You say in your post "My husband was an idiot and used funds instead of a credit card so a chargeback is out of the question" (bit harsh, in my opinion - your husband wasn't to know that the seller and eBay would both screw you over), but when you refer to funds, where did the funds come from? If your husband paid for the vacuum cleaner using funds from a PayPal account then the next course of action would be for your husband to log into PayPal and open an Item Not Received case against the seller there. PayPal tend to look into cases far more closely than eBay do, so when they put a trace on the tracking and see that the item was never delivered to you but was, in fact, delivered back to the seller then they ought to refund the money in full that your husband paid for the vacuum cleaner. However, your husband also ought to bear in mind that should the seller become obstructive and it starts to look as though no progress is being made with the case at all then he would need to ensure that he escalates the case to PayPal before their twenty day cut-off point in order to get the matter resolved.