No sales

What is going on at eBay?


No sales, no offers no response to offers, last sale 15 hours ago and counting. I sell worldwide, all listings promoted, TRS, eBay premium service, fast and free, NO SALES. 

Everything's collapsed since mid march/early April. 
Something changed at eBay during this time that has collapsed my sales and views prior to that time I had regular sales,  and offers throughout the day and night, from all over the world.


Suddenly nobody wants to buy what they were calmouring to buy previously. 

This is nothing to do with the economy so please don't wheel out that lazy excuse. 

Message 1 of 1,525
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No sales

@bittyboy101 wrote:

giphy (8).gif

I've now given up any hope of selling anything anymore on eBay.


eBay just won't let me sell anything at all. This place is now a farce.

There is absolutely NO HELP at all from eBay for small private sellers that are now stuggling with no sales.

Just realised that I had missed the "R" -  That part of my last post should have read "struggling with no sales"


Years ago we had something really good with eBay... now due to share greed they have now ruined everything for everyone...  There is no help or sympathy from the money-mad owners of eBay... All they are interested in now is helping the very big high-paying companies which sell lots of new stuff on eBay prosper further and further whilst the small non business private sellers are just left to wilt away to nothing until they are forced to cease selling on eBay due to no help or fair play from eBay...

Message 1201 of 1,525
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No sales

I think you have it spot on here, the whole system is defo up the spout

Message 1202 of 1,525
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I've had no sales since 29th April and last night I got a sh*tty return request! Just because the customer changed her mind. This is ridiculous! My eBay is now at minus £32.40 for shop fee and I don't know how I'm supposed to refund this customer once the item arrives back to me! Where is all the buyers?!?!?!?!

Message 1203 of 1,525
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No sales

@treasured_attic wrote:

Where is all the buyers?!?!?!?!



Even the take down and relist under "sell similar" trick no longer works anymore to revive/trigger sales... Now if you take something down before the item ends and relist it under "sell similar" eBay now GHOSTS your new listing by NOT INDEXING IT for the search results, so when other people go to search for an item like the one you're selling, EBAY DOES NOT SHOW THEM YOUR LISTING IN THE SEARCH RESULTS, but if you try and search for your own listing on YOUR OWN COMPUTER then eBay shows YOUR ITEMS to YOU in the searches so that you are convenced all is OK when it really isn't ! - This is why you can relist something and the new listing will just sit there for 14 days with ONLY 0-1 views. 



Message 1204 of 1,525
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No sales

Dont be Mad !


Its not even worth it.


It was obvious a while ago we would reach this point, i stopped selling on Amazon a while ago, and and eBays close to that stage.


I have a feeling it will get alot worse before it gets better. As the UK market needs law changes at a government level and that is not happening anytime soon.


The UK retail market is too small to absorb so many sellers and at the same time be cut off from easy trade with the EU, anyone waiting for the good times to return will be waiting for a long time, as cost of business to export markets will always hold them back whilst having a flooded local market plus weak consumer spending and changing shopping habits.


You can see from recent changes that tax revenues for business are down, this is why they keep cutting benefits and moving allowances for instance dividend tax free allowance is now only £500 and so forth.


I wouldnt hold your breath for a quick turnaround and move onto other projects which will benefit your life.





Message 1205 of 1,525
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Getting mad over a poor eCommerce environment environment in the UK, is pretty much pointless as the Government and HMRC are supposed to act as some kind of gatekeepers.


Both are useless !

With UK minimum wage at £ 11.44 and going up next year as well, the ability to get over 5% on cash in an ISA tax-free. eBay seems like a waste of time right now!


The risk and the work vs rewards do not make sense, id rather move on with the shirt on my back than loose it.

Message 1206 of 1,525
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No sales

@itdontevenmatter wrote:

Dont be Mad !


Its not even worth it.


It was obvious a while ago we would reach this point, i stopped selling on Amazon a while ago, and and eBays close to that stage.


I have a feeling it will get alot worse before it gets better. As the UK market needs law changes at a government level and that is not happening anytime soon.


The UK retail market is too small to absorb so many sellers and at the same time be cut off from easy trade with the EU, anyone waiting for the good times to return will be waiting for a long time, as cost of business to export markets will always hold them back whilst having a flooded local market plus weak consumer spending and changing shopping habits.


You can see from recent changes that tax revenues for business are down, this is why they keep cutting benefits and moving allowances for instance dividend tax free allowance is now only £500 and so forth.


I wouldnt hold your breath for a quick turnaround and move onto other projects which will benefit your life.





Nope, Not buying that nonsense.




One week plenty of views and 4 sales close together and then all of a sudden no views or sales for 3 weeks at a time and then the cycle repeats... It is as if exposure is on some sort of timer/rotor and after about 15 hours everything then STOPS DEAD until the next rotor after 2-3 weeks and so on...



Message 1207 of 1,525
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No sales

All I'm saying is don't over-stress or overthink about it!


It could have very negative mental consequences or make you sick.


Honestly, eBay isn't worth it, the state of the UK market hasn't just happened overnight we have been on this path for at least 10 years. There have been plenty of people asking someone to do something about it and no one has. HMRC hasn't got a grip on overseas tax fraud for example even after 10 years.


Its just not worth getting angry or depressed or stressed about, it would be better to occupy yourself with something else that would be more rewarding and take a look at eBay again when the market conditions make sense.


You can post here all you want and it won't make even a tiny bit of difference.


But if you dont want to listen or take on advice and keep shouting at eBay............. crack on !

Message 1208 of 1,525
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No sales

Damn, so many negative thoughts about Ebay.

I really don't get it at all.

Yes, it's been a bit quieter over the last month or so, but that's not so suprising with the way retail in general is currently.

But though I've had the odd day, where there haven't been many sales, overall it's not that bad.

Still growing, albeit slower now.

Maybe it's about what your selling or the price points your trying to sell at.


Whoever it was posting about lack of visibility, is spouting rubbish I'm afraid.  Unless you have a bad standing with Ebay, it simply should not happen.

If your selling in a category that has a LOT of other sellers, then it's difficult to get to the top.  But persistance is key.  It is not in Ebay's interest in any way whatsoever to hide anyone's listings.  To do so, essentially means that they are less likely to get income on those listings.  So it makes absolutely no commercial sense to do so and that is exactly what Ebay (the company) is all about.  Making money!


Message 1209 of 1,525
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No sales

@therenewalworkshopltd wrote:

Damn, so many negative thoughts about Ebay.

I really don't get it at all.

Yes, it's been a bit quieter over the last month or so, but that's not so suprising with the way retail in general is currently.

But though I've had the odd day, where there haven't been many sales, overall it's not that bad.

Still growing, albeit slower now.

Maybe it's about what your selling or the price points your trying to sell at.


Whoever it was posting about lack of visibility, is spouting rubbish I'm afraid.  Unless you have a bad standing with Ebay, it simply should not happen.

If your selling in a category that has a LOT of other sellers, then it's difficult to get to the top.  But persistance is key.  It is not in Ebay's interest in any way whatsoever to hide anyone's listings.  To do so, essentially means that they are less likely to get income on those listings.  So it makes absolutely no commercial sense to do so and that is exactly what Ebay (the company) is all about.  Making money!




IF it was rubbish, then why were all my listings still sitting on ZERO VIEWS after 14 days of being listed with Keyword and Search Engine item specifics fully optimised ??????????




I am not stuiped and I wasn't born yesterday either !, If my items are getting ZERO VIEWS because they are not indexed onto the system then how am I supposed to sell anything ????? - I am basically artificially CRIPPLED/HAMPERED BY EBAY FROM SELLING ANYTHING ! because no one can see what I am selling ! because eBay have GHOSTED ME !!!  😞


The economy has nothing to do with it otherwise the whole of eBay would grind to a hult because NO ONE WOULD BE BUYING ANYTHING FROM ALL THE OTHER BIG SELLERS AND EBAY WOULDN'T BE TAKING ANY FEES FOR SOLD ITEMS !

Message 1210 of 1,525
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No sales

Seriously, you have 18 listings for locks!

They may well be collectible, but if people haven't got any money etc, then they are not going to look for that kind of thing, unless they need it.

And frankly, if I needed to replace a lock, why on earth would I pay 2/3 times more than I need to?

People don't have money to spend on that kind of thing, which explains they are not looking for it.


If I search for one of your items, from a different account, it is quite visible.  Which also puts paid to the fact that they are not indexed and are searchable!


As to the economy not making any difference, why not try looking at the news occasionally.

Do you have any idea how many small and large companies have collapsed, because of the economy?

Could that possibly be, because people aren't spending their money these days?


Ebay have suffered because of lack of sales.  Why do you think are pushing so hard for people to spend on advertising?  Or even giving fee less sales for private sellers of clothing etc?


Also, if they are not indexing listings and making them visible, why am I still selling items?  Why indeed is anyone still selling items?  

Message 1211 of 1,525
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No sales

Correction "stupid" and "halt" were typed wrong in my previous post .

Message 1212 of 1,525
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No sales

@therenewalworkshopltd wrote:

Seriously, you have 18 listings for locks!

They may well be collectible, but if people haven't got any money etc, then they are not going to look for that kind of thing, unless they need it.

And frankly, if I needed to replace a lock, why on earth would I pay 2/3 times more than I need to?

People don't have money to spend on that kind of thing, which explains they are not looking for it.


If I search for one of your items, from a different account, it is quite visible.  Which also puts paid to the fact that they are not indexed and are searchable!


As to the economy not making any difference, why not try looking at the news occasionally.

Do you have any idea how many small and large companies have collapsed, because of the economy?

Could that possibly be, because people aren't spending their money these days?


Ebay have suffered because of lack of sales.  Why do you think are pushing so hard for people to spend on advertising?  Or even giving fee less sales for private sellers of clothing etc?


Also, if they are not indexing listings and making them visible, why am I still selling items?  Why indeed is anyone still selling items?  

I had 60 items on eBay last week but cancelled them all 2 days ago because I lost heart with them all sitting there with 0-1 views.


I came back today and relisted 18 items which are collectable to see what happens.


Whilst I did sell the cheaper locks, those too remained on zero views most of the time and I found that it was the dearer stuff that was getting some views and watchers... with one item sold last week for £42,99 to a repeat buyer who had me saved as a favourite seller...


And yes, some rich and respectable people do pay more to have an exclusive and rare lock so this happens.


My point, is I know that my visibility has now been switched off. Hence no views or watchers... and it costs nothing to window shop which would then count as a  view ! 



Message 1213 of 1,525
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Then how do you explain that I can search for and FIND your items if you have been switched off?


Message 1214 of 1,525
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No sales

Ebay staff ?... or someone at eBay saw me moaning and flicked the switch to the ON position perhaps ?

Message 1215 of 1,525
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No sales

Lol, of course!  

Yet when there are big issues that come up on the board, nothing seems to happen.  So they just thought that they would switch you on instead.


I must say, that for a private seller, you have an extrordinary amount of locks to hand, that you have been selling for a while......

Not that your a business or anything and evading returns etc.


Message 1216 of 1,525
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No sales



It's obvious you are not happy on eBay.
Several times you've posted that it's not worth listing, listings are hidden, no visibility and that you've given up with eBay etc.


Got to ask the question if it's creating stress and making you feel that angry then why are you still here giving it any energy ?


Your category is very niche, long tail items. Surely listing them, taking them off a few days later, re listing, delisting isn't helping the algorithm. 

Have you investigated other platforms? 


Message 1217 of 1,525
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No sales

Well, start of new month and as expected, 0 sales of personal items on eBay in comparison with 6 sales on Vint*d so far this month...... 🤔🤔


Speaks volumes to me, and as I've already stated, people are spending money. A couple of my couriers have said that they have been chocker with deliveries since the end of last month and it's just not stopped, so again, people are spending money!


However, they can't spend money if they can't find the items within the search facility of an online shopping site.  The only way I can find specific items on eBay is by using Google shopping, but I usually get a far better deal on another site, so that's the way it goes........ 🙄🙄

Truth hurts. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with a seat missing, but it hurts.

You may think you have pushed ALL my buttons, but you still haven't found the mute!
Message 1218 of 1,525
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Sorry to say this but I just can't see your items selling in droves in the current economic climate. It's very niche. I count myself as surviving but there's no way I'd entertain the price of your locks. Sorry to sound harsh but people just haven't got that sort of money for a lock IMO

Message 1219 of 1,525
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No sales

@therenewalworkshopltd wrote:

Lol, of course!  

Yet when there are big issues that come up on the board, nothing seems to happen.  So they just thought that they would switch you on instead.


I must say, that for a private seller, you have an extrordinary amount of locks to hand, that you have been selling for a while......

Not that your a business or anything and evading returns etc.


I have been collecting locks since I was 13, (since 1990) and I have built up a huge collection,  now It's time to let  some of them go to new homes because I am over cluttered.


Just because I have a lot of nice stuff for sale does not make me a business.


Message 1220 of 1,525
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