Is it me or is eBay a depressing place to be a business seller when it works

18 years on eBay and use to love selling on here 


Now and since cassini it's awful terrible woeful outrageously bad worse than bad 

No growth none  every year less sales 


I can remember when sellers said don't change to cassini as the small sellers and small businesses were the the main buyers on here 8 years later and they now trying to revert it back 


Calls from small sellers now the site is terrible do something about the algorithm and these awful poor thought out  money grabbing promotion .... Will we have to wait 8 years for them to do something 


You get 6 view on an item and promotions tell you spend £5 a day and we will give you 200% more view horray 18 views 


I better go eBay might switch me on for my ten minutes a day 







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Re: Is it me or is eBay a depressing place to be a business seller when it works

It certainly is a depressing place to be and sell of. It is soul destroying.


The Xmas rush is not going to happen never happened  last year so why expect it this year when things on the site are even worse than last year.


Sick of the eBay grab and fleece sellers attitude,  giving  private bussines sellers NO FEES was the  last smack in the teeth for me. 

I can no longer muster up the energy to waste the time listing any more.  




SimplyC Accessories
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Re: Is it me or is eBay a depressing place to be a business seller when it works

Im with you there I haven't bought any Xmas stock for eBay 


And I'm starting to resent paying the shops l fee to have so many other sellers on the listing page that the buyer can't even get to the description with out being bombardedin the end they do what we all do go to another platform and buy 



They have treated the small businesses really badly .... And now they realise we were the buyers  such a shame ... 





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