25-02-2025 10:00 PM
Hello … A few years back, a lot was advertised about reading and seeking out good feedback on eBay.
I am now of the opinion that the feedback does not carry so much clout.
Why ?
a) Feedback is one sided … buyer only contributes. It would be interesting to have and read of sellers feedback on their previous experience from certain buyers ?
b) Feedback of little importance … Selling on eBay continues to be on the decline. High volume private and business sellers regularly report on these discussion platforms they are experiencing a large reduction of business sales and turnover.
c) Feedback not being received … Without any doubt, more than 50% + of buyers are not longer bothering to leave feedback !!
The newly introduced Buyer Protection Fee was already in place as eBay has always come down in support of the buyer.
This BPF has impacted the sellers more than buyers … Inflated initial bid prices which have had this BPF added is off putting to the buyer, especially as several buyers are not aware on the BFP.
Longer waiting periods for due monies to the seller. Also, most sellers already have their preferred companies for dispatching sold items.
A few years back, eBay was fun … it is in danger of becoming a bore, if has not already done so ??
25-02-2025 10:34 PM
Feedback can be worth something. In my main hobby area I use it to find out what sellers are like packing wise, before I buy from them. As I can't build/paint, pointless me buying from someone that sends built models in a jiffy bag. If they don't have enough feedback and they do similar to the above, then I leave feedback for them telling others what to expect.
It's not always about quantity. All the best transactions I've had on eBay were with little dealers/hobbyists. Far better service levels than the mega dealers even though they have nowhere near the same reputation.
& the BPF wasn't already there and this is important because I think eBay want people to be confused over this.
What we had was the Money Back Guarantee and more importantly we still have it. It's still advertised on every listing last I checked.
This is completely separate to the BPF system.
So we have the free MBG.
& then the paid for BPF.
& considering the MBG was performing a similar function to what the BPF is supposedly for and the MBG is still advertised the same way, yes, it really calls into question the exact purpose of the BPF, outside of potentially earning eBay alot of money of course.
Simple Delivery could still be the killer though. It always had the worst potential for problems out of the new "upgrades".
25-02-2025 11:09 PM
Not of any help on subject but it’s courteous to leave feedback
I’ve sold about 12 item in last couple weeks not recieved one feedback
of course I gave 12 !!! Mostly to maybe prompt them to do the same but nah nothing