05-11-2024 2:59 PM
Sorry if this has been asked before, but as a seller of mainly vinyl records and books, it would be really usefull to be able to select the option `NEW (OTHER)`. I have several old Vinyl albums that are still in the shrink wrap and are unopened and unplayed, the problem is that they may have a slight tear, or sticker mark to the shrink wrap, but I am having to list them as `USED`, as I don`t seem to have the option for `NEW (OTHER)`. Does anyone know if the `NEW (OTHER)` option is specific to certain goods?
05-11-2024 4:03 PM
Items that have been pre owned are not new, especially as you say they are 'old'.
You are correct to list them as used and you can add in your description 'never been opened and in the original packaging'.
If there was an option for new other in your categories, you could open yourself up to INAD cases if you listed old items as new other.
05-11-2024 4:16 PM
In the old days you could put "Old" new stock in the description. I used to do this when selling my husband's old radio valves that were still in the original box but were a bit dusty.
I certainly wouldn't do it nowadays though.
05-11-2024 9:44 PM
You only have new or used as options in the condition box for records as they have an established grading system of their own which there are separate item specifics for. Tbh, it seems a bit daft to have both Condition and Grading in the item specifics. The Condition one is pretty pointless as the Grading ones have it covered better.
I don't think listing as Used with the relevant grading is likely to lose sales. I reckon if they're not brand new issues then listing them as New might actually be detrimental as anyone looking for original issues is likely to filter out New to get rid of the endless listings of current reissues.