EVRi InPost locker delivery



I was just going through the occasional check I do to make sure EVRi still isn't really any cheaper than RM (it used to be) when you factor everything in. And I know which my buyers prefer so I just don't bother with it now. 


However I see they are now offering a service where the buyer has to collect from a Parcelshop for around £2.60 which for small, low-value parcels would undercut RM by about 80p, so I could offer cheaper postage on this. 


But I wonder how this would work with eBay requirements for tracked delivery? Would delivery to the Parcelshop count as actual delivery? If not, if 'someone' collects from the Parcelshop, would that count as delivered? 


Any thoughts or experience of this I would love to hear.  

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Re: EVRi InPost locker delivery

Sorry - 'EVRi InPost locker delivery' title should have said 'EVRi Parcelshop delivery'


I'd have edited the post but it seems you can't . . . . . . .

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Re: EVRi InPost locker delivery

To get any Seller Protection you must only deliver to the Buyer's address that eBay give you.

Evri standard deliver (under £20 item value) is £3.16 up to 1kg but if you set your own account up you can get discounts, typically 3%, bringing it down to £3.07. That also gives you full tracking which is needed with the new payment rules.

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