Impressions broken again??

Can you please check if there is another problem with impressions? Another counting glitch? These stats can not be correct. Organic impressions promoted views down to under 3000 views today at time of writing. This time last week almost 73000 views. Please help.  dave@ebay kat@ebay 



Message 1 of 698
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697 REPLIES 697

Impressions broken again??

yes my tinkering has helped but its alot of work for little reward at the moment - the main thing which amazed me was I thought Id use up my Auction shop allowance - I managed to list 62 items in 4 days- basically listing alot of items that are sat on multi listings or stock I wanted shut of so used different keywords and images and hardly any views - ON 62 LISTINGS! thats ridiculous.  Are people not looking at auctions anymore unless theyre 99p or are Ebay not showing them. - Ah yes they dont get promo money on them do they 🤔🙄





Message 341 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

I am constantly receiving emails from this loan shark partner attempting to push loans onto business sellers, and it is truly disgraceful behavior from eBay. The frequency of these messages is inappropriate. eBay is no longer a variable full-time business for me and even doing this part-time is becoming fruitless.  Does eBay even read this or even care? I mean we do pay them to be treated like this.


Message 342 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Not to downplay the work you have done but for the last 3/4 days I've gone back to the sales I was getting in June and previously. July was shocking so I didnt really buy much new stock and I havent changed any pictures, sell similar , title play or any offsite ads, basically got sick of eBay telling lies and untruths and I've moved so a mix of them 2 things had me prioritising other stuff.


I know we are in different markets so your sales may not have come if you didnt do the changes but hopefully we have been taken out of the beta test and gone back to 'old style'.

Message 343 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

I certainly keep myself busy, or life does, I've no doubt I'm a fool.  I don't know whether that makes me a busy fool 🙂


I don't think our statistic of two from all those caught up, or who believe they are caught up, in this listing impressions situation is sufficient numerically to establish a trend.


Your listings may have been perfectly optimised, mine may have been dire and now improved. The lack of understanding and visibility of whats gone on means this is another thing to add to the pile of I'll never know the whole truth so why dwell!


Whats great news is we are both seeing sales - I'm also seeing a higher conversion ratio and higher page views.  Are you experiencing this lift?

Message 344 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

I too thought I wasn't doing that bad as I was getting 5 sales a day (even though that isn't enough for me) out of over 2000 listings now the last couple of days since the impressions spike at the weekend that resulted in less sales than 5 even over the pay weekend it's now gone to 1 today out of 2330 listings.  This site is now no longer viable for me to pay for all those listings and sell 1 a day.  They quite clearly don't won't my business on eBay as they wouldn't be doing this to my account.  I sell preloved items and with all the advertising they have been doing on this my items should be flying out.  I know I'm not the cheapest but I'm also not the most expensive either and if it wasn't for all the fees I would be listing cheaper but the site is not obviously too expensive to sell my items on and they also don't want my business.

Message 345 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

I keep getting this email as well, why would you take out funding for a business that is not showing any returns.  I would just stop selling on that site 

Message 346 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Yeah its one of eBays great mysteries, how to get more sales.


My page views have just slowly dropped over the last 4/6 weeks to around 60% of what they were, in the last 4 days that has picked up, Tuesday being the highest they've been for 2 months. Everything is still showing red for the last 2 months compared to the 2 months previously apart from organic impressions which is 8.5% up.


My listings are 100% not optimised, I know theres many listings that need redoing, I'll get round to it I just wasnt in the right mind frame to do it, hoping to have it all done before the ebay open show and hoping to get a one to one and some feedback on them.


Fingers crossed everything seems to continue on the upward curve though and this test isnt seen as succesful.

Message 347 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Scenraio 1:

List desirable items, with great photos/titles/item specifics, priced at - or under market value, and traffic/sales will come.


Scenario 2:

List overpriced junk,  with terrible photos/titles/item specifics, priced overmarket, and traffic will grind to a halt.

Message 348 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

The promised 24 hours have come and gone and still no word from the Q&A session here.


Can I open an INR case on eBay's reply or was the EDD not accurate? 😙

Message 349 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

So im seeing some strange readings on my accounts, the past week my impressions have gone up around 40% day on day and my sales are down 50% day on day !! im still selling items and paying a hugh price in promoted listings, some of my standard are at 20% and my advanced listing are all switching around, one of my best sellers over the past year has suddenly dropped off the face ofd the earth and there isnt much explination, impressions are good, placing on ebay threw adcvanced is still top 3 and there all in stock...


im totally baffeled by eBay at the moment, all this listing advice and how to get the top orgain listing is total BS, i have had mine SEOd to the max and thery dont get anywere, Organic or promoted...


i am still infuriated with ebay when they sent me a message telling me my address for my VAT was incorect and then sending me another email saying everything is ok, i checked and all good, then they decided to suspend my account over it, ther ewas one space were it shoulodnt have been, that was it, one listing with 10,000 sales asn aa top seller just deleted !! and no sorry...

Message 350 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Scenario 3:

List items with great pictures, at or below market price but eBay change something so impressions fall off a cliff, less traffic less sales.


Scenario 4:

List items with great pictures, at or below market price but eBay change something so go back to the same amount of impressions you were roughly getting, traffic back up and sales increase.


It would be easy if only scenario 1 and 2 were in play, but sadly 17 pages prove thats not the case.


dave@ebay have you heard back from the team in America that you mentioned in the weekly Q&A? 

Message 351 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

In years gone by if sales were slower on Ebay lowering prices would generally give things a boost and the flow of sales would pick up to a decent enough level, this would happen because there were so many active buyers looking on Ebay, I certainly don't think that is the case now.  We are selling plenty of items elsewhere for higher prices than we have listed on Ebay. To make things worse Ebay is by far the most expensive platform we sell on.

Message 352 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

the pictures one is a joke, i did all mine with just the product and competitiors didnt ,they still get sales !! 

i tagged all my pictures with the product keywords, added the title in the description as the headder 1 and then used and Ai to create the description with just the right amount of keywords etc (under3%) as with google and didnt really make a diffrerence.


I think its the same for compettitiors, i check there selling amonts and some went from 18+ sales a day in some listings to under 4 a day the next so they must be getting the same.


i perosnally think ebay mix them up and give everyone a fare share, but that kind of defeats the object of making your listing 100% seo'd for ebay (and yes i know its a bit og guess work as to what they actuall look for in rankings.


im still pi''ed at the 52% of sales goes on fees, its daylight robbery.

Message 353 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Scenraio 5:

List desirable items, with great photos/titles/item specifics, priced at - or under market value then keep relisting as they still do not sell, go through that listing again for the umpteenth time, re do photos, titles etc, promote for some ridiculous fee for it to not sell again after a further relist but at least impressions jump, still nothing - bang head against brick wall!

Message 354 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

 . . . but will it all magically be fixed come the 7th after the "big test" is finished?

Place your bets, place your bets


Message 355 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Nope, i think this is the new norm, my sales are at almost zero now daily so I would like to think the only way is up but I doubt it because any changes/tinkering on here never benefits me, I just loose more sales but hey ho I suppose I'm nearly at zero daily so maybe I will now change to consequtive days of zero?

Message 356 of 698
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Impressions broken again??


My sales are zero, nothing for days now, after shop fees this week I'm left with £1.42. I have little confidence that this will change come the 7th, I'd absolutely love to be wrong but low engagement and sales sadly breed lower sales on here, and the testing they have done recently has proved disastrous for both... the damage is very much done. No amount of new listings, tinkering with existing, promoting, not promoting, new photos, optimisation etc have proved fruitful and at the moment they're being well and truly outperformed  by their competition.  Ebay has a lot of ground, for me, to make up but with dwindling buyers and poorly thought out beta testing, it couldn't really be a less attractive site for business performance right now. 

There are a huge number of very similar subjects being discussed on the forums now, it makes very depressing reading, I hate to see so many sellers, myself included, becoming even more distrustful and disallusioned with eBay. 

Interestingly, simultaneously with sales grinding to halt, and domestic sellers being undermined by ebay, the direct from China sites are sending invites to UK sellers in an attempt to attract them to become sellers on their sites. I've had invitations to live events, for zoom calls, and emails with no fee offers from three of the more well known players this week. While eBay push endlessly, products and sellers from sunny Shenzhen, the direct sites look to be pushing to attract their UK sellers and build their own global marketplaces.  🤔


I can honestly say as weird times go, this is certainly one of strangest. 


Message 357 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

Same as above started picking back up somewhat in July after the worst year ever (hence went part-time) but since 18th June almost no sales and now lucky to get one or two a day. So many zero-sales days as well. Years ago would call up and complain but it's just a waste of energy, they literally couldn't care less. May go Manchester event but not even sure they will do anything other than fobbing you off in irl.


Message 358 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

@tothemoonresales wrote:

 . . . but will it all magically be fixed come the 7th after the "big test" is finished?

Place your bets, place your bets

Erm absolutely not.  We have not even had our promised response from the Q&A session.  I've lost all faith in eBay to be honest and it's shocking customer service.  They really should be held accountable for what they have done and continue to do.  The 'little man' never wins though. Where is Erin Brockovich when you need her?

Message 359 of 698
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Impressions broken again??

I've been following this thread for quite a while as like many I had a huge drop on the 18th in impressions. Since last week my impressions have been higher than usual, but my sales and page views have been roughly the same, although maybe slightly lower, although I think this is the time of year. 


I have noticed something the past few days which may account for this. I may well be wrong and it may even be something that people have mentioned on here recently that I have not spotted. Anyway, search has changed. I have a few regular things that I look for. An example is Merlin Premier League 94 football stickers, I have been after completing a set of these for a while.


So once a week i type 'Merlin Premier League 94' into the search to see what comes up. Usually I get around 50 results. Today when I tried though I get over 2000 results. Many of which are completely irrelevant. So many of those listings are getting impressions they would not usually get, but not getting page views or sales as I'm not clicking on stuff that does not interest me. Plus the items I actually want to see are buried below a load of irrelevant items so I never actually find them and spend my money.


However when I type in just 'Merlin 94' I only get around 50 results. So a much broader term is giving me a much smaller return. Which surely is the opposite of how it should be. The more details you put into a search term the less it should return, or so common sense would say, but it seems the opposite is true at the moment.


So my theory is they have alterered the way search works this past week. Thus meaning we are seeing higher impressions, but lower page views and sales. I may be completely wrong on that but  it is something I have noticed.

Message 360 of 698
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