23-02-2025 2:15 PM
Prior to the introduction of buyer fees I could sell items quickly as needed just by taking the hit and listing my item at the lowest price on there. Now I'm low on price, using promotions for the first time and still not getting any sales. I've got rare items listed for collectible gaming that I never wanted to have to sell. But money is tight and prior to this year they would have flown out within hours of going live. Now I've had them up for a month and nothing.
I googled "is eBay dead", and unfortunately my fears were confirmed by many others.
I've been on eBay for 20 years. They killed it in a single month.
I don't want to sell on vinted. My misses buys loads from there. But she said sellers constantly get screwed over. My items are too valuable to risk the loss from scammers. So I'm stuck with eBay or setting up my own webstore.
Have any of you found a good solution to selling safely with protection yet?
I've even been adjusting my prices so that I'm taking the buyer fee hit (eg I want to sell an item for 100, so I lost at 86 or so , then with buyer fees it shows at 100 still). But that's made no difference.
Everyone has gone elsewhere to shop.
Please someone tell me there's a good solution as I'm financially screwed and need to raise funds by selling. I'm a carer for my disabled son and the only way I can currently raise funds is to sell of my long term collected items.
No seller fees was a terrible idea. It did a number on the business sellers, when all they had to do was be less greedy. Include some advertising and take a single set fee or much lower percentage from sales which would still be capped at a certain amount. Personally, I believe with seller and fund processing fees combined at a total of 5%, and capped at a maximum of £25 we would have all been happy. Money could still have been made by eBay from percentage promotional sales as well.
eBay just did a Nokia on themselves, a blackberry on themselves. They thought they were untouchable, overcharged sellers and allowed inferior apps / sites to absolutely dominate and bring them down.
I can only hope it can recover.
Sorry for the long rant.
23-02-2025 3:10 PM
Hi, I know you have said you have been selling for a long time, but sometimes when it just works, you miss out on the tips that can make things works better on eBay. I really don't think the new fee has made a significant difference to sales, but this weekend is quiet. Last one before payday I guess.
Some things to try if you haven't already.
"New With Tags Matalan Be Beau Ridged Faux Fur Beige Coat UK Size 10"
I would try "Faux fur beige coat Matalan Be Beau UK 10 NEW with tags" on the basis that if i was looking for a fur coat i would search for faux fur coat. Also, unless the labels say beige, it looks more cream or ivory to me and they are much more attractive colours to us ladies!
When I look at the photographs, I am itching to see a tape measure on the sleeves, across the chest, and collar to hem. Also, I want to see every word on the labels back & front.
Sadly, with the belt missing and with any item that has faults it is a really tough sell. If I was trying to sell it I would probably take the labels off and add a buckle belt in a similar colour to the belt carriers - it's alot of work i know.
I don't know how many times your items have relisted, but it's a good idea, to end them next Thursday and do a bulk "sell similar" so the system thinks they are new lists instead of relists. I do this every couple of months and more regularly on items that get no views (Don't go over 300 though) It is surprising the difference it can make. Sometimes i think we list an item and it misses the search bus so to speak and the search bot just never finds it for people and sometimes i can't even find it for myself. "Sell similar" and suddenly its a popular item.
Check sold item prices, not so much on sale price items. there may well be a good reason why they are not selling.
Personally if someone is unlikely to include something in a search i would leave it out of the title, including emojis and "sale", "rare" & "Lowest price on Ebay"
I wish you well.