The new when we get paid rules from February.

Ebay was always heavily weighted in favour of the Buyers, but this new mad rule thats coming in next month about having to wait two days after delivery is confirmed to get paid is simply beyond the pale.


And sometimes delivery conformation never comes, apparently in that situation we have to wait 14 days to get our money.  


This is disgusting and completely nuts. A self-destructive move from Ebay.

Message 1 of 1,066
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1,065 REPLIES 1,065

Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

You really would be better off changing this one to business so buyers can see your business feedback. Its less important on a private account. 

Message 41 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Ebay has become a greedy fat cat. I'm going to check out Etsy and Amazon to see how they pay their sellers to see if they are as bad as Ebay are proposing.

Message 42 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

This new policy will be the last straw for many small sellers. It flies in the face of the very principles on which Ebay was founded. It's time to take a closer look at Etsy, Amazon or other platforms. If there isn't anything viable it's an ideal time for some  serious competition to soak up all the goodwill Ebay has lost over the years.
I posted the below yesterday.

It's a downright cheek. This can only benefit Ebay who can hang on to a sellers funds for up to 14 days - earning interest as I'm sure they will.  I have logded a complaint by telephone and can only urge all sellers and buyers alike to do the same.  This will not benefit sellers or buyers in any way at all - I'd like to hear from Ebay as to what benefits there are for either side from this change. For a small seller selling up 50 items what if he doesn't have the money in his account to cover in excess of £100 in postage until Ebay sees fit to pass the money on. For the buyers they will end up paying more for shipping as sellers insist on mailing recorded, registered or tracked to hasten the turnaround on payments. It's hard enough getting feedback - are we to assume buyers will contact Ebay to confirm reciept so as to free up funds? Not only is it greedy it's badly thought out.  Mass resistence is urged or Ebay will walk over sellers and buyers alike

Message 43 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

doesnt always work like that on vinted sometimes you have to chase them up to get confirmation

and if you ask over 2 or 3 quid they wont buy it or try to barter you down this is why i stopped selling on there

my auctions finish tuesday and once my stock has gone i recon so am i



Message 44 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

not going to happen for me, i am not willing to mess around with packing items before they are sold to make sure i input the correct size and weight.  I spend enough of my time taking photographs and doing measurements to give as detailed a description of the item as i can.

Message 45 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Life is a damn sight simpler at the moment, i guess the postage, pack, take to my local PO and then pay whatever it is.  If i have overestimated i refund, if i underestimated i suck it up, the majority of the time i am right.   Will not be messing around with their methods.

Message 46 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

@new_model_workshop wrote:

The point is, I want to retain the existing account and its feedback as a private account, for when ebay backpedal again.

And before anyone says they won't backpedal, they have continuously backpedalled changes since they 


I was planning to separate used and new sales to different accounts anyway, just wanted to have more time to pick up the feedback and sales in the transition 


Just to be clear, the distinction between personal (private) sales and business ones isn't whether the item is new or used.


Used items can be sold as business transactions. 

Message 47 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Dont you combine items for shipping ?

If so how can you prepare for shipping until the order is complete ? 

i know ebay screwed that up a lot with the 'pay in 4 days' or instant payment required rules, but i have to work around that to allow for low priced items to  be sell-able.

Message 48 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Perhaps you dont understand the HMRC allowances. I can sell up to £6k per
year of used items I no longer need, without having to pay any income tax.

New items come under a different tax regime. If I turn over more than 1k of
those I have to file self assessment. And pay income tax on any profit

HMRC recommend separating these two kinds of selling with different
accounts, unless you are buying used goods to sell for a profit.
Message 49 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

I've just checked my last bunch of listings.  All of them had tracking numbers inputed.  Despite that, around 70% are still showing as undelivered (they clearly have been otherwise I would have heard about it).  So I don't get the sellers money - my money - for two weeks because of something I can't control (Royal Mail)?!  Madness!!

Message 50 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Interesting. I don't come anywhere those figures. But if I buy and item new and later sell it on Ebay still sealed, it's still second hand item as I'm not a shop nor business seller. Infact as I read it the payment changes don't affect the business sellers so bad, it's the private, personal, do it for fun, pin money sellers that are being hit with changes. Regards.
Message 51 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

I think you are the one that doesn't understand the HMRC allowances/tax rules.


There aren't different tax rules for new and used items.  The distinction is whether they are personal possessions or items that you are buying/making to sell.  There is no tax to pay when selling personal possessions except for Capital Gains Tax (see below). 


£1,000 is the trading allowance for small businesses.  Doesn't matter whether the items are new or used.


£6,000 is the threshold for Capital Gains Tax when selling personal possessions.  It only applies if you are selling a single item/collection for £6,000 or more, not a cumulative total. 

Message 52 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

interesting but not relevant ...although I've been on ebay for years with many reviews my yearly sales are negligible and for pin money to reinvest in movies. My current sale is set to be my last for a good while. Are you really telling me I need to speak to HMRC - I'm sure they've got much better things to do than chase down private Ebayers who hardly generate a few hundred pounds a year.
Message 53 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

As you rightly say, not relevant to you as you are only selling unwanted personal possessions but is relevant to the poster I was actually responding to. 

Message 54 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

I'm so sorry if I perpetuated any confusion. Bon chance!
Message 55 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Only reason I havent went to Vinted before was they have a similar system running where postage is confirmed or buyer confirms all ok and you get your money, I used to sell unwanted stuff for my grandkids on Ebay, but they are older now and using Vinted themself (it is mainly branded clothing they no longer wear or toys) but they say Vinted is very good at sorting any issues out, they swear by it. After these changes nothing really deterring the move anymore, I simply sell my own items items when I'm clearing out (unwanted gifts etc) after over 20 years with Ebay im sick fed up of them trying to pressure me into upgrading to a business account simply to sell my own unwanted items, Ebay has been dropping to it's competitors as they have been making it difficult for private sellers, it's recent changes will have them fleeing


Message 56 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

yes, is doesn't seem to be wilful ignorance of what were founding principles of Ebay but a very conscious attempt to squeeze out the less income generating parts of the business while enjoying a 14 day interest free loan courtesy of the "little people".
Message 57 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

If eBay keeps the interest that accrues on sellers' money, then eBay would make a tidy sum, for up to 14 days. I believe the interest belongs to the seller, otherwise it's a stealth tax/fee by eBay.


I'm still reading up about it but so far haven't found anywhere that eBay intends to do anything other than keep that accrued interest for itself - if I'm wrong, please post.

Message 58 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

@insidethe93 eBay has explicitly acknowledged they earn interest on processing and held funds in their Payments Terms of Use since October 2023.


I don't know enough about UK laws and regulations governing such things to make any educated comment about the legality of it, but I would imagine their legal department considered it carefully before putting it in writing.

Message 59 of 1,066
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Re: The new when we get paid rules from February.

Tracked mail - tracking info on the system  will be marked as delivered once deliveries made and the algorithms catchup... often times delivered items are not marked as delivered - I have items sold a month ago still showing as not delivered ( delayed)  on the system, yet  feedback shows otherwise. 


I am assuming the seller would also have the tracking reference which could be independently checked on the postal couriers on website? 


I have only ever used RM tracked and check it on their website - never used Simple Delivery and do not intend to 

Message 60 of 1,066
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