On a positive note

I am loving the new repeat buyer search history.

Just a shame the IT experts cannot improve other area's.

But we live in hope that it will all get better.

(Did you like my use of a chocolate sandwich?)

Message 1 of 11
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On a positive note


That sounds interesting, where is this tool? 
Looked on orders...


Message 2 of 11
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On a positive note

@bojangled wrote:


That sounds interesting, where is this tool? 
Looked on orders...


Asking the real question: where is my chocolate sandwich??


@cobwebcottage   On my orders I see Repeat Buyer in green, underlined with a dashed line as if it's a link.  And indeed, moving my mouse over it the cursor changes as  if it's a link.  But click on it, zilch.  Looks like it's half implemented, but borefom set in.  Life is hard when you're an ebay intern with no attention span.

Message 3 of 11
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On a positive note


I've found it! Not the chocolate sandwich but the repeat buyer tool!

In orders click the repeat buyer in the order and you get a pop up like this:


Quite handy instead of searching via username.


Edited to add, my repeat buyer link is no longer green, in fact the whole orders info design has changed.

Using Safari..


Message 4 of 11
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On a positive note

It is only available on a laptop at the moment and not the app. It shows 2 years of repeat buyer sales.

Message 5 of 11
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On a positive note

You really wouldn't like my meaning of a 'chocolate' sandwich.

Are you using the app as it's not available on it.

Message 6 of 11
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On a positive note

@cobwebcottage wrote:

You really wouldn't like my meaning of a 'chocolate' sandwich.

Are you using the app as it's not available on it.

I do have the app but I use it only for adding photos to listings I prepare on the desktop.  For any other purpose the app is an exercise in frustration, for me at least.


The (not a) link is still green on my orders page.  I guess either we're talking about different pages, or you and I are suffering A/B testing and you're the lucky one.  Not something I'm going to worry about, it's nice to know that a buyer is a repeat buyer, but I don't need more info than that.


I use Firefox on Linux.  Not that our browsers should be relevant, designers should take care to avoid designs that don't work on all browsers and test their work.

Message 7 of 11
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On a positive note

The repeat buyer flag is useful, but I want to know what they bought - Etsy shows me a list.  Why doesn't eBay?

Message 8 of 11
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That is what the new function does. It shows you all the past purchases the buyer has bought from you. Up to 24 months.

Message 9 of 11
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On a positive note

And shows you if the buyer is a follower.


Message 10 of 11
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On a positive note

Thanks @cobwebcottage and @bojangled.

When the link first appeared I clicked on it, and found that I didn't tell me anything useful - so I never clicked on it again.  Presumably, it's developed over time.

The next time a repeat order arrives, I will explore the link again.


Message 11 of 11
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