The Big Return Fraud!

Not applicable

A few months ago, I purchased 3 unofficial USB phone chargers from Temu, the reason I purchased 3 was that if one didn't work or packed up, I already have a spare.

All 3 arrived in working order, I only used one and recently sold the phone.

I decided to list the other 2 on eBay thinking they would be useful to someone,

I listed each one for £1 which is what I got them for and £1.55 for postage.

One sold, then 2 days later the other sold to another buyer.

My listing was set up as no returns.

A few days later I got a 'not as described case' the buyer claimed I sent an official charger not an unofficial charger.

Think about it - an official one would be worth a lot more - so would you complain if you were sent an official one?

Either way, there is no way it was an official charger.

So eBay says you can arrange a return - this is fine but then you realised it says you have to pay for the buyer to send you it back by... recorded delivery - which is going to cost at least £2.70 - and is more than the item sold for in the first place.

What do you then do?
eBay put your payouts on hold until you sort the case,
There is no point disputing it because it is well known that eBay always side with the buyer,

The only option to resolve it is to give a full refund and let the buyer keep the item.

So the buyer gets a free item and if the buyer was a fraudster, they could use the same method to get low value items for free from any seller.

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Re: The Big Return Fraud!

Not applicable

Just to add, I did some detective work and think I found out the reason the buyer did this to me.


I typed their address into Google and found out they were a business seller, I looked through their eBay shop and noticed they sell exactly the same item but for £2 more and have had them listed for months / sold many.


Perhaps they thought I was a competitor or something because I'd had 2 for sale.

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Re: The Big Return Fraud!

"What's good for the goose is good for the gander...."


Just sayin'.

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