
I just have to laugh.  I was searching for stuff (just random browse) and several times I came upon the word "boasts" in the descriptions.  I thought who uses that in a description?  Like maybe on a game show The Price is Right or something. 


Then I discovered that a Seller has the option to use AI-generated descriptions.  


AI really bigs it up. 


I used the 'advanced' search function and entered search term "boasts".  At first I got 7 million hits but they also included "boats", so I refined the search to only include "boasts" and I got 2 million hits.


A listing for a £10,000 Hiab Flat Crane trailer, a child's toy vehicle for £4.34,  a set of £9 teen long-sleeve shirts and a £3.31 His Lordship Fine China mug - all descriptions using the word "boasts".


All descriptions look/read basically the same.  So fake.


What have we come to.  Where are we going.  At least we can have a good laugh along the way.

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'I finally get around to making an effort and list something and eBay deletes my post.  And doesn't even leave me a copy to relist it!   And it is an effort what with all the photos and writing the description and then the eventual posting and waiting around hoping buyer is happy with the item ... phew!'


Yes, this is the thing with eBay - it's great when everything goes smoothly, but hugely frustrating when something goes wrong - and unfortunately, there seems to be more & more things to go wrong on eBay these days...


Oh, the pain of losing a listing/draft, or having one deleted... it is always worth taking a screenshot, or making a duplicate, or something, to avoid the horror of having to start completely from scratch... but somehow, it's always when you haven't made a copy that this happens...screamscream



@wyntersemporium so sorry for the loss of your dog Bailey... anyone who's lost a dear pet will know how you are feeling.

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