

Does anyone think this is the end of ebay , sales are non existent , people offering silly offers and parcelforce prices going up 76% . Trying to tell us something . People being too greedy and they will pay the price in the end  

Message 1 of 43
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No this is not the end of EBay but I believe their popularity is just not what it once was and too much competition..

I believe there is one major problem at the moment for business sellers. From Dec 13th last year, new selling rules into EU and NI came into force.

So more and more people and now selling uk only. There is a limit on how much people can buy. So some areas, there is probably a flood of the same sort of thing so really is a buyers market.

Everything is going up in the real world. Inflation is rising whilst the market has flat lined.

It’s struggle for all…..and not just being greedy……just trying to survive…


Message 2 of 43
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I don't think it is the end of eBay, it's been getting worse and worse for a number of years now and eBay's total manipulation of the system has led to a two tier system.


Yes it is eBay's greed and it has come back and bitten them hard in the backside, and I have no doubt management are now floundering around trying to think of ways to stop the rot, and it is pretty rotten right now.


I have had not a single sale in six days, before that it wasn't much better despite listing thousands of pounds worth of new stock in early December. eBay are failing me and thousands of other businesses by their casual cavalier manner.


The dropping to 300 listings for Private sellers told us they had identified there was a problem, then the payment restrictions further added to it but it hasn't resolved anything. They need to do a major rethink on their extortionate fees for businesses as the next step, because I am not staying around here paying eBay and arm and a leg and getting absolutely nothing back.

Message 3 of 43
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What they have done is not going to make any private seller change. What I would give to have buyer pays my  fees 4% + 75p. In fact what incentive is there to change from private to business.

what they could have done was trialled the same fees for all. Stop the undercutting of businesses.

Make it cheap to sell for all and see lots of new people and people coming back. 
Until EBay stop seeing businesses as cash cows nothing will change until the milk dries up and many are on the verge….

Message 4 of 43
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I agree with you , there should be a blanket fee of say 5 % in all categories to all sellers , no added fees for this , that and the other . I have people sending stupid offers at least i could pass some of the savings to the buyer .

Win win for everyone .

Message 5 of 43
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It sure would. At least trial it for a few months. I would drop my prices to reflect fee reduction…

Message 6 of 43
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But also get rid of Promoted Listings and the massive manipulation of the search engine: we now have a two tier selling system and a playing field totally loaded by eBay and their interference.

Message 7 of 43
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Yes. The sad thing is, they won’t back down on anything to save face…You can imagine them saying….” Let them eat cake”…

Message 8 of 43
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@spence0175 wrote:

What they have done is not going to make any private seller change. What I would give to have buyer pays my  fees 4% + 75p. In fact what incentive is there to change from private to business.

what they could have done was trialled the same fees for all. Stop the undercutting of businesses.

Make it cheap to sell for all and see lots of new people and people coming back. 
Until EBay stop seeing businesses as cash cows nothing will change until the milk dries up and many are on the verge….

What will make those private sellers who have mobility issues or live far from drop off points is mandated "Simple" Delivery without collection option included.


But I'm not hopeful this will be solved, ebay will just see the loss of such sellers as an irrelevance.


It will be interesting when business sellers below a certain volume are roped in for mandatory SD.

Message 9 of 43
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I dont think business sellers have realised that they will have the delights of the new rules foisted on them sooner or later.

Message 10 of 43
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I think we are in between a rock and a hard place. If you promote you cant be as competative with the buyer .... if you dont promote and offer the discounts to the buyer you dont get enough visibility


top this of with increased costs to sell is making it very challenging plus more people doing side hussles to top their income up


Regulations making it harder and harder to sell


Economic issues mean people have less to spend


Its a perfect storm of challenges and we are all fighting for the crumbs !!


Message 11 of 43
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Am I missing something, please correct me if Im wrong

If a buyer sees  a listing from a private seller then the price shown will encur an extra 4% +75p  and therefore a business seller will now be more competative (or equal when they factor in promos extra) so pushing more "private" seller to stop abusing the system and converting to business acounts is benefitial, putting an end to these "private" seller getting free listings (which they still can do) but their profit margin is hit at the other end.




Message 12 of 43
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If they are selling for say £15 and leave the price at £15 the seller will pay £16.35 so if the business sellers price was £15 it will still be £15 so will be cheaper.


In all likelyhood private sellers will have to reduce there price to factor in the new fees, however, the private sellers fees are cheaper so they will still be able to undercut business sellers based on equal terms ie cost to purchase


So no im afraid this will not push them to become a buisness seller, quite the opposite in fact

Message 13 of 43
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Oh I don't doubt that, someone in eBay Towers has made this decision and you know as well as I these people don't back down. It's their whole reputation on the line and they would rather see 1,000 businesses hit the wall than admit they were wrong.


I bet you many of us on here have been at eBay longer than the vast majority of the senior staff, and we also know the system and how it works better than them. Suits and fast cars - know it alls, here today and gone tomorrow.


That is who made these stupid decisions.

Message 14 of 43
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Yes I see what you are saying, but Private sellers are rarely selling at the same price as businesses, so they can offer it at least 15% cheaper with no fees, which rather swamps out any minor extra a Private seller pays still.



Message 15 of 43
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I have found ebay to be in slow decline for a few years now.

I used to sell items at a decent profit.

Now there are too many sellers selling similar items to compete with.


The number of buyers has declined along with even just messages asking about my items.


Message 16 of 43
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The way I read it is if I buy an item for £20 I will be paying that plus 4%+ 75p.plus postage. Alternatively the seller can swallow the costs into their sale, so technically they will be paying the fees.

But the reality is that your average private seller will not swallow the fees but pass it to the buyer.

Hopefully I have read it right.

Either way it’s still a lot cheaper fee wise than business

Message 17 of 43
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"average private seller will not swallow the fees but pass it to the buyer" - Making it more expensive for the buyer? Therefore they are not undercutting the business sellers? I read it the same so feel that if a private seller was selling the item at £20 then its £1.55 extra = £21.55 to the buyer 

A business seller with 250 listings in a shop may choose Promos but it isnt going to cost £1.55 in fees for each listing only the shop fee which is 13p if I divide £32.40 by 250 listings 




Message 18 of 43
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Yes so if I sell an item for £20 it will cost me roughly £4 in fees. If I buy an item at £20 I pay a buyers fee..

the private seller in theory could sell their item for £16 undercutting a business by £4, then pass the buyers fee to the buyer regardless.

The private seller can’t have it all. Free to list and basically free to sell if they pass the buyers fee to the buyer

A business pays to have a shop and pays roughly 13% on a sale.

I think I have that right…

Message 19 of 43
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I just googled Simple delivery. Apparently you can opt out when creating your listing

Message 20 of 43
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