Fake sterling silver ring

So I bought a sterling solid silver ring as the description says sterling silver to see weeks later the ring discoloured and actually is silver plated. The seller was going to issue a refund then could not find my order details which I sent them. The ring did not discolour straight away then it did. I am unable to get a refund and EBay don't seem to want to help me. This was a present and I am fuming as the seller is miss selling!!!!

Message 1 of 28
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Fake sterling silver ring

Maybe there needs to be a forum section for "I just want to rant, I don't want to listen to any advice".  Then people could have their rants and everyone generously giving their time with good advice can do more productive things and get greater satisfaction?

Message 21 of 28
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Fake sterling silver ring

@johnwash1 that made me properly lol.  Life needs that sometimes.


The time spent replying isn't wasted, even if the original poster goes AWOL or blatantly ignores suggestions.  When people search the forums for similar issues, or start to type a similar question threads like this show.  Likewise Google searches (even though they're potentially a monopoly other web browsers are available) bring up the thread and others can find their answers without having to create another thread.

Message 22 of 28
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Fake sterling silver ring

Will have a go at that as buy and sell sterling on another place. Received one this morning with 925 on it but there's huge bubbles on the inside band 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 23 of 28
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Fake sterling silver ring

Well the bubble is a bit of a give away 😂


Even inexperienced/ "ordinary" people should be able to tell the difference between real silver and plated as the quality is just not there?


Personally i do not like white gold as when worn can look like silver BUT saying that again the quality is totally different and white gold is way smoother etc


I need a trip over the JQ  I have two items of gold that i need sorting and prob going to cost a lot but worth it due to their value and sentimental value i must get done  😞





Message 24 of 28
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Fake sterling silver ring

Selle had it up for 925 silver. Didn't show the bubble inside. Bought it from V. I can resell on somewhere else as people love frogs 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 25 of 28
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Fake sterling silver ring

Did it show 925 on the mark when you received it.  

Message 26 of 28
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Fake sterling silver ring

Some don't seem to know the difference. One said a Russian wedding band was sterling but was silver tine, gold tone and brass. I can resell it on

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 27 of 28
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Fake sterling silver ring

I really wish people would research before listing jewellery.   Yesterday i saw a lovely 9ct gold for me bracelet 11 grams which i was going to bid on  starting bid just under £200 🙂    Obv it would end up selling for a lot more than that.   After looking at the clear full hallmarks in the pictures.......its 18ct gold !!  


Me being me i contacted the seller and explained that the item according to its hallmarks is 18ct and worth double of 9ct etc.   They had bids ! 


Just checked this morning and they have just left the listing as it originally was.


I am so hoping the gold dealers come in for it and realise its indeed 18ct.  I am out the bidding as a 18ct heavy bracelet for me is to soft to wear everyday.


The seller responded to me after telling them "thanks thats useful"  


Why didnt they recheck the item (or get it checked out by someone else if they didnt believe me) and end the listing and then relist?



Message 28 of 28
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