30-08-2024 12:20 PM
I am so baffled here, I sell expensive sealed cream and even photographed the item before shipment due to past experience, and the buyer said the item arrived damaged, The photo provided by the buyer on the attachment for you guys to see.
I mean it's as clear as day it's a used empty tube her old one and claims that is how she received it, this is vitamin C oil-based cream, if its damaged looks like 90% of the item is gone there would be residue mark everywhere in that white box but the one she shared is spot clean just being squeezed to make it looked like damaged, I have asked her multiple times can she provided the photo of inside box and also the outer box which surely will be dirty with mark everywhere with the shipping label so I can claim that to courier she doesn't want to provide it.
Also since this is an expensive cream there is a batch production code, I still have lots of these in inventory and I asked her can she provide the photo back of the cream as well to prove that it's the same item so I can match it with the rest of my stock, she knew that she is screwed and unwilling to take the photo of batch code as well because it would be clear as day it's not same with the original one I photographed sent to her, and astoundingly she opened return request today asked for a refund, I have called eBay CS and they said I MUST ACCEPT RETURN because of the law, despite all the proof there, and she is not willing to share the proof of damaged box which is compulsory for me to get damaged compensation from royal mail.
CS said after the item is returned I can open a dispute to claim fraudulent activity buyer trying to switch different items inside, for me issue here buyer doesn't want to cooperate to share the damaged outer box which is much needed for me to share to Royal mail and she doesn't want to produce it nor showing the batch code as well, there are too many red flags and later at mercy of CS if they think I was right or buyer not violating law here, last year they did the same to me, I sent perfectly new electronic item and buyer returned me a completely different one old heavy used, and eBay don't do anything gave me zero protection buyer get a new item, and I got damaged broken item out of pocket. So I have little trust eBay would be fair considering this is cream even if I try to prove the batch code is different if they will be protecting me again.
I am so angry because what they do here is allowing scammers like her to hurt small seller like me
Solved! Go to Solution.
30-08-2024 1:04 PM
lol I knew it, it will be you here come to reply like Karen replying moaning about private and business, everywhere your post is about this.
most of your replies are attacking every other member here for completely unrelated issues, and all your posts about attacking private sellers because they are not business, such a sour person, GROW UP, just because my stats are private doesn't mean I don't abide the law, I pay tax and file my return meticulously for everything as I needed that to be on record, whether you are private or business, HMRC can see all your sales activity so don't worry about that part no need to policing others for this case.
and over 70% of my items are personal items that I and family won't use instead of sitting around cluttering the house anyway, but beauty products are new ofc as it is part that I got from bundle purchases I won't use as they have exp date can't hoard them all too, and if you do the math being private seller costed you more on long term, flat fee 12.8% plus 30p per listing when sold costed you more on long term, vs business seller with only 30p in advance and various rate lower than private fee based on category. and I can't be a business seller because the majority of my items are single unique items which could be used clothes and accessories, or electronics, again this is unrelated to the discussion, which I see you tend to care so much and non stop bashing genuine community who seek guidance.
don't worry so much, HRMC have all their power in the system to make sure everyone contributes to the economy.
30-08-2024 12:28 PM
As a business seller trading illegally on a private account your buyers have the right to return anything for any reason, for up to 12 months.
You should refund and then get your account in order.
Private sellers don't have stock and inventory.
30-08-2024 1:04 PM
lol I knew it, it will be you here come to reply like Karen replying moaning about private and business, everywhere your post is about this.
most of your replies are attacking every other member here for completely unrelated issues, and all your posts about attacking private sellers because they are not business, such a sour person, GROW UP, just because my stats are private doesn't mean I don't abide the law, I pay tax and file my return meticulously for everything as I needed that to be on record, whether you are private or business, HMRC can see all your sales activity so don't worry about that part no need to policing others for this case.
and over 70% of my items are personal items that I and family won't use instead of sitting around cluttering the house anyway, but beauty products are new ofc as it is part that I got from bundle purchases I won't use as they have exp date can't hoard them all too, and if you do the math being private seller costed you more on long term, flat fee 12.8% plus 30p per listing when sold costed you more on long term, vs business seller with only 30p in advance and various rate lower than private fee based on category. and I can't be a business seller because the majority of my items are single unique items which could be used clothes and accessories, or electronics, again this is unrelated to the discussion, which I see you tend to care so much and non stop bashing genuine community who seek guidance.
don't worry so much, HRMC have all their power in the system to make sure everyone contributes to the economy.
30-08-2024 1:15 PM
@minimosoul wrote:
and I can't be a business seller because the majority of my items are single unique items which could be used clothes and accessories, or electronics, again this is unrelated to the discussion, which I see you tend to care so much and non stop bashing genuine community who seek guidance.
30-08-2024 1:19 PM
To correctly register as a business seller simply go to your Personal Information in your account and to the right of Account Type, which will be showing as 'Individual' you'll see an Edit option.
This doesn't affect your feedback profile or any current listings, it merely upgrades your account so that you're legally compliant.
If you're also selling your own items, just open another eBay account (you can have more than one). I'd upgrade this existing one (as it has some feedback) to a business account.
Just sign up again with the same details but a different email address (each eBay account requires its own unique email address).
So much easier for accounting then.
30-08-2024 1:27 PM
yes, what about the rest of 96% of my listing which is a personal used item or single articles? cherry picking very few listings I have multiple is not fair, again what is this with the bashing of private vs business, private paying more than the business seller, and being private doesn't mean you are immune and you still have to follow the rules for other things, what is the fuss? tax?
30-08-2024 1:29 PM - edited 30-08-2024 1:30 PM
@minimosoul wrote:
yes, what about the rest of 96% of my listing which is a personal used item or single articles?
I've explained in detail how you can open another eBay selling account and keep one for business and one for private.
No, it's not about tax, eBay are reporting your sales to HMRC so I wouldn't think for one minute anyone would be daft enough to not have that house in order.
You're not trading legally, that's the problem that needs to be sorted out. You're also doing eBay out of fees, which is also an issue.
30-08-2024 1:30 PM
also since you guys are stalkers not healthy members for helping, maybe go search deeper how old are those listings? over 2 or 3 years, picking up people selling a few bras they have in their wardrobe instead thrown away to landfill, seriously grow up, ebay allow private sellers to have up to 300 listings, if you guys not happy then ask them to change the system make ebay forced everyone to become business even if half of the inventory is used pants
30-08-2024 1:33 PM - edited 30-08-2024 1:34 PM
@minimosoul wrote:
also since you guys are stalkers not healthy members for helping, maybe go search deeper how old are those listings? over 2 or 3 years, picking up people selling a few bras they have in their wardrobe instead thrown away to landfill, seriously grow up, ebay allow private sellers to have up to 300 listings, if you guys not happy then ask them to change the system make ebay forced everyone to become business even if half of the inventory is used pants
The listings I've posted screenshots of are from your current active listings. You might want to go back and read my posts again, they're well set out, easy to understand and if there's something that needs clarifying there just let us know.
Always happy to help.
30-08-2024 1:33 PM - edited 30-08-2024 1:35 PM
Even though you have been unpleasant I am still prepared to help you with advice.
Like so many members you think this is all about tax, it's not, HMRC will catch up with those lawbreakers next year when ebay provides them with the information.
It's actually more about consumer rights legislation, including that which makes it illegal for someone who is actually a business seller to masquerade as a private seller and so mislead their customers.
You can have more than one ebay account, so you can have a private one for any personal possessions that you no longer want or need, and a business account for all the items that you have acquired for the purpose of selling, including single items that fall into this category. It's not clear whether this would apply to 30% of your items or 4%, but I suspect nearer the 30%.
And yes, I do have a thing about lawbreakers, especially those that come on here banging on about 'their rights' when they are not squeeky clean themselves.
30-08-2024 1:37 PM
'I am so baffled here, I sell expensive sealed cream and even photographed the item before shipment due to past experience, and the buyer said the item arrived damaged, The photo provided by the buyer on the attachment for you guys to see.
I mean it's as clear as day it's a used empty tube her old one and claims that is how she received it, this is vitamin C oil-based cream, if its damaged looks like 90% of the item is gone there would be residue mark everywhere in that white box but the one she shared is spot clean just being squeezed to make it looked like damaged, I have asked her multiple times can she provided the photo of inside box and also the outer box which surely will be dirty with mark everywhere with the shipping label so I can claim that to courier she doesn't want to provide it.
Also since this is an expensive cream there is a batch production code, I still have lots of these in inventory and I asked her can she provide the photo back of the cream as well to prove that it's the same item so I can match it with the rest of my stock, she knew that she is screwed and unwilling to take the photo of batch code as well because it would be clear as day it's not same with the original one I photographed sent to her, and astoundingly she opened return request today asked for a refund, I have called eBay CS and they said I MUST ACCEPT RETURN because of the law, despite all the proof there, and she is not willing to share the proof of damaged box which is compulsory for me to get damaged compensation from royal mail.
CS said after the item is returned I can open a dispute to claim fraudulent activity buyer trying to switch different items inside, for me issue here buyer doesn't want to cooperate to share the damaged outer box which is much needed for me to share to Royal mail and she doesn't want to produce it nor showing the batch code as well, there are too many red flags and later at mercy of CS if they think I was right or buyer not violating law here, last year they did the same to me, I sent perfectly new electronic item and buyer returned me a completely different one old heavy used, and eBay don't do anything gave me zero protection buyer get a new item, and I got damaged broken item out of pocket. So I have little trust eBay would be fair considering this is cream even if I try to prove the batch code is different if they will be protecting me again.
I am so angry because what they do here is allowing scammers like her to hurt small seller like me'
You are trading illegally with nearly 300 brand new products, not offering returns and following distance selling laws and then you expect sympathy and support from the boards when you have already been told by CS to accept the return.
You are also showing yourself up calling a mentor a Karen. ( are you an American?).
The one thing you do have correct is saying that Ebay allow scammers which also includes private sellers selling 300 various new items.
Happy to help 'genuine sellers who seek guidance' but you need to sort your own mess out.
30-08-2024 1:55 PM
Again you guys are crazy I can see here, that you know buyers can still request a return no matter what right? even if I set the item non-returnable I got so many requests that said item is not as described and I have to approve the return or refund no other options here.
And everyone on eBay knows this loophole, just say an item is not described you can bypass of return policy, exactly like this lady tried to do on my listing.
second moaning about 300 listings, again if you are creepy enough please go ahead scrolling down all the listings maybe you find my used dress appealing and you buy them good for me, or my partner's clothing that we bought too big/small for him, you guys are acting like a bunch of noble people telling others who is selling 20 used item a month are immoral for not being business seller are lawbreaker? freakin GROW UP!!
Law in the UK even if it is personal item and if you make a profit you have to pay the tax, I have a receipt and proof of purchase, and if I am lucky enough to sell more the difference will be clear and I have to pay it, especially new law now you can't hide all data are shared. you can say whatever if you are private or whatever but in the eyes of law you are making money, that's why these rules applies on all selling platform, depop, vinted, and ebay now
and those 300 listings are accumulated articles over 3 years, some items is proven hard or nearly impossible to sell, but it's just sitting there being refreshed every month automatically by the system, and I might add 5 or 7 new listings a month number adds up, but by the end of this discussion it's none of your business, and eBay can change their system make it mandatory for everyone become business then, and it's them allowed 300 listings/month, which again you are barking to the wrong tree if you hate it and against it so much you feel like the system is abused then protest on eBay, why some people are allowed to sell their clothes, and children clothes or their unused beauty/electronics for up to 300 listings per month
30-08-2024 2:01 PM
"Law in the UK even if it is personal item and if you make a profit you have to pay the tax"
Only if CGT applies.
See, another bit of useful advice.
30-08-2024 2:02 PM
@minimosoul wrote:
Law in the UK even if it is personal item and if you make a profit you have to pay the tax,
No it's not, where are you getting that from?
If you're selling off your own personal items you don't pay tax on your sales, even if you make a profit, unless you sell one item for over £3,000 (then Capital Gains tax applies).
Howver, as explained previously you need two eBay accounts - one for private items and one for your business items.
Business sellers can't represent themselves as private individuals
Taken from:
30-08-2024 2:42 PM
Individuals have an annual £1,000 tax-free allowance for “trading” income, for example, if you are selling new or second-hand items online.
It's everywhere, so even if someone claimed private seller if they made more than this profit threshold they have to declare it, eBay made it very clear they share everything with the taxman since last year if there is sales activity over 30 I believe in a year, as private I was mandatory to provide my UTR in the system, and I do file my tax return diligently, I will rather be safe than sorry getting a letter from HRMC with their penalty. Lots of people will be surprised next year with the letter comes to their mailbox.
also, you can claim it's personal if you have a receipt to prove you paid less than what you paid, otherwise, everyone can just declare it's a personal item and think can get away with it ?
30-08-2024 3:00 PM
Yeah, I saw that on Vinted, it's actually incorrect.
The £1,000 is a Trading Allowance, which is for small registered business sellers - if they earn less than £1,000 in total then they don't have to complete a tax assessment and declare it.
Somebody who is selling off their own personal clothes from their wardrobe can earn more than £1,000 and that's not taxable. You do not pay tax on the sale of your own personal items.
This HMRC page explains it all perfectly:
30-08-2024 11:59 PM
If you read the next paragraph:
But Victoria Todd, head of the Low Incomes Tax Reform Group, points out that “people selling unwanted personal items such as their children’s old clothes or toys are not likely to be ‘trading’”, so even if it is a significant amount “any money they make is generally not taxable”.
She added: “The new rules have caused a great deal of confusion, but they simply mean that HMRC are receiving more information from online platforms than they were before. If you are following existing rules and declaring your income as required, then you don’t need to worry or do anything differently.”
31-08-2024 12:17 AM
No offence mate but u came on here on about what's fair and raging about scammers hurting your business. That is exactly how it works for us who get charged all over the place for being a business on ebay while private sellers are breaking the rules. I do have some sympathy for you but it is pure hypocrisy here.
31-08-2024 12:18 AM
Lol. I think they convince themselves tbh.
03-09-2024 7:37 AM
No, i am posting about scammer trying to get free stuff with false claim, whether private or business you don't deserve to be treated that way, i don't need your sympathy, and the post was genuine about asking others experience how they deal with that. You guys need new hobby in life instead harassing others in community, and again go cry to ebay because you felt injustice a lady have hundreds listing of clothes/accessories she should be business, bohooo lame
My persistence work out, scammer buyer retract the false claim.