False Advertising to Display 'it's Free to Sell' Blue Box when its not

Why are we as business sellers paying full fee's still seeing the Blue little box 'it's free to sell' on almost every page we are logged into when it is clearly not for business sellers. Its been almost 3 weeks now and we are still seeing it?


Click on it and it takes us back to our seller central or whatever page we clicked it from. Is that not false advertising from Ebay, especially when i dont even think they will let me open a new private account to sell my own personal items.


Talk about rubbing salt into the wound! Isn't it time for that to be removed from our business sellers accounts as it is now annoying me more every day i see it . Or is Ebay going to give us all a nice Christmas gift of fee free sales from November til last posting day 😂 

Message 1 of 11
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False Advertising to Display 'it's Free to Sell' Blue Box when its not

Yes, you can open another account to sell your own personal items. You can have as many accounts as you like. 


It IS free for business sellers to sell clothes 


Always read the terms and conditions of every offer, not just eBay offers 

Message 2 of 11
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False Advertising to Display 'it's Free to Sell' Blue Box when its not

Thanks for replying @myriad*seller 


Only businesses selling pre loved clothing are getting the fee free offer, so that rules out many of us. Other sellers have recently been trying to open private accounts recently and are having trouble as you need different email addresses, phone numbers, bank accounts  and IP addresses from your business one.  So it is not so easy anymore.


The main point here though is they should remove this blue box from the top of our accounts. We all know ifs now free to sell for private sellers and most of us are not happy about it.



Message 3 of 11
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False Advertising to Display 'it's Free to Sell' Blue Box when its not

You just need a different email address


You can use the same bank account and phone number and IP address


You would only need to hide those additional details [phone numbers, bank accounts  and IP addresses] if attempting something fraudulent or trying to evade eBay fees by selling business items on a private account, or had previously been permanently suspended by eBay.... 





Message 4 of 11
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False Advertising to Display 'it's Free to Sell' Blue Box when its not

I will try that then, i know some other sellers were trying recently and having problems doing it. I have nothing to hide i just have genuine old clothes of mine and my son and toys to sell that i dont want to list on my business account.





Message 5 of 11
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False Advertising to Display 'it's Free to Sell' Blue Box when its not

I wondered that about the television advertising - I 've yet to spot a tiny exclusion.  If there isn't one, it's false advertising.

Message 6 of 11
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False Advertising to Display 'it's Free to Sell' Blue Box when its not

The TV advert in question (assuming its the one with the dog at the end) is clearly not a pair of business sellers though - in terms of what those in the advert are doing, selling their own second hand belongings - it is free, so its not false advertising.

Message 7 of 11
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False Advertising to Display 'it's Free to Sell' Blue Box when its not

Agh but the poor dog..... That would breach the eBay live animals policy..... They should read their own T & C's before implying the poor dog is going to get it!!!

Message 8 of 11
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False Advertising to Display 'it's Free to Sell' Blue Box when its not

Fairly certain the advert states 'don't even think about it' immediately after the woman thinks about it. I appreciate you may be feigning concern for comedic effect here.

Message 9 of 11
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False Advertising to Display 'it's Free to Sell' Blue Box when its not

Rule 3.10 of TV broadcast advertising:  Advertisements must state significant limitations and qualifications. Qualifications may clarify but must not contradict the claims that they qualify.


It could be argued that this advert does not meet this rule.  Whereas existing business sellers are well aware of the limitations, businesses not familiar with eBay's business model may not be.

Message 10 of 11
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False Advertising to Display 'it's Free to Sell' Blue Box when its not

Thank you Ebay for removing the Blue Box  'its now free to sell' finally! We have a solution to one problem, lets hope we can now solve the private sellers working as Businesses next 😁

Message 11 of 11
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