De registration of VAT

We are having a issue with de registration of vat on our eBay account. 
We have provided the information of deregistration from HMRC. This has been forwarded several times now. 
E bay are asking for a exemption letter from HMRC  which we believe does not exist. 
We keep going round and round. 

We are now currently restricted! 
Absolute nightmare. 
Can any one give some advice please. 

Message 1 of 24
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Re: De registration of VAT

Following my VAT de-registration, eBay suspended my account as they didn't think I should be de-registered.  They then asked me for confirmation from HMRC.   I sent the exact same letter to eBay as 'twofourdeltasurplus' did, more than 3 weeks ago, and am still waiting for my account suspension to be lifted.   I keep 'speaking to an agent' every few days but just get the run around. and am told it has been escalated, but am never given any actual details of what is going on.    Speaking to a non-native english speaker is also not easy as has been previosuly mentioned.   Is there any hope for me?    If 'twofourdeltasurplus' got back up and ruinning in 24ish hours, he was extremely fortunate.  A thoroughly bad experiance all round.  

Message 21 of 24
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Re: De registration of VAT

try using the chat option, not a phone call, as the agent sent me a link to upload the letters, think it helped I got an irish sounding name on chat so understood what I was saying.


As mentioned I was getting nowhere on ghe phone, so thought might as well try the chat option


think I may have the transcript, will dig around and see, as it may give you some crib cards on what to type

and from the chat to be back up and all sorted was 24 hours and 23 minutes, give or take a second

Message 22 of 24
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Re: De registration of VAT

Found it and a DM sent to you

Message 23 of 24
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Re: De registration of VAT


What do you mean Ebay are liable to pay my Vat?

I find it very unfair that i have to pay VAT when i cannot  charge  customers VAT  ( ebay dont let you add VAT on top of your price after auction ends


Message 24 of 24
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