eBay Search

Morning all, hope you are all well.  Like many others we come to these boards to find solutions to our problems and/or offer insights to eBay and other users - you know the way a forum should work. 

In the last 12 months or so we have been hit as sellers with a lot of obstacles.. service metrics not been looked after as promised = huge loss of sales, new advertising system dynamic = don't pay don't play.  July's tests, EDDs etc etc.

Some of us have managed to limp through those issues and still remain in business, just in my case.  Well lost one company.

The problem is the current issue, by reading the forums seems to be the 'SEARCH FUNCTIONALITY.'  Dozens of reports with evidence show huge numbers of listings not being found so potential buyers can't find our listings, if they can't find our listings then they can't buy our products, simple enough yes?  Remember we are paying good money for these listings to be visible BUT eBay are not giving us value for money.  We are NOT getting what we are paying for.

So my question is to anita@ebay    marco@ebay    or whoever has the power to honestly answer is the current search system here to stay or is it broken and being fixed?  

I personally retired from my 25 year career to do something I love due to mental health reasons and that is selling fishing tackle.  Until this time last year it was a breeze and I was looking forward to enjoying my formative years.  All I did was tweak a few listings now and again and leave my standard promoted listings at say 2% to 5%.  I sold loads, I had loads of suppliers and loads of loyal customers.  Obviously on top of this I was giving eBay many tens of 1000s of £££ in revenue.  It's all but gone.

All the above reasons since this time last year have put a huge strain on my family financially and a huge strain on my mental health.  Sales are down 80 to 90%  My account seems capped at the exact number of sales per day - 25.  I've heard rumours if you are vocal on these boards you get capped.  Is this true anita@ebay?  All I want to do is my job.  All I want to do is have as little stress as possible and interact here with some great characters, post my orders, buy my stock, list my new stuff (which I loved doing) and generally enjoy the eBay experience.  So all I want to know is will this ever be possible or am I wasting my time?  Remember as I've mentioned, I jumped through all the hoops, watched all the videos, hiked up % promotions etc etc, but if my account is crippled or the Search is forever against me those are things I can't change.  So instead of lying awake at night wondering how 'I' can change things I just want to know truthfully without the 'clear your cache, spin round three times, drink a pint of glitter' or whatever else if I'm wasting my time, money and efforts.

So please tell me and the countless others here who have proved beyond doubt the search facility is hiding in some cases in the high 90% of listings is the search working as eBay want it or is it broken and going to be fixed?  (Oh please can you remove the cap on my account, thanks.  I know it's there..)

Kindest regards.

Message 1 of 172
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eBay Search

or what its worth, i get 9 results, the top on being a camera not a bag.

Message 41 of 172
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eBay Search

That was using ending soonest, switch to best match and i get 183, nearly all of which are neck straps to hold your mobile phone on.

Message 42 of 172
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eBay Search

...You're getting that result because you're searching specifically for a 'shoulder mount camera case'  (- i.e. the specific search string used by the seller)  as opposed to the two search terms I used; which are probably more typical.


You're also getting the listing from (the excellent) jcbsales that I was referring to earlier; which is a re-list from just a very short time ago (minutes).   To be fair, the description set by the seller is a wee bit odd for what it is; but it should really still pop up as a 'camera case' under the search terms I used...  It's a good deal (absolute bargain)  and if I didn't already have several similar items, I'd be biting their hand off! 


I too am using a W10 desktop - can't be bothered with mobiles...


"for what its worth, i get 9 results, the top on being a camera not a bag."


...Yes; an old VHS thing that comes in a case; that time around I got 3 results 😂.  - Try broadcast camera bag without any parenthesis; the only relevant UK result is from someone with 0%/11 feedback score who has apparently never sold anything before. 


Interestingly though, if you access that particular listing you start seeing dozens of relevant sponsored items superimposed on their listing!  


"That was using ending soonest, switch to best match and i get 183, nearly all of which are neck straps to hold your mobile phone on."


...Oh well; at least things are changing  🙄  normally you get a couple of hundred cases, screen protectors and silly wee dangly things for mobile phones.  - You then have to start adding a load of ' - ' items to the search to eliminate at least some of the dross. 


This is a footery enough 'life is too short' exercise on a desktop - with two 22" screens!  - On a mobile or small laptop; nawww! 

- If everything is promoted then nothing is promoted... and many are defrauded!
Message 43 of 172
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eBay Search

This intresting, as it probably explains the timing of the sales. Yesterday i had 2 sales between 12.00am to 12.30am, there used to be a time when between 5.00pm and 9.00pm were the busiest times that hasn't happen in ages.

Message 44 of 172
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eBay Search

...It might be worthwhile  keeping an informal note of those sale times; though they do make a bit of sense; lunchtime when people are maybe popping on to their phones for a quick browse, and after work.   - must see if searching at different times makes a difference to the results yielded.


...Oh; wait a minute; just noticed you said 12:00am - Midnight?   That seems a wee bit odd.

- If everything is promoted then nothing is promoted... and many are defrauded!
Message 45 of 172
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eBay Search

Yep midnight, tbh 12.20 am 12.37am, love to know how many people get most of their sales in what used to be the busiest times which used to be in the evening

Message 46 of 172
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eBay Search

Odd; do horse owners perhaps routinely flop down in front of their computers last thing at night and think 'oo I must get...' 


Something else that's getting quite irritating is the prominennce of 'similar sponsored items'.  - I took a quick look at your dog shampoo just now - and your page is festooned with ads for other folk's stuff before I can even get to your 'item specifics' tabs to read about the thing that has caught my eye!   It's RIGHT in the middle of the page!    - To the extent I thought these were other items you had for sale; they weren't! 


eBay...please note that I've just set up a U-block filter to get RID of this unwelcome intrusion in the middle of sellers' pages; which is clearly interfering with their sales!   The stuff at the bottom of the page I mind less; but congratulations eBay - you've just antagonised a buyer by trying to ram stuff down their throat; and suceeded in having what you're trying to push BLOCKED - completely!  





- If everything is promoted then nothing is promoted... and many are defrauded!
Message 47 of 172
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eBay Search

 @bojangled and @paul*tribesandvibes* 


Thanks for your inputs.  Sorry I used a bad example in 'hooks.'  I did not mean fishing hooks but just hooks in general.  When typing in 'hooks ebay' on Google the first link visible just sends me to a 'categories' page and no listings whatsoever. Asking Google for 'screws eBay' gives the same result.  No listings just the categories page which is well erm pointless... sorry I was not being clear first time around. For clarity this was done on a Android phone using Chrome.



Message 48 of 172
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eBay Search

....I dread to think what size/type of hook eBay imagine you might need for a baby - or why! 😧

- If everything is promoted then nothing is promoted... and many are defrauded!
Message 49 of 172
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eBay Search

@tackshackuk I used to know my busiest times. 05:30 to 06:30am (early birds and insomniacs); 10am (coffee break), 12:30 to 2pm (lunch), 4:15-4:30pm (bored with work) and then any time between 6pm and 10pm (bored with TV).


Now that we only get 1, maybe 2, orders a day, at anytime of the day, it's hard to pinpoint. The last 3 orders were coffee break, before that, 2 orders over 2 days bored with TV. But there's no pattern any more. You cannot predict anything!

big fat waste of time.jpg

Remind me again - what are listing fees for?
Message 50 of 172
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eBay Search

@mrq-private small ones ... to hang them on while they are drying after bathtime?

Remind me again - what are listing fees for?
Message 51 of 172
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eBay Search

"small ones ... to hang them on while they are drying after bathtime?"  


Pah! kids today!  - Tumble drying ain't good enough now and they want hanging! 🤣

- If everything is promoted then nothing is promoted... and many are defrauded!
Message 52 of 172
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eBay Search

Well I've just sat down with a cuppa read/re-read this weeks weekly chat and to say I'm disappointed is an understatement.  From that I can assume..


1) eBay's current EDDs work fine and are staying.. even though anyone with a gram of common sense can see otherwise.


2) eBay's current search functionality works fine and is staying.. even though anyone with a gram of common sense can see otherwise.


3) eBay's current 'policy' of allowing multiple listings from the Chinese Tat Companies are working fine and are staying.. even though anyone with a gram of common sense can see otherwise.


So another kick in the privates then... I just wish for once they would actually read what we type and take it from us, the people who use the site that it's not working and dramatic changes are needed.  Unless they just actually come out and tell us they only want the Chinese Tat companies and really want rid of all you smaller UK businesses.  I'd rather know the truth one way or the other... 😪

Message 53 of 172
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eBay Search

...Then I must adhere with the considered opinion that eBay is being run on a deeply dishonest basis by deeply dishonest individuals.  - Because they surely cannot be so mired in stupidity as to sincerely believe these policies are wise or justified.


The policy of allowing Chinese - and other foreign - sellers to sell dangerous and often illegal goods on the platform shown open contempt for consumer safety; especially as eBay enables these people to pretend they are trading from the UK when clearly, they are not.  By this means, eBay actively defeats the end of consumers attempting to protect themselves by specifying 'UK only'. It's a blatant and deliberate untruth to claim eBay search 'works fine'... especially in the face of irrefutable evidence to the contrary.


...Very obviously the 'agenda' of eBay is indeed to abandon its grass roots users to pursue some other business model.   I pity those who are financially or otherwise invested in it.  - It's certainly NOT any kind of viable platform upon which to base a business!



- If everything is promoted then nothing is promoted... and many are defrauded!
Message 54 of 172
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eBay Search

It's easy, everyone on here needs to differentiate between works ok for you and working ok for ebay, of course things like EDD works as intended, for ebay, it's their platform, they keep saying it's working as intended, it is.


I have said many time we have to accept that ebay has changed, in reality it has been changing for many years, if it nolonger fits our business model, then in reality it's us that nolonger fit into their business model and one way or another we have to accept that simple fact.



Message 55 of 172
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eBay Search

@exponential_developments wrote:

if it nolonger fits our business model, then in reality it's us that nolonger fit into their business model and one way or another we have to accept that simple fact.

100% correct although as I stated if they actually came out and told us that I would accept it and move on.  However they don't.  They tell us to hike up our % promotions, change our titles, swap about our specifications, change our descriptions.  Which we know because we have tried does not work.


Some come on eBay, come out and tell us the truth.  Either way I can take it and move on if required but let's have it form the horses mouth.  Are we part of the plan or not?


To add this arrived today in messages... 


'Go from stocked up to sold out
Head over to our Peak Season headquarters that’s packed with Promoted Listings Advanced insights, updates, and more.'


'We've got essential resources to help make this your best season ever, including:

Optimisation tips and selling strategies

Top trends and category insights

Notable/high-traffic dates for the peak season

Our downloadable 2023 Peak Season Trends Report'


It's insulting it really is... eBay.. NONE OF THAT GUFF WORKS, WE HAVE TRIED IT ALL OVER AND OVER AGAIN... believe me I want it to work, but it simple does NOT.

Message 56 of 172
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eBay Search

Can't remember if I said it earlier on this thread, or another.


Now that ebay has made inroads into the number of private sellers, by making it progressively more hassle than it's worth for them, the next target for shedding unwanted 'low value' buyers and sellers is bound to be the smaller businesses.  


With ebay squeezing the last pennies of profit out of them as they're pushed towards the exit, via PL,  if they're desperate enough to try to stay on board.

Message 57 of 172
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eBay Search

I'm not a business so don't keep sophisticated sales records or any sort of analytics, but like so many others noticed a slow decline in my sales on ebay over several years and a more marked decline since ebay decimated the old Collectables categories.


Over those years I also noticed an increase in sales on a much smaller site.  Eventually, for want of any other reason I could think of, I put this increase down to my items being shown regularly on the first 2-3 pages of Google Shopping.  I started checking regularly to see how many of my items I could find and where they were placed.


Something I've noticed is that whereas in years gone by my items (and those from other smaller sites and independent web-sites) were shown as a scattering between blocks of listings from ebay and etsy, ebay in particular is much less in evidence on the first couple of pages and etsy is also less evident than previously.


Today's check is fairly typical of my recent findings on pages 1 and 2 combined (Ignoring the 'Featured' strips  and using the 60 individual items per page.)

Ebay 11 items.

Etsy 8 items.

Ebid 8 items.

Others 33 items.


It's only on P.3 that ebay and to a lesser extent etsy begin to swamp the results.

Ebay 40 items.

Etsy 8 items.

Ebid 1 item.

Others 11 items.


I assume that placement on GS is, at least in part, governed by clicks / views  through GS?

If so, is this adding evidence that there is a growing dis-enchantment with both the larger sites and that collectors are using them less and instead widening their searches to easier to use sites?

Message 58 of 172
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eBay Search

"I have said many time we have to accept that eBay has changed, in reality it has been changing for many years, if it no longer fits our business model, then in reality it's us that no longer fit into their business model and one way or another we have to accept that simple fact."


That's a very reasonable point... and many people (probably the vast majority of those affected) will simply and quietly walk away; both buyers and sellers. 


- Likewise those who like me are in the process of setting up something that will sell to the public; are doing/have done that legwork. - With decades of more general business experience at my disposal; it's blindingly obvious to me that eBay is no longer a viable option for even the most modest 'cottage enterprise' to set up stall upon.   - And do let's recall at this point that over 99% of all UK businesses are micro-Small (not even medium sized!) enterprises. 


To add this arrived today in messages...


'Go from stocked up to sold out
Head over to our Peak Season headquarters that’s packed with Promoted Listings Advanced insights, updates, and more.'


'We've got essential resources to help make this your best season ever, including:

Optimisation tips and selling strategies

Top trends and category insights

Notable/high-traffic dates for the peak season

Our downloadable 2023 Peak Season Trends Report'


It's insulting it really is... eBay.. NONE OF THAT GUFF WORKS, WE HAVE TRIED IT ALL OVER AND OVER AGAIN... believe me I want it to work, but it simple does NOT."


...It's exactly this; the sheer dishonesty of eBay, which raises the hackles.  90%+ of listed items being hidden from potential buyers, tangible as well as anecdotal evidence of this to be found from numerous commentators all over the boards (and elsewhere). - People's likelihoods being destroyed; and still eBay is trying to turn the screw further and harder.


...Managed Monetised Decline (MMD).  It happens to platforms when they grow to a point they are primarily interested in manipulating their place on the money markets and lose sight of the function which underpins them.  I could name names but am not allowed to here. 


Consider what once once a professional, non-nonsense networking site; now degenerated into a recruiting platform with emphasis on keeping 'the ignorant and the rudderless' firmly treading the hamster wheel; now actively selling snake-oil and delusions - made intolerable and irrelevant to the serious, legitimate, professional mind... Now a cultish Shyster-central; MMD and 'black noise' traffic stats are the order of the day as it is 'shaved and prepped' for the final boil-down to it's bare bones.    - Ultimately it is just a sophisticated 'pump and dump' scheme, played out over an extended period.


...Or the video platform; built on user content.  To many of us who were/are actually in the trade; this was never a viable business model; it would never have paid our bills.  It has however become a behemoth with many of its (frankly rank-amateur, which the platform exploits) producers becoming reliant on the £1K-£3K a month they might make from it.     ...but as it descends into MMD it is turning the screw hard on its grass-roots and long term 'producers'.


I can think of one American lady who makes 'electronics and quirky tech' videos'; once a relatively famous maker of guitar effects pedals - who is quite frankly descending into utter madness and can be observed doing so for all the world to see.  Her income severely denuded by the increasing greed of this video platform (which also leverages 'promotions' in a way comparable to eBay's tactics) - and lockfast to the sinking ship - as she comes 'under attack'  from the varying forces of cost-of-living crises - she is reduced to basically e-begging to keep afloat.   


...meanwhile the platform itself pursues those old 'black noise' statistics as it tries to pivot and become 'something like' one of the big movie-streaming platforms.   Again; the eye is on the share price not the function and it is in a 'pump and dump' spiral. 


...You know that TV ad for the 'big name' building society.  Where the  ageing-yuppie laughs at the concept of providing the service his customer expects, wallows in narcissism and sees 'the branch' as an incumbence and 'chatbots' as the answer?   Disingenuous as that ad is (the firm behind it are as bad as anywhere else) - the ad is 'funny cos it's true'; these people are really like that!


- To the eBay managers and executives responsible for this mess  (and it IS a complete mess!) I can only point them to the wise words of those two great philosophers Newman and Baddiel; simply trying to deny that there is a very serious problem really just inflames the situation...




- If everything is promoted then nothing is promoted... and many are defrauded!
Message 59 of 172
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eBay Search

I'm not posting this to argue with anyone, particularly mrq, as we have had a run-in before.


However, I believe that part of this problem is that eBay have never completed the roll-out of Item specifics. They have given the sellers all the pain of adding specifics, many of which are totally irrelevant, to their listings.


But then they have stopped. They have never, as promised, educated buyers on how to use item specifics in their searches. Buyers still come to eBay hoping to be able to browse, but they really can't do that with simple searches, as (in cases where everything is returned) there are too many listings, and too many of them are completely irrelevant.


IF you search by narrowing things down, using item specifics, far fewer results are returned; browsing is possible; and fewer results seem to be left out. But nobody is telling the buyers that. I'm sure most buyers have never heard of item specifics.


So come on eBay. This is a recognised problem, even if you don't think it is. If you're going to stick with search the way it is, at least educate your buyers. The sellers have done their part, it's time for eBay to do theirs.

Message 60 of 172
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