eBay - We couldn't verify this card

Hi guys,


My account has been working fine until now. Last sold something and bought a label a couple of week ago, but on selling something and buying an Evri label today, I noticed the Purchase button was greyed out. I then noticed a message box saying please add a payment option before purchasing Postage labels. I clicked on the link to add a payment method, and both my Bank Account and valid payment card are still there. 


I tried adding my card again (several times), but eBay just says "We couldn't verify this card". Probably because its already there.  There's nothing wrong with the card, and i used it immediately afterwards to buy the packing label directly from the Evri site (which is of course more expensive).


So now i'm kind of stuck.


TIA for any ideas

Message 1 of 10
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eBay - We couldn't verify this card

I have exactly the same problem. My card was already on my account, and setup for both purchases and selling fees. I had a buyer request to cancel a purchase last week, and the refund wizard said I needed to add a payment method. So I tried entering the same card details that were already on my account but ebay cannot verify my card. It looks like it doesn't even try, it just fails instantly. I tried entering the details manually about 10 times ensuring all the details were 100% correct, but no joy.


I assumed it was because the card was already setup on my account, so I deleted the card from my account settings, but on re-adding it guess what, I get the same error, and now can't add the card back onto my account at all. Yet the same card was on there quite happily before i deleted it.


I've tried different browsers, different laptop, I spent an hour on the phone to customer services and all they could suggest was to use another card, but i don't have another card, and there's nothing wrong with the card I have. I use it daily everywhere else without issue.


This is 100% an ebay system issue of some kind, but no one is able to raise it high enough for it to be fixed.

Message 2 of 10
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eBay - We couldn't verify this card

I'm also facing same issue. Is there any solution to it? please help me with it.

Message 3 of 10
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eBay - We couldn't verify this card

Worth having a Paypal account, as a plan B for these situations.

Message 4 of 10
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eBay - We couldn't verify this card

Hi, did you manage to get this sorted? I've had the same problem for a few weeks and eBay have been useless when I have told them! Please let me know if you have managed to fix it! 

Message 5 of 10
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eBay - We couldn't verify this card

No I'm unable to fix it
I'm still facing that issue
If you get out of it please help me too
Message 6 of 10
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eBay - We couldn't verify this card

I found this thread from earlier in the year.




I also had a problem myself earlier this year trying to refund just 59p  to a buyer after postage turned out to be cheaper than charged.


I wasted time phoning Ebay, & even went to my bank who told me the direct debit wasn't set up properly.  It had worked before & I hadn't changed anything. I eventually struck lucky on the phone with an Ebay sales person who took the trouble to find out what was wrong & fix it for me.


It shouldn't be that you have to strike lucky on the phone, but try phoning early to avoid the Far East as they are usually not able to help with anything other than basic questions.

“We haven’t got a plan so nothing can go wrong!” Spike Milligan
Message 7 of 10
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eBay - We couldn't verify this card

Having a similar issue. Went to purchase an item on buy it now and it’s asking me for a payment method, which in itself is odd. I put in card details and I get the ‘card cannot be verified’ message. I tried another card on a different account….. same thing. I’m trying to buy an item for £200, there’s over £2000 in each account. Why is it having a tantrum? Oddly there seems to be no issue when ebay wants to charge me seller or shop fees!

Message 8 of 10
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eBay - We couldn't verify this card

I wonder if it's down to the 29th being a Friday - the dreaded maintenance day? 

If it still won't accept it today <that's if you've not given up entirely by now!> I'm afraid you will probably have to run the CS gauntlet to find out what the problem is.


Not great though especially on Black Friday of all days!

“We haven’t got a plan so nothing can go wrong!” Spike Milligan
Message 9 of 10
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eBay - We couldn't verify this card

I had a variation of the same problem - in my case, instant / express payouts via debit card are at the center - but reached inexplicable state: unable to add previously "verified" debit card after ~year of stable/consistent use and zero issues; also unable to add any other debit card among multiple tried; also unable to add/change bank account - in all cases the instant, opaque "unable to verify card/bank" failure.




via u/Y-o-r-x-s on r/ebay


Purchase item(s) on ebay, using checkout as back door to add card(s) as payment method(s) on your account. Then, configure appropriately via "payment methods"->"manage" interface.


In my case: I was able to add back seemingly unverifiable (though previously verified + regularly used) debit card; and then able to toggle "use for instant payouts" setting.


In addition: after going through back door, I had no problem adding other debit cards and bank accounts that were "unable to verify" just minutes prior.


Naturally, I did also trigger a blanket 48h hold on payouts (for my benefit/security). I do look forward to eventually receiving those funds, or some portion thereof.




I contacted live support (prior to reddit) and did not find it helpful / good use of time. I recommend inverting the order (consult forums prior to contacting support) as a general heuristic. I also agree that immediate escalation is a sensible approach with live support; and/or similar tactics to escape the circles/absurdity presented at front-line, as quickly as possible.

Message 10 of 10
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