Facebook Marketplace

Hi All


So for a balanced view. I personally which that there was not loads of platforms because there is only one buyer pool which gets diluted across mutiple sales channels. Ebay for me is pretty dead, close on 3,000 listings & 5 sales to process, only marginally better on Amazon.


So I began to wonder, is nobody buying anything or are they looking elsewhere? I put two used wheelbarrows on Facebook Marketplace this afternoon, one had 27 views & is now sold & the other one has had 76 views & someone poised to buy that one as well.


So in conclusion people are buying but looking in other places!

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Re: Facebook Marketplace

Ebay is still miles ahead. Facebook is hit and miss and a lot of sales never complete for one reason or another. Vinted is a complete mess and is best avoided... Slow sales normally means the AI is not working in favour of your items hence slow sales.. 


Message 2 of 6
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Re: Facebook Marketplace

It all depends on what you are selling - a used wheelbarrow on facebook for a bargain price will sell locally quite easily.


Facebook however is full of tyre kickers and fake goods as it is cowboy country without control.

Message 3 of 6
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Re: Facebook Marketplace

Experienced Mentor

Buyer's want value for money because money is scarce.

Looking at your listing I see many very nice folded ordnance survey maps priced reasonably at £4.50 - then I see the Global charges for Eire of over £16.

Thanks but no thanks.

Message 4 of 6
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Re: Facebook Marketplace



You make a good point. I opted into ebay's GSP ) Global Shipping Programme sometime ago as ebay protects sellers in the event of INRs which is especially helpful as overseas mail has more of a tendancy to go AWOL


However if I were posting one these maps myself to Eire I would not be charging anywhere near £16 ebay's GSP charges do have something to answer for.

Message 5 of 6
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Re: Facebook Marketplace

I got caught out on facebook marketplace.

I bought a model train for £100.

Seller sent me his paypal email address and I paid straight away.

After a few days I heard nothing so got in touch and he said he hadnt received payment.

I had to get paypal involved to get my money back.

The seller then produced a piece of paper with details of transaction.

Luckily paypal saw through it and i got my money back.

I would use facebook marketplace but only for local pick up items where i could pay cash at their door.


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