Auto paid removal

How to remove or disable the option of autopaid on offers you made for a seller ... it's absolutely an the worse option in all ebay .... I am thinking seriously stop making offers if these option still active .... please how can I disable it or remove it .... many thanks 

Message 1 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

Your sellers probably said no because they don't trust you to pay.  That's the point of immediate payment required,  it prevents non payers.

Message 21 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
How do the ebay seller know whether they should trust or not?  They can probably check someones  profiles whether buyer is genuie or not bec of given all 5* payments. Well, it is not my loss but buyers loss. I also cant trust many sellers on ebay as i have come across 5 and 6 fake sellers with stealing money and then account closed and ebay had to give money after complains of a month or 2 months. Does that mean all sellers on ebay are bad and thieves and should b punished then maybe yes. If ebay punishes buyer for some time waster people then they should punish all ebay buyers for stealing. At the end, not my loss and thats why i dont really care. I take my bussiness somewhere else and already found better phone price on, got 10% cashback and i got 100% brand new s23 ultra. The ebay seller lost around 900 pound. I wish these ebay sellers good luck if thats how they want to do bussiness. 
Message 22 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

Well said. Like who the hell would pay 900 all together as i wanted to make offer on s23 ultra. I always pay 3 installment which paypal has or use my 4 months 0 interest from paypal. Again i swear it isnt buyer loss so why should we worry but it is seller loss. I already got brand new phone from cheaper than ebay plus got 10% cashback and i bought it with 4 months 0 intrest from paypal account.  Take ur bussiness somewhere else. I only use ebay for rubbish things like 4 pound and 5 pound. I didnt know amazon has got 5 months 0 interests and will b looking into that. Many thanks

Message 23 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

As a business seller I wouldn't care if they then didn't pay.  It is prefereable to a remorse return one or two weeks later (buyers have a 14-day 'change of mind' option by law from a business seller) which creates even more hassle.  Besides the buyer wouldn't get a second chance because they would then be on the BBL.


There is no way I will re-activate this immediate payment feature on my items - there are more problems with eBay than one or two non-payers per year.

Message 24 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

Thanks and very good explained. As u said, buyers can return if they change thier mind so i dont see the point. Many thanks though

Message 25 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

This auto payment is a complete disaster!!!


I bought a bunch of records lately and I wanted to buy them all with combined postage but also wanted to send offer for many of them as I bought them bulk and looking for a deal.

eBay ended up auto paying for them all including the full postage on each puchases!


Auto payment is deeply flawed by not being able to account for bulk puchases and combined postage.

Message 26 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

Either the seller has not realised the auto pay setting was on, or deliberately set it, but whichever, you can ask them to do a part refund for the postage. 

Message 27 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

I recently bought an item and it was auto-paid which I found strange as I didn't know about that, plus, I wanted to use my Nectar points with that purchase. 😕 Oh well, it'll be used next time.


Time wasters made this happen, unfortunately.

Message 28 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

It happened to me with other bulk purchases as well all within one week. We have settled them with the sellers but I will stop buying bulk and looking for deals on eBay until this feature is gone for good! 


it does make things awkward and uncomfortable. 

I sent an offer for 10 records and after the sellers has started accepting them eBay started taking money for all accepted offers each with induvidual delivery charger. He didn't accept all my offers but it was enough. At the end we sorted it with the seller but the post charge for all at them could have gone over £50 however it could have been £6-7 combined.




If this was supposed to encourage more business than it has certainly misfired with me.

Message 29 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

Hi all , first ever post , so be gentle lol. 


First got to say that ive been here on ebay for a millon years both as a seller and buyer ,and as a platform it has many many faults . some good some bad . really havent got time to go into all of them right now though, so ill just throw my 2 pence in on this latest debarcale .


Rignt here goes .


Before as  buyer , you could put in as many offers to as many sellers ,then if you get one acceptted you can contact any others and just say no longer needed. no harm no foul .


Now with the current system , if you put a bid in and it accepts , you have to pay or cancel  . a hassle  process that no one wants . as it has taken your money etc etc .


the only way i can see going forward , is to set up using account that you ve hardly or no money in , then use it for any offers .

This way you can put in as many offers you like , and if any accept , payment fails and you then just transfer money in and pay for the item . if you dont need the offer/item etc , then cancel as you would before . easy for the seller and no money has changed hands .


This is no way a soloution but , with online banking being what it is . setting up a account for this and transfering money to it is really easy ,


we as buyers should not have to do this but , as someone who sends tons of offers every day , this is the only way forward . 


From a seller point of view , the defult setting for offers should have stayed as it was and instant paymet should have been implemented as a option . not the other way round . 


once again , another example of ebay forcing you to do something you dont want to do . 


i have nearly lost sales because of it .


anyway , hope that was clear for all to follow . any feedback from anyone about this would be good 


cheers all 

Message 30 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

As a seller, your post made me a bit cross - this part:


'Before as buyer , you could put in as many offers to as many sellers ,then if you get one acceptted you can contact any others and just say no longer needed. no harm no foul


the only way i can see going forward , is to set up using account that you ve hardly or no money in , then use it for any offers .

This way you can put in as many offers you like , and if any accept , payment fails and you then just transfer money in and pay for the item . if you dont need the offer/item etc , then cancel as you would before . easy for the seller and no money has changed hands .'


This is exactly why Ebay has introduced this system.  Sellers want genuine offers from buyers who intend paying.  If you make an offer, or bid on an item, it should be because you actually want to buy it and you intend paying for it.  And, just as a reminder, where you say 'cancel as you would before', buyers are not actually allowed to cancel.  You can ask the seller to cancel but they can accept or refuse your request.

Hopefully, anybody reading your post will not look at it and think it contains valid or sensible advice.

"There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true.”
Søren Kierkegaard, Danish philosopher (1813 - 1855)
Message 31 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal



If the sellers you messed about followed procedure you should have quite a few unpaid item strikes and be on their blocked lists.

Message 32 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

Unfortunately your post is just about abusing the system and showing little or no consideration for sellers.


example, making offers with no intention of honouring.


also, and this reflects on your stance, as a private seller you hold large stocks of brand new item[s].

Message 33 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

You're an angel!  I've been very unhappy about this arrangement and, so far, have been unable to find out how to stop it.  Thank you so much!  


Message 34 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

I don't think you get it! It's having the option to choose the payment method of your choice.

Message 35 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal


Message 36 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

There is a simple solution, make it a buyer option to be able to use auto debit, it has a convenience that some may appreciate, but it also is draconian without the option, it could also be a seller option for items to add for a particular item that auto pay will be required to bid, a win-win for buyers and sellers alike?
But no, another exampel of corporate bullying of 'customers' and indifference to them.

Message 37 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

You do realise that it is only set up for immediate payment when sellers have that setting on?  So it's already seller choice, although they might actually have to switch it off.


Perhaps a little less ebay bashing and a bit more fact finding might be a  idea.

Message 38 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

Thanks for the info on it being a seller who happens to have immediate payment turned on, i wondered why it was a random event - 

How about the option for buyers not to have their payment details held by ebay?


My buying account fell foul of this due to the check out not working to combine items, the best solution the seller could offer was to have me make low offers on the items so he could adjust to what the correct sell price was. There was NOT a lot of warning about being caught into ebay's trap and they holding my payment details. Should i have just not paid and got none payment strikes for the 5 items i bought? - lose / lose. 

With the amounts of problems, glitches, hacks or what ever caused failures on the platform - does that represent a trusted site? 

Message 39 of 67
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Re: Auto paid removal

Autopayment can be stopped but eBay make it hard to do.

For debit card autopayments you have to go to your payments page and remove your debit card then add it again.

To stop PayPal autopayments log into your PayPal account, go into settings to payments and then automatic payments. Find the pre approved payment for eBay and cancel it. 

It won't remove it completely but makes it inactive and will stop eBay utilising it.


Excellent - many many thanks, it was easier than you suggested - obviously ebay would not mention this, but why dont the Mentors suggest this route which gives the members a choice in who holds access to our funding methods.

Message 40 of 67
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