Ridiculous Vero decision - rights owner withdrew their report but ebay still rejected appeal

This is first time from years when ebay rejected our appeal. But why? 

In short:


RIGHTS OWNER reported our 2 listings via VeRo as unauthorized copies.

ebay removed both listings and informed me to contact RIGHTS OWNER

I have contacted RIGHTS OWNER and they accepted my appeal

ebay however decide not to accept appeal and still state that listings can not be reinstated as                              these are reported by RIGHTS OWNER as unauthorized copies.

BUT RIGHTS OWNER ALREADY ASKED ebay to withdraw the enforcement requests for the two listings. So why on earth ebay is ignoring rights owner now?


It is ridiculous. So in fact as of today both products are not anymore reported by rights owner as an unauthorized copies but ebay still treats retracted unauthorized copies reports as valid!


In more details:

1) November 2024 I got message from ebay stating: 

"Your listing was reported by the rights owner listed below as an unauthorized copy. (...).  

If you believe a mistake has been made, you will need to contact the rights owner directly. If the rights owner approves your appeal, please have them contact us directly to reinstate your listing(s)
You can send an email to: XXX. 

2) Like always with these cases (as we got these from time to time) I have contacted rights owner via email provided by ebay.

3) After 2 months rights owner replied finally stating that:

"We have contacted ebay to withdraw the enforcement requests for the two listings, and are awaiting action on ebay."

4) I have sent over copy of emails from rights owner to ebay in form of appeal to speed up process and here is ebay's reply:

"We reviewed your appeal of an action on your account. Upon further review, we’re unable to grant your appeal because the listings aren’t following our VeRO Unauthorised Item Policy. Your listing was reported by the rights owner listed below as an unauthorized copy."


So how on earth rights owner may accept appeal and ebay refuses to accept this decision?

Any ebay representative here to explain and help with this?



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