (If its promoted it only ever seems to sell as promoted)



Message 2 of 8
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Re: Promoted Listings

I think if you have an item with promoted listing it doesn't matter where the sale comes from eBay will treat it as sold with promoted.  The only exception I have found is if you send the buyer an offer 

Message 3 of 8
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Re: Promoted Listings

We only have a few promoted listings as generally they don't seem to work too well for us, but I'm sure others will have better success. The few we have don't always sell through PL though. I think the buyer has to click directly onto the listing and not be persuaded away to check on another sponsored listing. If they do, and come back to the original listing, eBay count it as a PL sale and take the extra fee. Generally, the suggested PL rates are too high (10%+) so we would have to put up prices. I would rather be competitive and not promote at the moment. Hope that helps. Good luck with sales.

Message 4 of 8
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Re: Promoted Listings

Supposedly if a buyer has looked at a promo listing and then buys later then Ebay claim they promoted it rather than you directing them to it.  Is pretty non transparent imo and since 4th feb ive gradually turned them off, my impresssions plummeted but weirdly my click through is now up from 0.2% to 0.4%, sales are higher than same time last year and up 25% on prev month , page views havent changed, external impression increased, so jury is still out but for me Im seeing a positive to no promotions.

Message 5 of 8
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Re: Promoted Listings

What we need clarification on is...


If someone has clicked on another sellers promoted listing then has found your item directly or via a non-promoted way and buys it, does it sell as promoted?


If you have an item promoted, what are the circumstances in which it could sell and not sell as promoted (almost all of my items were selling as promoted when promoted, I know for a fact buyers could not have found my items by having been pushed them as sponsored) - logic would say if someone follows you and sees your newly listed items, you send them a direct link or item number, they search for something and look at newly listed items first rather than best match search results.

But apparently none of my buyers were previously doing that as all my promoted items were selling as promoted, but amazingly since turning it off completely over a month ago my sales have not changed?

Message 6 of 8
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Re: Promoted Listings

This is what Im finding and its very weird and asks the question who on earth are Ebay promoting too?

The dramatic drop in Impressions (and Blue organic too) is alarming but then I ask myself, why are the blue organic impressions dropping too if they are organic? But as you say the actual effect is not reflecting in sales and how do we know who ebay are advertising too and claiming their % when we are not sure how they are even classing a promo as a promo via them?  Its been a few days since I have been fully promo free (sounds like an addiction club) but so far over the month since I have been reducing slowly my sales are pretty good 

Message 7 of 8
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Re: Promoted Listings

Here's a thought, if you have an unpromoted item, and someone expresses an interest via a message in buying the item and makes an offer say, then I send them that offer but as I do that then make the item promoted, would it sell as promoted or would it sell as organic?

Because by the rules it should be organic but would be interesting to see. 

Message 8 of 8
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