No sales

What is going on at eBay?


No sales, no offers no response to offers, last sale 15 hours ago and counting. I sell worldwide, all listings promoted, TRS, eBay premium service, fast and free, NO SALES. 

Everything's collapsed since mid march/early April. 
Something changed at eBay during this time that has collapsed my sales and views prior to that time I had regular sales,  and offers throughout the day and night, from all over the world.


Suddenly nobody wants to buy what they were calmouring to buy previously. 

This is nothing to do with the economy so please don't wheel out that lazy excuse. 

Message 1 of 1,530
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1,529 REPLIES 1,529

Re: No sales

Sales seem to come in bustst then periods without, definitely seems like there is an on/off mechanism in the algorithem. 

Message 1161 of 1,530
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Re: No sales

"Selling clothing items will be free for private sellers from 8 April 2024"




Is eBay finally recognising it is not god's gift to online selling, there are other platforms and it can not ignore them???


Wow, has reality set in?  Next they will be looking at ways to support sellers here.  Ha, lol, sorry I'm getting carried away now.

Message 1162 of 1,530
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Re: No sales

@supsef7890 wrote:

Sales seem to come in bustst then periods without, definitely seems like there is an on/off mechanism in the algorithem. 

I've always believed that the on/off switch has been in force for a long time. It doesn't make sense that sellers sell x amount one month and hardly anything, the next?!


However, issues with payment on eBay along with the scrapping of being able to pay by Paypal over 3 months certainly hasn't played in eBays favour as other platforms have openly adopted it and it's certinly seems to be working for them!


Sometimes eBay have a real gem like the Paypal 3 month payment split that keeps them running, but being anti Paypal has left eBay high and dry IMHO..........


So eBay's new approach is for private sellers to sell clothing (excluding shoes and accessories) for free. No good if people can't pay due to glitches and other platforms already have that high level of custom base because they have always had a free sell policy. It seems eBay are following and certianly aren't leading!


*Slap, slap,slap 😂😆.

Truth hurts. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with a seat missing, but it hurts.

You may think you have pushed ALL my buttons, but you still haven't found the mute!
Message 1163 of 1,530
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Re: No sales

*bleep* is going on with sales? NO SALES. 

Message 1164 of 1,530
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Re: No sales

Same here, last sale was 26th March. I expected it to be a little slower because of Easter but not this complete shut down. It feels like eBay have not only turned out the lights in my shop but they've stolen the cash register as well!!!

Message 1165 of 1,530
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Re: No sales

Lots of sales thankfully  👌 

Message 1166 of 1,530
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Re: No sales

I think it might be to do with the fees going up, postage going up and used clothes fee waver. Every time they change something, the sales are down. At least in my case. Went from 10+ sales a day to virtually nothing. 

Message 1167 of 1,530
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Re: No sales

I don't take credit for the post in the screenshot below - This is not my post but this speaks for itself... !


FireShot Capture 815 - Solved_ Ebay is controlling my sales and hiding my listing... - The e_ -

Message 1168 of 1,530
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Re: No sales

Strangely enough, I too have noticed this phenominum with X amount of sales per month.

Mine seems to be a max of 8 items. 8 is better than nothing I suppose.

Last year I sold loads during March-May but had to stop selling my personal items due to illness.

I returned back to selling in October and it's just been the same amount every month so far with January & February being the worst 2 months I've ever known:-(


It would just be nice to read some positive stories of a few saying I had a lovely month of sales to at least offer some positive hope to others who are otherwise, having a hard time of it!

Truth hurts. Maybe not as much as jumping on a bicycle with a seat missing, but it hurts.

You may think you have pushed ALL my buttons, but you still haven't found the mute!
Message 1169 of 1,530
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Re: No sales

I wish I could report something positive but every item I relisted on 11th April 2024  is still saying 0 views.


It seems eBay are not indexing/adding my stuff to their database. 

Message 1170 of 1,530
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Re: No sales

@typo_lee wrote:

Lots of sales thankfully  👌 

What's your magic ?


Everything has been GHOSTED my end.... It now seems everything I take down and relist under sell similar now gets ghosted and remains on ZERO VIEWS forever 😞


eBay is no longer a nice place to sell on with them HIDING my listings all the time like this and CONTROLLING whatever little sales I used to have 😞


It seems eBay are not indexing/adding my stuff to their LIVE database if I take down and relist - They don't want me to revive my sales.

Message 1171 of 1,530
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Re: No sales

As you positive stories from me 😁

Message 1172 of 1,530
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Re: No sales

Did a few searches on products that you sell, none come up for me of yours unless I look at newly listed.


My theory - every result I have for "antique cabinet lock" on first page is a business seller who accepts returns.


You are a private seller who doesn't accept returns. 


Ebay will prioritise displaying business seller items that show returns purely for the customer experience. This is also the case within my categories I sell in - anyone who is private and doesn't accept returns is buried in the search results.

Message 1173 of 1,530
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Re: No sales

Thanks for the info.


Things never used to be this bad. 


I think after April I will give up selling on eBay as it's now becoming rather pointless.

Message 1174 of 1,530
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Re: No sales

I was doing a bit of tidying-up yesterday after my second sale of the year, deleting photos, checking for a new FB etc.

Baring in mind that I didn't start listing until mid-February (to avoid late delivery defects over Christmas / New Year) I noticed my first sale was dated 18/3, my second dated 9/4, so I guess my next will probably be sometime in May.


As it happens (as a private seller) I've always accepted returns as before the MBG was introduced there was a danger that buyers who didn't like what they'd bought might break things to get a refund.  So I should  be immune from being down-graded for not offering returns?


But wasn't doing away with so many niche and collectables categories done with the same intent, at least partly ?


Before, my old vase had a decent chance of being seen, I had decent listings, perfect FB and returns accepted and was listed in a sub-cat. with (say) 1000 others.  Many other private sellers might have been ranked below me on one or two of the points.

But now I have to list in a much larger category with (perhaps) 10,000 other vases of mixed ages from antique to brand new.  With many more business sellers, promoted listings, cheaper postage because business sellers can often get discounts and possibly a few other factors I'm not aware of.  Every one of which pushes my vase down the rankings. 


@bittyboy101   I won't give up selling on ebay, at least not until they ask for my NINO because, even at one sale a month, a sale is a sale.  The amount of time I put in is minimal, I agree that there's little point doing more when the odds are so unfavourable, but every one reduces the items left by one?

Message 1175 of 1,530
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Re: No sales

Good luck with selling on eBay in the future...


right now selling stuff on eBay feels like everything is being swept under the carpet ! 😞 😞 😞


swept away under the carpet.gif

Message 1176 of 1,530
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Re: No sales

Not sure what's happened today, but I've just looked at the days impressions and views and something is not right. Views have almost tripled and impressions have about doubled above my average. Usually means some kind of tinkering in the background. 


Message 1177 of 1,530
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Re: No sales

You are the chosen one!  Will you tell us what it is like 'one the other side'?  Are there unicorns dancing in meadows of daisies?

Message 1178 of 1,530
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Re: No sales

Chosen to have zero sales more like! The (supposed) extra impressions and views made not a jot of difference. And can't see the unicorns for the tumbleweed whistling across the ebay meadows...

Message 1179 of 1,530
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Re: No sales


giphy (7).gif

Message 1180 of 1,530
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