Negative feedback given but has disappeared

I gave negative feedback to a seller for what he/she  claimed i have not checked the parts comparrison chart !! I had done a comparrison check and the photo on the listing was what i wanted . I recieved a item that was poor quality and was not the item i ordered . They said i was in the wrong and would have to pay postage . lol.... My issue is how has my feedback dissapeared and if they have managed to get Ebay to remove it and have done this for other neg feedback how does that give a true representation of a company selling **bleep** !! how does that protect buyers or should i say how does it help a buyer to make up their mind whether to buy from them . If ebay has removed it then they should be giving the buyer the oppertunity to have it reinstated for good reason otherwise ebay are covering up bad sales practices. 

Message 1 of 321
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320 REPLIES 320

Negative feedback given but has disappeared

Someone inside helping those sellers?


Message 81 of 321
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Negative feedback given but has disappeared

It could be. YouTube has agents that help out bigger creators but I can't see something like that on eBay. The first seller I was looking at could be considered a big seller but the second, not so much!

Message 82 of 321
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Negative feedback given but has disappeared

I think you are uncovering the tip of something ebay are shovelling under the carpet - all ebay will do is deny deny deny 


I know they do remove feedback against policy and allow feedback to remain against policy - the written policy they show members is meaningless when it comes to feedback 


The 'ebay internal policy totally contradicts what is written for members to see and appears to change team to team depending on where you as a member fit into the ebay system


Now I do not say this lightly nor without justification 


 Two examples 

1) Purchased a pack of shotgun sky cable clips - supplied with cheap chinese internal single barrel cable clips - not shotgun sky cable clips  


 feedback left simply stating the product supplied was not shotgun sky clips - removed within minutes ?


ebay when asked - do not know why ? - that was it !


 2) Buyer left false negative feedback because we refused his demand for a refund - stating positive feedback disappointed big time they sold me poundshop item for £7

The price was £5.98

Our reply
We are pleased you had a positive buying experiance - as for your comments regarding poundshop - please let us know which poundshop is selling these premium catnip Christmas tree hanging cat toys - we would love to buy some as they are a limited supply and this would help to satisfy demand.. The manufacturers do not supply poundshop but you obviously frequent poundshop often and have a far superior knowledge of their products than either ourselves or the manufacturer  (response left after ebay refused to remove because the buyer was special !)


This clearly breaks ebay written policy  'misuse of feedback 


Before responding to the false positive feedback I thought I would test how easy it was to get a obvious breach of policy removed - based on this thread 


Ebay refused because they state


Firstly that the policy only applies to buyers who contact them - not what it says - so escalated to a manager 


Then told that because the buyer had probably made a mistake it could not be removed 


Then that because the buyer was in good standing it could not be removed - private seller who is avoiding ebay business account fees who leave obnoxious responses to neg feedback received such as accusing the buyer of being a fraudster, thief etc


Then they said because the buyer had minutes before leaving the feedback sent a message demanding a refund - not wanting to return the item that the buyer had displayed dissatisfaction therefore the policy does not apply


This false positive feedback left by this buyer is being allowed because the buyer is a seller of goodstanding therefore allowed to leave false negative feedback  by ebay because of his status - 29 feedback in one month !  Whoopee !


Here is the policy wording - make your own minds up - my opinion is ebay feedback policy is a complete farse and is being interpreted and actioned depending on who the seller or buyer is rather than a fair system for everyone - not good for ebay's reputation at all 


Here is the policy shown to members


What is the policy?
Any misuse of Feedback is not allowed. Feedback comments should match the positive or negative rating that was given in both buyer and seller Feedback. For example, a negative comment should not be left with a positive rating.

Follow-up or reply comments must also match the rating, and can't be used to change a rating.


Here is the way this buyer / seller of good standing is allowed to reply to negative feedback when selling


Buyer feedback

warning scammer!

Prestigous seller  allowed by ebay to leave this reply
Thief,returning back Chinese items, keeping sellers products be aware don't sell nothing to this person. Shame on you


Buyer feedback
cancels auctions when bidding not high enough
Prestigious seller allowed by ebay to leave this reply
Expected to wait for payment 10 days get a life please and stop taking it out on sellers!!!


Seemingly when ebay decide for whatever reason a buyer or and a seller is of good standing - ebay policy shown to members just does not apply ! This is a sure way of losing buyer trust in ebay - which unilaterally  affects all sellers using the platform - Bad move by ebay 

Message 83 of 321
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Negative feedback given but has disappeared

You know I swing between hack software & eBay policies but going by your message I might start to lean more towards eBay having lost the plot. I wish i could contact them as I now have 18 screenshots taken evry time something changes on the original sellers feedback profile!!! There's absolutely nothing wrong with any of those feedbacks so it would probably be comical to hear an eBay explain their removal.

Message 84 of 321
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Negative feedback given but has disappeared

Maybe these sellers are related to ebay CS agents who knows - the responses I got to both sides of the coin are ludicrous - it feels as though when challenged they just say the first nonsensical thing that they can think of then when challenged make up the next nonsensical reply 


I would not have bothered but wanted to see for myself - it makes all the hard work to give buyers a positive seamless buying experiance a waste of time - no wonder both sellers and buyers abuse the ebay system - ebay seemingly set the example of abuse themselves for all to follow 

Message 85 of 321
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Negative feedback given but has disappeared

For a while now ebay have been deleting negs from sellers if they have a good record.

Its probably in response to sellers complaining about unfair negs.


I have had one neg removed and ebay told me it had been removed in my profile.


Message 86 of 321
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Negative feedback given but has disappeared

I think it is more than an odd neg feedback being removed - reading this thread some sellers are having all negatives removed regardless and some buyers who are also sellers are being allowed to leave false positive feedback for sellers and negative feedback for buyers


It just does not sit right - it contradicts what is published for members and sets the example for members to follow - what is good for the goose is good for the gander springs to mind !


ebay have to be seen to be doing the right thing unilaterally to promote trust in the platform - break that trust and it is a sure way to attract undesirable members and drive away honest sellers and buyers 


I think ebay  are abusing both sellers and buyers by allowing feedback misuse by selected account holders 


I totally get why members feel abused by ebay  - they feel ebay is failing to provide protection either for buyers and sellers when buying and selling 


Buyers feel that there opinions are being suppressed and sellers feel that sellers who are buyers are being allowed to publish publicly false feedback  with ebay's backing when a seller does not capitulate to their unreasonable demands 


In other words ebay are supporting some buyers in carrying out retribution for a seller not capitulating to whatever demand they make and encouraging sellers to offer a substandard service in the knowledge that any public dissatisfaction will easily be removed  showing a false picture of perfection to the buying public 


This can only increase dissatisfaction with ebay as a platform which will adversely effect honest members 

Message 87 of 321
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Negative feedback given but has disappeared

I wasn't talking about service offered by eBay...


Message 88 of 321
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Negative feedback given but has disappeared

Do you mean someone having friends that happen to work for eBay?

Message 89 of 321
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Negative feedback given but has disappeared

Is there any other explanation?

Message 90 of 321
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Negative feedback given but has disappeared

Yes, lots. It could be any one of them, including yours.

Message 91 of 321
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Negative feedback given but has disappeared

I agree completely, it's definitely more than that. But the seller did have a ton of negative feedback removed over the past few weeks, so their fraud is clearly being enabled by eBay. Truly bizarre situation!

Message 92 of 321
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Negative feedback given but has disappeared

The main seller I was watching had 2 negs yesterday & still had 2 tonight but I checked them & one of them was different to last nights. So one was actually removed & a new one added today. This is a 100% positive seller that gets constant negatives. You're right, this becoming very bizarre!!!

Message 93 of 321
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Negative feedback given but has disappeared

This is totally off topic but I don't usually sell much on ebay & I'd like your thought on something. I have sold since ebay cut paypal out & it came to about 12% total, the same as with paypal. I sold a £60 pound item 3 days ago & ended up with 44 quid!!!! Is that normal?

Message 94 of 321
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Negative feedback given but has disappeared

sadly that is normal, eBay have become greedier surprise surprise.

I recently sold something for £20 - ended up with about £14 (including my free shipping costs)


Message 95 of 321
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Negative feedback given but has disappeared

Blimey!!! I sell the occasional mallet & I'm taking them off!!! Not worth the effort!

Message 96 of 321
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Negative feedback given but has disappeared

It could be right depending on postage cost, VAT and fees - percentage and listing etc  and any advertising costs -  pop the total value and category and I will check it for you  generally ebay fees are slightly less than the combined fees of ebay and paypal together prior to managed payments

Message 97 of 321
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Negative feedback given but has disappeared

Calculate all your costs using excell formula then you will see what the selling price needs to be to give you the profit margin you need 


Hope you ask ebay to remove the feedback on your sale before it is written just in case - use the special seller code 007 / 1/2    it seems to work for some !

Message 98 of 321
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Negative feedback given but has disappeared

I only had 2 items & I removed them as 20+% is ridiculous. I am surprised though that more sellers don't try & link to their website where they can sell without those fees. Although I do know some sellers that have websites & sell for the same price as ebay. 

Message 99 of 321
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Negative feedback given but has disappeared


A very merry Xmas to everyone on this thread. I've got an Xmas update on my favourite seller!!!! They've had negatives come & go & I'm up to 26 screenshots of feedback changes since I started taking them. I'm going to copy & paste this new feedback as it really is a perfect description of this 100% positive seller & it will soon disappear!!!!



Message 100 of 321
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