05-07-2023 8:32 PM
Can you please check if there is another problem with impressions? Another counting glitch? These stats can not be correct. Organic impressions promoted views down to under 3000 views today at time of writing. This time last week almost 73000 views. Please help. dave@ebay kat@ebay
Solved! Go to Solution.
08-07-2023 9:27 AM - edited 08-07-2023 9:34 AM
@lingerie0nline wrote:It looks like the organic impressions is delayed, mine were very low on the 3-5th July yesterday but looking at today they have increased, so while the last 2 days looks low,if we check those dates in a couple of days they will show a different figure. Sales are still low though by about 25-30%:
Yes there is a reporting lag and previous days totals are recompiling, very similar to the 'no external views issue' from a couple of months ago.
I don't believe it's just an issue with reporting as sales has almost ground to a halt since this issue began.
What I don't want is a eBay rep to come on a gaslight us with this and try to pretend it was always this way...
"Metrics are reported in near-real time, allow approximately 72 hours to reconcile. All reporting data will be in your site time zone."
This lag was never the case previously and sales have tanked since this issue appeared.
08-07-2023 9:34 AM
I did also end the campaign on promoted listings and restarted a day later with a completely new campaign, made no difference to sales or impressions. I would like more transparency from eBay on changes rather than having to find a solution to their changes after the event. They are expected to finish the system architectural changes in August, so if we havent all gone out of business by then I'd hope for more stability.
08-07-2023 2:06 PM
Come on eBay, all sales ground to a halt! When is this going to be resolved? I cannot survive on thin air!
08-07-2023 10:33 PM
All figures have now dipped into the red. The only positive figure for me is external views which says something about ebay.
09-07-2023 9:24 AM - edited 09-07-2023 9:25 AM
Sales down about 90% so far this week, currently have just one item to post on Monday (the weekend usually is my busiest time) I believe that whatever is wrong with promotions is ironically restricting sales instead of increasing them! Great work ebay!
I will think I'll end all promomotions until this is resolved. Is that the outcome you want eBay??
When is this going to be fixed? dave@ebay it's not acceptable.
09-07-2023 11:01 AM
I noticed the instant drop in sales when the new format for promotions appeared on the listing template at bottom where they added the advanced promotions button and also started pushing the dynamic promotions which was around 20th June (maybe just after), so I agree I think it is something to do with the new promotions they are pushing.
09-07-2023 11:35 AM - edited 09-07-2023 11:36 AM
I saw no drop off at that point and I don't think that's related to this current issue, this started around July 4th overnight.
In my opinion it's unintentional consequence of a programming error. I've no doubt that eBay want to everone to use pay per click model but I don't think its related.
@oceanartsnorthdevon wrote:I noticed the instant drop in sales when the new format for promotions appeared on the listing template at bottom where they added the advanced promotions button and also started pushing the dynamic promotions which was around 20th June (maybe just after), so I agree I think it is something to do with the new promotions they are pushing.
09-07-2023 1:27 PM
For me it's a change of Google algorithm as Big River sales dropped exactly the same time, however The River of Biggness has managed to get it's act in order a lot faster than eBay and seems to have address whatever was changed.
09-07-2023 6:04 PM
We are all experiencing similar issues, I am sure there are thousands of others who don't use the forums who just put it down to other reasons.
It is in Ebays best interests to say what was wrong to reassure sellers. To come out and say nothing is wrong or to not say what has happened just adds to the dismay and annoyance that we are already feeling.
If a big website like Facebook or Twitter goes down, the whole world notices and they issue a statement to say what went wrong and to also reassure advertisers that policy in place to prevent the event occuring again.
We, as sellers, need that same reassurance from Ebay.
What has happened? What is wrong? What is being done to fix it. If all sellers left Ebay there would be no Ebay.
09-07-2023 8:34 PM
@swiss_expert_uk I can't seem to get that graph on my PC. I have done in the past but can you rremind me how to locate it thank you.
09-07-2023 9:08 PM
Marketing tab > Advertising dashboard
09-07-2023 11:28 PM
Absolute could be. The Google analytics tag ga4 was announced ages ago and 1st July was the scheduled change over. So essentially if it wasn't working right want wouldn't be able to track clicks etc.
However it doesn't account for the lack of sales or the fact the dispatch by dates broke on Thursday.
10-07-2023 7:57 AM
Same !!
Something quite not right, ive been working hard on SEO etc for the past few month and started seeing reasl change, then this past week its gone *bleep* up.
Dispatch dates going silly, fees are INSANE !! and this Advanced promotion is a licance to print money !!
10-07-2023 10:37 AM
Another reason why there down for us..i hear people moaning about 8% or 9%
10-07-2023 10:58 AM
Morning @swiss_expert_uk ,
I don't have an update on this yet, its one of my highest priorities and I'll come back here as soon as there's an update.
10-07-2023 6:38 PM
I have exactly the same drop on the 29th Jun - 30th June
29th - 34,032
30th - 19,200
7th July - 21,018
8th July - 4,169
16,849 drop in impressions over night !! that has to be a joke, then 9th it was 2,487 and today so far its 1,821 !!
thats 30,032 less impressions in 11 days !! com on, thats a new eBay thing thats taking the absalute @#&*
10-07-2023 7:30 PM
10-07-2023 8:24 PM
10-07-2023 9:02 PM
I'm in the same boat. On 30th June organic dropped by 75%. I'm listing lots of new stock at present and it's doing almost nothing on eBay. My sales aren't dead but with lots of promotions and sales pushing, I'm not seeing expected results. Thank goodness for other outlets or I'd be worried about my designs.
10-07-2023 9:43 PM
All i can say is wow......... dropped on 30th..... and really not sure whats been happening since then.... but looking at this makes me want to go and get a 5 selects meal with sprite 😂