Reply message to buyer greyed out


I'm trying to refine a message in reply to a buyer with the size of the item I'm trying to sell, and asking for payment so we can arrange collection etc.,   In my previous  message I had asked him to make payment and then contact me on my number to arrange collection - I'm guessing this is why it was obviously blocked looking back, which is understandable.  However, I can't send any further messages just with the size, as all future attempts at messaging are now greyed out with a red !......

Any help appreciated.


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Reply message to buyer greyed out

Good Morning Allbar


If the auction is still live and with some time left to run then you can add the size to your listing.  As regards contact details and address etc then you can't disclose those until a person has bought and paid.



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Reply message to buyer greyed out

Thanks for the info. I'll give it a try.
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