Ebay clamps down on free listings for private sellers at last

At last Ebay is clamping private sellers by reducing free listings to 300 from an original 1000.  Be interesting to see how this affects the platform..


Changes to private selling on eBay

We want to let you know about some upcoming changes to seller fees and to payment options when selling locally. These will be effective from 1 October 2024.


Free listing allowance change
Currently, private sellers can list up to 1,000 items a month for free on eBay. From 1 October, this will decrease to 300 listings per month. After you've used your monthly allocation of 300 free listings, you'll be charged 35p for each new listing created.


International fee change
If your registered address is in the UK, we charge an international fee when the delivery address for the item is outside the UK.

Until now this fee has varied by region. Starting from 1 October there will be a flat rate of 3% across all shipping regions. This will be calculated on the total amount of the sale which includes the item price, any handling charges, postage, and any applicable taxes.


Removing cash on pickup for local listings
Many sellers offer free collection in person, especially for large items which may be difficult to post. As we continue to make sure eBay is a safe and secure place to sell your items, we will be removing the option for buyers to pay with cash for items from 1 October. Instead, all payments for local items will go through the site - with a simple digital confirmation on collection - to ensure that you get paid securely and promptly by buyers.


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Ebay clamps down on free listings for private sellers at last

That is the advice given on EBay's help page and how it used to work with the 1,000 free listings:




The following will count against your monthly allocation of free listings:

  • New listings
  • Manually relisted items
  • Automatically relisted items if you're a business seller
  • Good 'Til Cancelled listings (at the time of first listing). If you're a private seller, renewed Good til Cancelled listings will not be deducted from your allocation of free listings in subsequent months
  • Listings that you end early, or we end early
  • Duplicate identical auction-style listings
Message 21 of 24
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Ebay clamps down on free listings for private sellers at last

probably more to do with a shop is cheaper once over 300 listings so theyll be hoping theyll pay up for a shop. I certainly dont think Ebay has any moral compass of fairness to business sellers, its all about how they can increase their bottom line

Message 22 of 24
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Ebay clamps down on free listings for private sellers at last

If someone is selling 1000 items a month then they are a business.

On my private account I am lucky if I sell 6 items a month.

Some people are very loose with the description of a private seller.




Message 23 of 24
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Ebay clamps down on free listings for private sellers at last

A basic shop of 250 BINs and 200 auctions becomes viable at 90 plus BIN listings. A basic shop is £32.40 (inc VAT) which is the equivalent of 90 x 36p.  

Message 24 of 24
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