Search results for ANY word when should be ALL words

I mean EVERYTHING is going wrong with ebay lately. Even to post this i couldn't see the text box as it was hidden by suggested previous questions. Anyway ebay has ruined the buyer experience again by changing all my saved searches to bring up results with any of the words in the string. Same with new searches. I have to manually go back in to advanced each time i modify the search for "exact words" which surely the same as a "all words". 


Are the people that work for ebay so unhappy they are trying to destroy the company?? 


Do they think that by presenting me with thousands of irrelevant results i'll just buy something I dont want? 


***** hell now it wont let me post this until i put some labels on but it says the labels aren't available. 

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Search results for ANY word when should be ALL words

Now it adds and wont let me exclude "certified refurbished" from my search results when I just want "used". Try it for yourself -  "Plumbers" "Tool" "Bag" for sale | eBay 


In this instance there aren't any but why the hell can't i chose? 

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Search results for ANY word when should be ALL words

I have to manually go back in to advanced each time i modify the search for "exact words" which surely the same as a "all words".


"Exact words" means no keyword substitutions or corrections, which is not the same as "All words".


Keep in mind that when you are searching, eBay considers listings with your keywords in the item-specifics to be potential matches, not just items with your keywords in the title.


Avoid using "Best match" as your sort order -- lately that sort turns up additional results compared to other sort orders. If your saved searches are using "Best Match", that might account for the changes you have noticed.


Try changing the sort order of a "Best Match" search to something else like "Newly Listed", then save the new search and delete the old one. See if that works better for you.


Try this for used plumbers tool bag:


Message 3 of 5
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Search results for ANY word when should be ALL words

The 'search' is as good as useless now.

The dismal results it punts out now has led me to stop buying from ebay on multiple occasions.

I've copy pasted a listing title before, and the listing doesn't come up anywhere in the results lol.

Message 4 of 5
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Search results for ANY word when should be ALL words

The 'search' is as good as useless now.


What are you searching for that you cannot find?


I've copy pasted a listing title before, and the listing doesn't come up anywhere in the results lol.


That might be a result of the item being listed in the "wrong" category (according to eBay). Or it might be a problem with the particular search or sort order being used to search. Or eBay's search might have a problem with some specific keywords. Or the item might not have been indexed yet (or may have sold since then).


Without a specific example to look at, it is hard to say exactly what problem you are encountering.


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