Unable to make bids

I have for the past two days been unable to place bids / make offers / buy now or move items into my basket everything else is operating fine and as it should do so I can do anything else except make purchases when ever I attempt to do any of the above it is non responsive and dose nothing except enclose the page with a blue line ? 
is anyone else experiencing the same problem or does anyone know what the issue is 

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Re: Unable to make bids

There have been similar reports from other member from the past few days,  so you're not alone.


I have tagged 2 Community Managers to ask if this is a technical issue, when I get a reply,  I'll come back to you.


In the meantime which device and browser are you using?  If the app or mobile browser, then switch if you can to a PC / laptop and use  Chrome or Firefox they work best with eBay,  and try from there,  it might help.

Message 2 of 5
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Re: Unable to make bids

I am having the same problem. It doesn't matter which browser I use, whether I delete my cookies or clear the cache. All other links work fine just Buy It Now, Add to Cart, Place Bid, Make Offer, Add to Watchlist... etc.

Message 3 of 5
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Re: Unable to make bids

I am having to he same problem did you manage to sort it?

Message 4 of 5
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Re: Unable to make bids

@yardsale67wel wrote:

I am having the same problem did you manage to sort it?


I've just answered this question on a different thread, having successfully found a workaround solution to the problem and won the auction, but I thought I'd include it here in case you're still having problems and haven't seen the other thread that I posted my answer on the first time.   The method that I used to get around the problem is as follows:


Instead of pressing on the blue "Bid Now" button to the right of the item, which only brings up the "Transaction Blocked" message on a big red banner, click on the picture of the item instead, or on the actual title of the listing.


Once you have done this the listing will appear on the screen of your computer.  From there you will see various options as to how much to bid, shown in blue boxes.  If you want to bid one of those prices then just select your chosen amount.  If, however, you prefer to do as I did and submit your own maximum bid, then use the blank box below those options where it says "Enter Your Maximum Bid."


Once you have done this click on "Review Bid" and the page will refresh, showing you a new screen with your bid on it, with the option to edit it or confirm the bid.  If you have mistyped the price you're willing to go to or have changed your mind as to the amount you want to bid as your absolute maximum you can change it using the "Edit" option; however, if you are certain that you definitely want to enter that amount as your maximum bid click on the blue "Confirm Bid" button and your bid will register in the auction, so long as you don't leave it so close to the end of the auction that the auction ends before your bid has time to register.


If you end up placing the winning bid then the item will automatically appear in the Unpaid Items section on your My eBay page,  in which case you just make payment for the item you won via the usual means.


In the event that this suggestion doesn't work for you try logging off of eBay UK and log onto one of eBay's other websites, such as https://www.ebay.com, which is the USA version of the site.  If you do choose to use the USA version of the site then all the prices will be in US Dollars as opposed to Pounds Sterling, but there will be no language barrier as everything will still be displayed in English.  Try placing your bid on the USA website - if it works and you win the auction then all you need to do is pay the seller for the item and it's yours.

Message 5 of 5
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