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Happy 50th Birthday to the Red Arrows

Just heard that the Red Arrows display team were formed 50 years ago. I am a huge fan, and have been since I was very young. We used to have an Air Force base near us and every summer they would do a display, fantastic, when I was older and worked in...


So it looks like 'our boys' are on the next flight home? Any chance of them being greeted at the airport by thousands of 'fans' in total silence with a slow handclap? These 'footballers' are paid more for a days work than I can earn in a year. We des...

Walking a dog near Whitney-on-Wye?

I will be staying a few days near Whitney-on-Wye, with my friend and her dog. Neither of us know the area, does anyone know of any local areas, such as woodland and non-touristy places, that would be really nice, quiet and peaceful for walking a dog?...

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Saw the quack about my kmee

Saw the quack about my knee. Wife's appointment but she insisted I come first, otherwise it would take too long to set me up for one myself. Seemed to know what she was talking about and told me I was too old to be playing rugby - I'm 66 next month. ...


....more football...... I suppose I'll get used to it by the time the final comes along! then it's the that IS boring.

IBD in dogs

Hi - after a very worrying 10 days and waiting for blood test results, one of my little dogs has been diagnosed with what the Vet thinks is IBD. She will be starting a prescription diet tomorrow. Now, I am no stranger to IBD, having Crohns disease my...


I too have noticed there are a lot of views to some threads and not many replies, but its so nice to get a reply when we have a problem or a worry like I have just had with my little dog (see earlier thread.) Nice to know there are caring, helpful pe...

Tuesdays tea time tasters.

We are having pulled pork rolls with salady bits and pieces. I might disapear tomorrow as our phone is changing over and as our broadband with SKy is not set up yet (BTagain) our broadband wont work so I might be gone a while.

Aloe Vera Gel

Hello Community, It's month 2 of our Aloe Vera trial and it has had some remarkable results, skin and hairs so much healthier, both of us feel we have more energy and are less tired. Has anyone else in the community done the Aloe challenge and what r...

Any "Mystery Shoppers" on here?

I have been "accepted" as a mystery shopper but haven't done any assignments yet. They advertise on the Jobsearch website that you can earn money "equal to the minimum wage" but I'm jiggered if I know how or when: I've been invited to make just 3 vis...

User avatar by Conversationalist
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Sundays, so hot, sunny sustanances

Been out all day so on the way back because I am on my own tonight I was a naughty girl and bought a Maccy D's I haven't had one for years, I really enjoyed it. So now I don't need to make anything great. Really hot here again today, it was supposed ...

ebay pictures

is anyone else having this trouble, I click on an item and the page is coming up OK but no pictures of the item? needless to say it's driving me nuts


I am actually steaming.

This morning there was a serious accident on the local main road about 8 miles away and the road has been closed ever since, so all the traffic is coming through the village, it is either stationary or driving like T***s, two motor bikes have just go...