
My item as just been sold. Ebay accepted the offer price without my permission.

List price £34.99. Ebay accepted £25.00 and that,s what Ebay sold it for..

Ebay not responding to my messages. Any thoughts anyone?. Trev.

Message 1 of 10
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Thanks, Thats exactly the commonsense response i was looking for. Trev.


View solution in original post

Message 8 of 10
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I forget exactly which thread it's in but this has already popped up before.

There is a setting that allows eBay to fire out offers for your listing without notifying you when or for how much.

Obviously you need to turn the bloody thing off.


Message 2 of 10
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Make sure you haven’t got automatic offers on  when eBay will except an offer on your behalf turn it off all offers. If that ain’t the issue then cancel the order and refund the buyer. 

Message 3 of 10
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That thread seems to cover your issue. Not sure how accurate the suggestions are for right now as I don't know if they've changed the layout in any way. But it could be a good start.



Message 4 of 10
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Not sure if cancelling an order when an offer have been accepted be it by automatic setting, which the buyer sets not eBay, is a good idea.


The buyer most likely will not accept the cancellation which may lead to a negative feedback being left and a damaging defect on the seller's account.



Message 5 of 10
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I'd normally agree with you on this, but this is a long standing issue with eBay. Unless the seller above actually activated that setting deliberately or by mistake, then it's either a fault or eBay are activating it via an update.

The same thing happens with GSP. I've never sold outside of the UK & Northern Ireland but one day I woke to find someone from the USA had bought something of mine and eBay had turned GSP on, on all of my listings. I was seriously peeved.

I cancelled the order and then asked CS how to reset everything.


Message 6 of 10
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Ok just make sure offers ain’t on because they will be without you knowing not unless you check when your setting the price turn offers off. But keep checking it because eBay do have a habit of automatically switching it on to help you sell I’ve had it before. 

Message 7 of 10
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Thanks, Thats exactly the commonsense response i was looking for. Trev.


Message 8 of 10
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All settings Always double checked, glitch in ebays system methinks.


Message 9 of 10
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just cancel the order

Message 10 of 10
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