Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

Seller here for over 21 years and yet getting no sales in September for the first time and september is usually a good month for us. Something very very odd here. Anyone experiencing the same? Other platforms booming.

Message 1 of 67
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Re: Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

Anything suddenly changed on your seller dashboard regarding international sales?

Message 41 of 67
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Re: Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

I have also noticed recently that my overseas sales tend to come in waves. None at all for maybe a week, then a few all at once.


On Tuesday evening, for example, I had thirteen sales, twelve of them from overseas, from France, Denmark, and USA. Within 24 hours I had one more overseas sale from a total of six, but that one sale was for multiple items, and was for more than the other five combined.


I'm sure there is something in the algorithm, as thinhs like this do tend to crop up from time to time. A couple of years ago, a similar topic was brought up about orders coming form the same geographic area in UK. At the time, I found that over 20% of my orders (approx 250 orders in total) were from the PE postcode in England. I still find a high proportion of buyers with that postcode, although they are predominantly new buyers, so it's not just regulars skewing the figures. Others had similar experiences.

Message 42 of 67
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Re: Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

Everyone knows that....ebay's dead.......

Message 43 of 67
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Re: Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

Nope just unpredictable flurries

Message 44 of 67
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Re: Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

@vintagewatchpart wrote:

Replying to my own post, something again has been changed.


Monday - 46 orders sent out, 16 international


Today - 30 orders sent out, 1 international


Thats a huge disparity in a short space of time and if my international orders had been the same as 3 days ago, my total orders would be on trend.  This is nothing to do with anything other than Ebay, other platforms fine as usual, nothing to do with exchange rates etc. There are some sort of algorithmic changes that are causing these issues and unreliability on the platform.

Every day is a bit finger in the wind isn't it.

I completely agree that overseas sales are a massive disappointment this year. Usually @ 20% of my sales - and the highest priced ones - are heading to the USA sept-Jan. Now its just 1-2 a week. And yes, in unpredictable flurries that don't make sense. In contrast UK sales - whilst sluggish this year, and needing a bit of help from offers - are 'up and down' in a way I consider usual with retail.

Message 45 of 67
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Re: Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

I have more than 50% sale drop for over 6 months and have been trading for 12 years on ebay, I have tried every thing , Advertisement, e.g. promoted listings, promoted off site , vouches , but nothing is working. Last 24 hours i diid not have single sale and that has never happened in 12 years trading on ebay. No help from ebay.

Message 46 of 67
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Re: Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

I find ebay very up and down.

3 sales one friday and none the next friday.


Message 47 of 67
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Re: Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

September has come to an end, my orders yesterday on Ebay - less than 10% of them were internationals. On every other platform combined it was 60%. Something is wrong with international visibility on Ebay whether it be an algorithm problem within Ebay or the fact google is not showing the results to those searching from outside of the UK. Whatever it is, it is just Ebay.


My sales were actually the best ever for September (40% up YOY) but I am having to work harder for them than before by sending out more offers than I ordinarily would do. I am also pricing things a bit cheaper than they usually sell for so I am taking a slight hit on profit but the sales are there.

I am still not promoting.


I know I am unique, I can see how hard it is especially for those who sell new products and compete with so many others.


The question is and its a bit off topic but I guess relevant to "no sales" discussions, will we seen an algorithm change whereby business seller items are given more prominance over private seller items in search results so Ebay get more fees from the sale?

Could be worth keeping an eye on the impressions/page views graphs over the next few days.

Message 48 of 67
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Re: Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

Yes we are all on the same boat,apparently. from 10 sales/day now getting maximum 2 /day.

Something is very weird ,either because of algorithm or either of visibility.

Nowadays on AMZN I am selling the same inventory and getting about 50 sales/day.

EBAY supposed to go down  and down. Not to happy, that's not what ebay offered last years.

Message 49 of 67
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Re: Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

Ive noticed a huge drop in orders. I tthink it's a combination of lack of funds by buyers and I wondered if it is visabilty. sellers are paying extra to get visiabilty so that must be affecting the ones that don't. probably don't get a look in!!

Message 50 of 67
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Re: Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

I've had the same, a google search as to why is what lead me to this thread.  The only thing that I can think is that, like mentioned above, the scrappage of fees for smaller sellers has lead to eBay no longer promoting our items as it's no longer worth it to them.  I had zero international sales last week either.

Message 51 of 67
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Re: Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

I have never known it so bad September was awful nothing so far in October. I keep saying to myself it must be the economy and people worried about spending money as my items are quite expensive. But I've never seen it like this before and I've been with eBay over 15 years. of course now that private sellers are able to list for free and pay no fees eBay have messaged business sellers which I'm sure you are aware with the great news that it's good for us, they say that this will hopefully drive more traffic to you as business sellers as more people will use eBay for free listing, but obviously they're not doing anything about our fees so we're still paying high business fees. I also look at it from another perspective, now that private sellers are able to advertise all their nice designer items and pay no fees at all. It will affect my business as there will be an abundance of items on eBay for people to buy and they won't be charging as much as me as they don't have high seller fees to absorb.
I could of course look elsewhere and go on Vinted as I'm in fashion but Vinted don't accept business sellers yet although I can see there are plenty of them on there but I like to play by the book so  I will wait until they officially launch their business channels in the UK. 


Message 52 of 67
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Re: Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

Vinted Pro has gone live today!

Message 53 of 67
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Re: Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

This morning I have been greeted with 45% of my Ebay orders being international. Something has happened algorithmically and who knows what it is... But I am posting out items to the following countries today:


USA, France, Latvia, Malaysia, Canada, Iceland, Netherlands, Taiwan, Singapore, Ireland Republic and South Korea.


This is most unusual as most of my international orders go out to USA with a couple to Europe and the occasional order to Australia, New Zealand, Japan and China.


I don't think this can be explained any way other than an algorithm change.

Message 54 of 67
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Re: Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

Removed Promoted Listings (which I ran on everything as a trial) and as expected, sales are down 41.9% as of checking just now...

Message 55 of 67
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Re: Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

Agreed! I woke up to an order for South Korea today also... I've only
ever sold to there once in the last three years...?
Perhaps international promoted listings are now being rolled out regionally
at a time?
Message 56 of 67
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Re: Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

Can't do any good when everyone elses items are also promoted on your listing pages.  I don't buy the people are broke scenario. Christmas will show that thats not the main cause,  It may however make some a bit more cautious.

Message 57 of 67
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Re: Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

Not applicable

I noticed that popular items I list were getting barely any views which seemed odd because others were selling the same items for more money and people were buying them but not even looking at mine.


However, a potential buyer did message me about an item in that time, they asked me why my listings have a 'warning' on them.


I have no idea what they meant by that though.

Message 58 of 67
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Re: Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

My sales have steadily declined since the beginning of the year. In my category there is a lot of competition and the prices things realised 5 years ago have dropped quite considerably. I've stopped promoting running up to Christmas as I want to try and reduce my fees as much as possible and as someone else said if everyone is promoting you are constantly playing a game of raising the percentages one which I really can't afford to play 

because my sales are low I am able to post quicker and hoped that this would have an affect on feedback which could encourage sales however the number of people leaving feedback seems to be dropping as fast as sales. It really seems that people only use feedback to complain and not to reward good service. All my weekend sales were picked up this morning with one exception which came in too late but it will be collected in the morning   Obviously it will take time for some things to improve I have 7 late deliveries but the last one I had was July and this was actually an INR case where the buyer didn't collect from the Post Office and was returned 

I'm hoping that things will improve as we speed towards Christmas. I will be working my full time job over the Christmas period but it would be nice to look forward to a few luxuries to make the time I do have off nicer 

I was really lucky to be gifted a large amount of packing materials which I'd really like to be able to use 


Message 59 of 67
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Re: Anyone elses sales stopped in september?

I run a Pin Money business in a very competitive area and I enjoy the extra cash it makes. I dont put a lot of effort into it but saw the business grow steadily until I more or less reached my capacity early last year when things were great. (My Standards, My Level, My Expectations).  It stayed steady all 2023  but started to decline early this year until a sharp decline in September so that at this point business is pathetic. Ebay wants more and more from sellers. Do a promotion , select a percentage advertising budget and they want more and more, a higher percentage etc etc  until you ask yourself, "Who am I really working for?". The platform is saturated with sellers that it really cannot sustain any longer because of the many other competing sales platforms. All of these are getting a slice of the same big cake. BTW I list on ETSY as well and have  had great success particularly with sales to other countries.  This has died a sudden death as well.  Have I done something wrong that has affected business. I dont know but things are pretty grim. I'm glad I am not depending on it for my income.

Message 60 of 67
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