16-05-2024 6:34 PM
Won't ever sell on Ebay again, not only do they not respect sellers or allow you to review anything but positive.non payers who bid on items for no reason don't pay, get away free for wasting your time. When you do eventually sell they decide to hold your money!!! still waiting 2 days after item delivered. This is all before you mention the rip off charges. For an item sold for £ 582 the transaction charges were £74 for nothing! We pack it, post it and they even want a cut of the postage! Never again shame on Ebay
16-05-2024 6:51 PM
"shame on Ebay"
Well the fees are clear for all to see before listing.
Non-payers/ give them an unpaid strike on day 5 by cancelling with - buyer did not pay.
"Never again"
well you best remove your current £3k+ listing.
16-05-2024 7:03 PM
16-05-2024 7:10 PM
Doent matter if fees are displayed it's still daylight robbery, and why should someone have to wait 5 days when buyer has refused to pay day 2 with no valid reason
18-06-2024 8:57 AM
I have come to the same conclusion. I am a private, not a business seller, but sometimes buy an item of clothing elsewhere, and change my mind after return date closed, or have never worn it - so it goes onto Ebay, sold as new with tags. Most worn things go to the charity shop locally. I have done this for years and always had good buyers, who paid promptly and were fair to deal with. Just lately, had two buyers return dresses as "not as described, worn or damaged". As a former textile tutor on degree course and working in industry, all my items closely inspected before despatch, so I would see any faults. The two latest buyers had clearly either worn or deliberately damaged items (they sent photos) in order to get money refunded. Complaints to Ebay are useless, was very upset by the whole thing, and the idea of people deliberately wrecking good clothing is abomniable. So, decided from now on, ANY items I don't want to keep, will now go straight to charity shop and they can benefit from my mistakes, not some shady person. I am also buying direct from online retailers instead of using Ebay to buy things too.
18-06-2024 10:08 AM
To be fair, even though Ebay allow it, an item even if not actualy worn, once purchased is not "New".
It is in fact a second hand item.
I know that if I bought something that was purportedly "new", then got an item that wasn't in fact, I wouldn't be very happy with it at all.
I will never understand why Ebay allow this.
But no matter where you sell, there are always going to be good and bad buyers.
The problem is, that with the cost of living as it is, the bad buyers tend to come out more.
It is not a problem that is isolated to clothing, or indeed any particular site. It is just a problem, that will probably never go away.
Bear in mind, that when Ebay step in to sort these kind of claims out, unless you can actually prove that an item is 100% legitimate/brand new, then they really have no choice, but to believe the buyer. After all, they are not able to see the original item and only working on he said/she said.....
But it should not stop you from making a few extra quid by selling your items on here.
And the sellers in general, are mostly honest. Though there are always some bad eggs.
06-08-2024 5:29 PM
I purchased a model railway locomotive that was damaged (not in the post. The package was fine.) I returned it and the seller refused to refund and decided to keep the returned item as well as my money. I complained and Ebay sided with the seller!!!!! I eventually got my money back plus costs via a County Court action. The crooked seller is still active on Ebay. The only thing Ebay is bothered about is fees. Customer service is never paramount.
06-08-2024 5:39 PM
@thethomasdog wrote:
I purchased a model railway locomotive that was damaged (not in the post. The package was fine.) I returned it and the seller refused to refund and decided to keep the returned item as well as my money. I complained and Ebay sided with the seller!!!!! I eventually got my money back plus costs via a County Court action. The crooked seller is still active on Ebay. The only thing Ebay is bothered about is fees. Customer service is never paramount.
That's bizarre. Proper use of the money back guarantee should have got you a refund without any issues.
06-08-2024 5:47 PM
Unless a return was never opened, or closed by Ebay and the buyer decided to send it back of their own accord.
There are in fact a few reasons why this sort of thing could happen.
And if Ebay have sided with the seller, then there is probably more to the story than is actually being told here.
07-08-2024 11:28 AM
07-08-2024 11:35 AM
07-08-2024 11:43 AM
The ebay money back guarantee 'resolution service' when used properly by the buyer, does not usually require any contact with ebay CS, wherever they are.
I think you made an error in using it and hence were not able to get a refund.
07-08-2024 11:49 AM
Of course it's not all that matters.
The fact is, that you are not providing everything that actually happened.
And the chances are, are that you did not follow the correct procedures, which would be why you lost out.
And just because you have managed to get your money back that way, does not actually mean that it trumps it. I'd be willing to bet, that the seller you went after didn't defend it for one reason or another. Which means you would win by default. It's not like they are great at notifying people about these things at all.
Frankly, there are many buyers out there, that use chargebacks to get their money back, after they have lost when appealing through Ebay , but they work on different systems. It still doesn't make it right though.
07-08-2024 5:19 PM
07-08-2024 5:24 PM
07-08-2024 5:25 PM
@thethomasdog wrote:
Since you seem to believe that assumptions are warranted by you, not backed up with being familiar with the actual case I assume that you are just an Ebay mouthpiece and I am therefore entitled, along with other readers to dismiss your comments out of hand.
I think the same applies to your claim that buyer protection doesn't exist, on the basis that you have provided no explanation for why you didn't get it.
As you appear to be refusing to supply your version of events, all we can do is make assumptions.
07-08-2024 5:57 PM
So it's wrong for me to make assumptions, based on the fact that you have not supplied any further information. But it's ok for you to do so of course. Obviously one rule for you but another for everyone else.
If you don't/won't supply any extra information, then the only thing that remains, is to make an assumption.
The fact is, that the biggest possibility here, is simply that you did not follow the rules.
07-08-2024 8:24 PM
07-08-2024 8:44 PM
Lol, why is it that whenever people run out of arguments, they always say you work for Ebay?
Believe what you wish.
12:08 AM
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7:54 AM
The evidence proves it 82% disapproval Trustpilot rating is testament enough.
that might be of some real importance, When I used it 20 years ago it was Ok but now really suffering from misplaced attitude that no alternatives exist.