So Angry. Never trust a word a buyer says

Had a buyer purchase an item from me and just as I was about to post they sent me a message asking to cancel. I wish id just done that but they asked me not to send and please don't refund.   I thought it strange but I trusted them so did exactly that. How stupid was I because this morning they opened an item not received case with a very angry message. Refund ASAP as you never sent it. So I sent them a nice message saying I was confused as they asked me not to send or refund. To which they just answered you didn't send so refund now. 
How nice. I'll not be trusting a buyer again because now I will probably get a late delivery mark   

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So Angry. Never trust a word a buyer says

You shouldn't on principal trust buyers.  They have a habit of changing their minds as it's just a name on the other side of a computer screen, they really don't care.

If you get one like that again, I would suggest, that you reply and tell them that it will be cancelled by the end of the day regardless, unless they mail and ask for it to be delivered.

But how long did you leave it, as they shouldn't be able to open an item not received straight away?


You need a thicker skin with this kind of thing.  I got a customer yesterday F'ing a Blinding at me and threatening to get all their "mates" to buy my stuff and leave negative feedback, Unless I refunded them now!

Needless to say, it got reported.

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So Angry. Never trust a word a buyer says

Yes I know. Lesson learnt. They waited three weeks before opening the case. I really don't have a problem refunding them. I just wish I'd done it anyway despite what they said because now I've got a case opened and I've been trying to get my metrics improved. Oh well silly me I will make sure I don't trust a buyer again. Sad but necessary 

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So Angry. Never trust a word a buyer says

Maybe a fellow seller got his mate to  buy from you to bring your stats down.....

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So Angry. Never trust a word a buyer says

Honestly, I know that kind of thing goes on, but in 99.9% of cases, it's buyers who are just ignorant/lazy etc.


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