eBay please stop working on the site no sales can't plan for Xmas

eBay needs to inform us all  when they will stop with the ever changing the listing page 


Since June I have had problems 



Now I've spent day after day apologising for  the estimated delivery times that are wrong 


There is more glitches on eBay that there is in the matrix


We are now paying  roughly 36% in fees for a broken site and to have every other seller on my listings 


Will some one get back from eBay  to inform us when this will stop 


No other platform shows this much disrespect to the sellers 


Today no sales on multiple sites I bet they have changed a word on an email to cause this 



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eBay please stop working on the site no sales can't plan for Xmas



We have same probrem most of time updated our sales down. 😞 Before almost almost every day had 5-10 sales. We were very busy now they almost every day do something I am happy to get 1- 2 sales per day. That very said because we change from private to business account as we had lots of sales and always got messages from Ebay. And now when we registrated as business everything changed. Everything down. We paying all promotion, why need pat them if not have any results?????

But if not pay as well not any sales. I do not why they do this.

Almost october now and this time need prepare for Christmas but how if for example this week our Impressions red and down, not have any views.


Plus from yesterday when I go Unsold items there the options not works. I can not put relist again. Its like all buttoms frozen. :((((


And I checking now same still not works. 


Message 2 of 6
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eBay please stop working on the site no sales can't plan for Xmas

No other platform shows this much disrespect to the sellers 


I presume that you don't sell on Amazon then.

If you think Ebay is bad, you really have no idea as to how you can be treated by robots!


And if your realistic about it, none of them really care about their sellers, other than as a source of income.

Message 3 of 6
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eBay please stop working on the site no sales can't plan for Xmas

Yep I sale on  loads of sites


And your right Amazon has it's challenges... But nothing like this 


When Amazon roles out a change they in update you with emails 


When eBay tiles out a change no one knows and no one knows when it will end 


How many times have your listings been effected by updates 

Message 4 of 6
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eBay please stop working on the site no sales can't plan for Xmas

Since cassini eBay has been awful


There has been no growth ... 


Every year they do updates and role out promotions 


And every year when you speak to eBay customer service about the site not working 


They will say  you have to do re lists 

Or there is nothing wrong with the site ...


And the first few years we would scratch out heads trying all sorts of different ways to help get sales 


Now we know it's eBay it's always been eBay limiting what we sale 


I've spent the week apologising to buyers  for estimated deliveries I have rang eBay and each time I spoke to a  customer service it was like the first time they heard of the problem 





Message 5 of 6
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eBay please stop working on the site no sales can't plan for Xmas

The honest answer to that, is virtually never on Ebay.

However, if your talking about Amazon, practically on a daily basis.

Which is pretty much why I don't sell there any more.



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