Revise Listings - Bulk Editing : Constant Server Errors

Yet another seller hurdle.... 😩  Since yesterday I have been getting constant errors when trying to use the "Revise Listings - Bulk Edit" tool.

" ___ listings were not processed because of server failure"  Each time with a different number.


Screenshot from 2024-08-30 09-01-53.jpg

As a result it is impossible to bulk promote my listings. I have tried clearing cache and using different browsers without success.

Just wondering if anyone else is getting these errors lately ?




Message 1 of 10
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Revise Listings - Bulk Editing : Constant Server Errors

Just to add: - This occurs when just selecting the items for edit, before actually doing anything further.

Message 2 of 10
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Revise Listings - Bulk Editing : Constant Server Errors

Yes I have been getting the same for about a week now when bulk editing and like you, I have had different numbers each time, so I just left it alone.  This morning I have been trying to end listings and sell similar in bulk and it has just been freezing over and over.  It eventually did it but said 3 listings had failed, but didn't tell me which 3 🤔

Message 3 of 10
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Revise Listings - Bulk Editing : Constant Server Errors

Thanks for the post.


Was beginning to think it was just myself having this issue. I have always had a small number of edits fail whilst using Bulk Edit, and it's always frustrating when there is no indication as to which ones failed,  but this recent issue is affecting about 25-30% of my listings at a time.


My current work around is just to do the same bulk edit task over and over a few times in the hope that eventually it will cover all of my listings.

Message 4 of 10
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Revise Listings - Bulk Editing : Constant Server Errors

Yes, I'm having the same problem. Typical, Saturday is the only time I get chance for bulk edits and keep getting errors. 

Message 5 of 10
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Revise Listings - Bulk Editing : Constant Server Errors

I don't think it is just weekends, I have been doing this for a week or more and getting this same message.  I have found the only way around it is to do smaller batches rather than all inventory.  It's very annoying though.

Message 6 of 10
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Revise Listings - Bulk Editing : Constant Server Errors

No, Sorry, I didn't say it was just weekends, I said "Saturday is the only time I get chance for bulk edits"

Message 7 of 10
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Revise Listings - Bulk Editing : Constant Server Errors

It's still doing it, just tried a bulk relist and getting the same message.

Come on Ebay, get a grip and sort this out.

Message 8 of 10
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Revise Listings - Bulk Editing : Constant Server Errors

Arrrrghhhh 😬 .... This is impossible !!!

I wish Ebay tech people would sort this out. I doubt if they even read this board,

Some other bugs have never been fixed in years.

I don't know how they expect sellers to use their promoted listings, when you can't even select all you items to promote.


Bulk edit is currently like a random number generator ...

157 listings were not processed because of server failure...

238 listings were not processed because of server failure...

321 listings were not processed because of server failure...

Message 9 of 10
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Revise Listings - Bulk Editing : Constant Server Errors

Having reported the issue with customer services, they said they would escalate the issue with their tech people and to expect an email from them within 72 hrs.

Today I tried Bulk Edit without any issues. So fingers crossed they have fixed it. Will see if they get back to me.

Message 10 of 10
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