ProTrader Programme Invite, anyone else?

Had an invite to participate in the pro trader programme for free for a second time. 10 weeks of 1 on 1 support.


I was going to just accept but now I am having second thoughts as I genuinely don't think I will get any benefit out of it like last time and it will be me having a weekly moan at the rep!


Just seeing if anyone else has had this or if it just a select few? Could be trying to soften the blow of the Oct 1st announcement. 

Message 1 of 16
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Re: ProTrader Programme Invite, anyone else?

I'm on the new seller equivalent I believe. I get 8 weeks 1 to 1 Skype sessions with a good mentor from Ireland. I've learnt quite a lot, as to be expected with the new seller one. However I can only guess the pro one will be trying to convince you to spend more money on promos etc

Message 2 of 16
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Re: ProTrader Programme Invite, anyone else?

I've not had an invite recently but I have done Pro Trader twice, I did find things out the second time that were not mentioned in the first cycle. Even if after 3 or 4 weeks you are finding you are not learning/gaining anything you can just tell them and they wont be bothered, its not like they are sacked if you are honest and tell them its not advantage. With regards to the weekly moan, is it a moan or is it constructive advice that eBay need to really take on board? Like I've said on a few threads none of the staff who work at eBay run a full time business on the site so they only find out issues if we tell them, granted a lot are ignored but its a sure fire way of knowing eBay at least in a small part have been notified of your displeasure over something.


I applied for the incredible one to one meeting that now business sellers can get and got a whatsapp from one of the managers in sneakers department so having that on monday, I'd recommend all businesses use it, if its pointless we can feed it back but if none of us use it then they can just go well we did offer you stuff but nobody even used it so we removed it.

Message 3 of 16
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Re: ProTrader Programme Invite, anyone else?

You're obviously special!


Not got an invite this round, but I have had a few rounds so can't moan - well its the business forums and currently seams to be the done thing so maybe I should get with the programme.


I've got different things from each round and each different set of eyes on the account.  some rounds have been more beneficial than others but I don't feel my time invested has been wasted.  You can choose if you'd rather have one initial session then chat again in a few weeks, not the subsequent one.  If you opt into coupons and aren't currently doing them you can ask about that.  You can nosey at your competition and if you see them getting things find out what you'd need to do to get them - like daily deals and home/ category page exposure for sales/ events/ promotions.


As I see it as @pg_kicks says its a regular chance to speak to an eBay employee for 10 weeks - and its the 10 weeks leading into peak so the absolute prime time to have support should you have questions that need answers.

Message 4 of 16
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Re: ProTrader Programme Invite, anyone else?

Its surprisingly not, they will mention coupons, discounts and more spend on promo but if you just say thanks but no they wont ever mention it again. I've told them I wont ever go higher on my promoted listings as we used to get everything like that for free yet they removed it and increased shop charges and decided instead of the better performing accounts being higher placed it was just accounts whol paid more and they never once mentioned it again. Probably because they didnt want to hear a 10 minute complaint either ha.

Message 5 of 16
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Re: ProTrader Programme Invite, anyone else?

I certainly wouldn't literally "moan" just kind of said it quickly in my post without thought!

I would very much give constructive feedback, I have a long list of findings from search alogorithm issues, would be nice to actually have another human on the other end of the phone and say to search for this and see what happens, how does that make you feel as a customer etc. 


On my first go at this I did not really gain much from it apart from a couple of promotions. It was kind of I was doing pretty much everything I needed to apart from white backgrounds in pictures (which I don't do)

Message 6 of 16
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Re: ProTrader Programme Invite, anyone else?

Thanks, the last time I got a few coupons but to be honest I am invited to loads of coupons anyway now, 2 in September, 2 in October and 1 in November already. 

Last time I did get a banner for my shop made within the Watches category which linked to my store, it was a bit of a trial and saw a few sales but not many. 


You are right, I should snap up the chance at an Ebay rep to communicate with.

Message 7 of 16
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Re: ProTrader Programme Invite, anyone else?

I got a invite, but can't be bothered had a bad accident a week ago. Well not a accident as per say . Sisters doing the garage out for her eBay business and hired some friends of hers. 
she's had fitted units in which makes the garage smaller in width, I brushed past the girl and said excuse me, so she went to door and said I changed my mind going out. Next thing she rushed at me with arms hands outstretched and launched me backwards with me hitting my back of head on concrete. 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 8 of 16
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Re: ProTrader Programme Invite, anyone else?

I snapped up the offer. Always great to have an ear and eye on the inside. Some are better than others but all can be helpful. Even if they know less than you about some things they can look at traffic data you cant see on your own (for instance specific traffic to your shop, or specific traffic on one listing vs another if you are playing with word order in titles),

Message 9 of 16
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Re: ProTrader Programme Invite, anyone else?

Good point. I always feel it would be more beneficial for us to get more detailed data on the customer journey, it gives you a great indication of what to spend more time focussing on.


I signed up.

Message 10 of 16
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Re: ProTrader Programme Invite, anyone else?

Though mine will be slightly different the scale-up scheme for newbies was similar. Talked me through the performance page and what it shows, global shipping, better listing optimising, a free eBay set of eyes on my page to give tips etc, a chance to ask questions and maybe have a little moan. Though my page and listings are by no means amazing and still so much work to do, they are a million miles away from my first ones that looked like a 5 year old created them (apologies to any 5 year olds on here, get to bed). I would never pass up a chance to have one-to-one mentoring and advice from anyone no matter where I was on this eBay journey let alone an actual real life human who works in eBay (yes they do exist)

Message 11 of 16
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Re: ProTrader Programme Invite, anyone else?

I have been contemplating a 1-1, even to use it to try and get some clarity on things such as the new French Regulations, and also GPSR, which for months I have been struggling to get my head around.  I guess with all of these things if the tools are there we should take full advantage of them.


I have to say this has been a fascinating thread so far, we haven't had a pro-trader invite before, but it may be good to put a fresh set of eyes on things for us.

Message 12 of 16
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Re: ProTrader Programme Invite, anyone else?

@wyntersemporium I hope you're not too battered and bruised.  Families!  They certainly try us at times.  


You could always stall your start on the programme a few weeks if you're still in recuperating mode.

Message 13 of 16
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Re: ProTrader Programme Invite, anyone else?

I don't think protrader has been available for all product ranges.  It's had a focus on specific categories.  That was something mentioned as an advantage with the new ProTraderPlus.  But at near £400/ month thats not going to be a fit with all business'.

Message 14 of 16
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Re: ProTrader Programme Invite, anyone else?

I was invited to participate in this programme late last year, I had to use a link in the eMail to book a slot to speak with my specialist, the next available slot was a 3-4 week wait, so I assumed it must be quite busy, The scheduled appointment date arrived, and I prepared myself for what I hoped would be an interesting and useful course to begin. However, when I was phoned by the agent that's handling my account, He basically spent a few minutes rushing through what stages to expect, and then informed me I would very soon receive another email in which I would be able to book another slot (also forewarning me he was going away so It's likely to be another 3–4 weeks wait) But needless to say and in keeping with the dissolution already created by the tone of the phone call, I've not heard a thing since. Great work eBay, I phoned customer support today and after the usual 20-minute battle against the A.I Robot that does everything in its power not to give you the help you want, I actually managed to get a human to call me back, and needless to say he didn't have a clue what I was talking about, which led to it being a total waste of time again, Thank eBay,  I look forward to allocating more of my time to this farce. 

Message 15 of 16
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Re: ProTrader Programme Invite, anyone else?

So, I had pro trader for a year! This was part of a prize I won after a business roadshow. (Business Grant, 1-1 support, Various Promotions, Concierge). I found it extremely helpful AND going forward I seem to get a lot more voucher promotions than my colleagues shop. On top of this what's not to like? Someone checking in every few weeks, motivating you to get a few bits done. They have information that you just don't regards traffic, customer data, etc. 


In honesty it came at such a good time for me as things had been tough going and it gave me that pick me up that really got me back on track. The staff member I dealt with was very relaxed, very friendly and just a really sound guy who didn't give me any bull. (David if your listening, thank you mate. It was a few years ago but I'm still here!) 


Take it. You lose nothing. If it's only someone outside your own circle checking in every few weeks its worth while. 

Message 16 of 16
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