Out of the box ideas


I've been reading about all their planned rollouts since it started. The Buyer Protection, delayed payments and Simple Delivery.

For "simplicity" I have started to call it all Simon.


It's fairly obvious that alot of sellers and buyers aren't that happy with it. 


Considering you already have a account tiering system in place wouldn't it just be simpler to offer a new tier.

The Simple Delivery part of Simon is an absolute deal killer for me. Even though the other parts are far from ideal I can work around/with them.


So maybe the other tier could be for Private Sellers that don't want Simon but aren't ready/prepared to move to a business account.


Give us a choice of the lesser of all evils.

Message 1 of 33
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Re: Out of the box ideas

Just role them back can't get simpler than that.

Or if you have a shop (business) your opted out of all those things.

Another incentive to be a business on the correct account. In my example


Message 21 of 33
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Re: Out of the box ideas

 some concession considering how few people leave feedback!   I suppose it is a start though..

Message 22 of 33
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Re: Out of the box ideas

you mean you and your fella 'believer' were discussing it earlier, everyone else just treated the comments with the disdain they deserved.  I may not agree with all that PAPSO says but the majority of times he/she (or to keep things legit any other pronoun)  knows exactly what they are talking about.  Maybe you should read others opinions instead of just thinking yours are the only right ones.

Message 23 of 33
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Re: Out of the box ideas

I wasn't actually referring to PAPSO in my comment. PAPSO didn't slip the same way.

Message 24 of 33
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Re: Out of the box ideas

Fully agree with every single point.  As an occasional seller, who is in the continuous process of "de-cluttering" my and my parents houses I decided not to bother with ebay and just donate smaller items to local charity shop or FB sales for more expensive items.  Same goes for buying too, sorry I could not be doing with all those sneaky "protection fees" - that feels like legalized racketeering. After killing off all the small private sellers Ebay will turn into inferior version of Amazon.  So that will be good bye from me.


Message 25 of 33
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Re: Out of the box ideas

Undeniably, 85% or more of the 'guidance' on these forums is perfectly sensible and in the user's best interests. Whereas being advised to 'upgrade' to a business account when you have maybe half a dozen items to sell is not strictly falling into that category... 😀


Message 26 of 33
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Re: Out of the box ideas

Those people are the reason I stopped using "ask community".  Mostly useless advice with clear message "I am the only clever and honest person here, the rest of you are idiots" - and that pretty much clutters every single discussion started.

Message 27 of 33
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Re: Out of the box ideas

On that point, here's another 'out of box' idea. How about Ebay lets 'private sellers' record all the stuff that did NOT get put up for sale or was cancelled and then ended up being donated to charity shops, given away or tipped into landfill?

After all, it'd make the statutory reporting so much more transparent for all sellers.

Message 28 of 33
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Re: Out of the box ideas

If that is their aim "Amazon MK2", they are done. Completely different scale of professionalism and Amazon are far further along in their business scaling. & that's coming from someone that truly despises Amazon as an entity.

A couple of years back I told my regular posties that it isn't Evri etc al they should be worried about. Amazon built those super sorting depots for more than their stock and a recent announcement from them suggests they are tip toeing towards it.

Message 29 of 33
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Re: Out of the box ideas

That is exactly my thoughts.  Always tried to buy on ebay rather than Amazon. It did have some kind of almost community spirit.   I don't know which superbrain came with protection money idea, but I know for sure I am not paying that.  Sadly, very unlikely that their representatives will be reading any of that, they will be too busy patting each other on the backs for coming out with such a good business idea)))))

Message 30 of 33
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Re: Out of the box ideas

if you look at the 'in response to' i was not commenting on your comment!

Message 31 of 33
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Re: Out of the box ideas

I knew that, was just covering my ass as the person you replied to replied to me. Wasn't sure who the fella was.

Message 32 of 33
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Re: Out of the box ideas

May not be a fella at all?

Message 33 of 33
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