Erratic daily sales

Coming from a blue chip retail background and now working hard to make an online furniture retailer grow it's sales on eBay I'm permanently dumbfounded by one thing - why sales are so inconsistent on a daily level even when you hold a consistent level of stock.


Example, and old Gap clothing store I used to run back in the day would take roughly £5k every day, Mon - Sat and with a lower sales figure on Sunday, A typical week might be:

Mon £4300

Tue £4700

Wed £4500

Thu £4650

Fri £5000

Sat £7000

Sun £3000


You can see a fairly set pattern of daily sales being around £4.5k which trends like this throughout the whole year and inflation adjusted all the previous years, and of course you get the odd exceptionally bad or good day.


However with eBay I've experienced the opposite and it's maddening and I don't understand with a national audience instead of just a local one why it happens (these are example figures not my real turnover) 


Mon: £2000

Tue: £50

Wed: £140

Thu: £1700

Fri: £0

Sat: £25

Sun: £350


There's absolutely no consistency, no pattern, no trend - absolutely nothing that you can analyse data from to work through what is happening. Instead of being able to budget and plan sales like proper retailers can it just seems to be a game of 'hope for the best' each day.


The full week figures are just as bad with fluctuations of 25-100% from week to week.


With a consistent level of stock, consistent pricing, consistent frequency of listings why are sales extremely erratic? It doesn't make sense.

Message 1 of 20
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Accepted Solutions

Erratic daily sales

Your listings are a little more unusual than the norm in the sense that the initial impression is that all items are collection only, therefore some buyers will scroll past. I can see in the description that you do offer delivery but it is restricted from the South up to the Midlands, so your buyer base is reduced. 


I am reaching a bit here but naturally some interested buyers will see no postage option at checkout, maybe aren't familiar with eBay so they don't know how to message you to organise delivery and may give up and buy elsewhere. How much that will explain erratic sales is debatable. 

It doesn't mean your frustration over inconsistent sales is unfounded as sellers who sell UK wide and internationally have reported similar issues but I think you would be more prone to this happening than the average eBay seller is. 

View solution in original post

Message 7 of 20
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Erratic daily sales

I guess it must depend on the niche, but I've been tracking my daily sales since Jan 1st.


My averages are:-


Mon: £143 (5.46 sales per day)

Tue: £100 (4.46 sales)

Wed: £137 (6.08 sales)

Thurs: £147 (6.46 sales)

Fri: £154 (6.36 sales)

Sat: £145 (6.08 sales)

Sun: £124 (5.85 sales)


That seems relatively consistent to me, with Tuesday being a consistently worse day than the others for some reason. My stock level has remained the same up until this week when I culled most of my lowest-value items to the tune of 50% of my store. Interestingly enough, I've had two incredibly good sales days in a row since then...

Message 2 of 20
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Erratic daily sales

Clothing is always an ongoing sale, people buy for the seasons and come out to buy every week.  I've worked in retail (Miss Selfridge) eons ago and you would get the same quantity of people at the same time into the store every day, every month and every season, but much higher sales on a Friday and especially Saturday, as we closed Sundays.  I once did a project overhauling the stockrooms in all GAP shops in Scotland and all the GAP shops around Paris (27 in Paris, just a few in the rest of France).  Turnover of Stock was phenomenal!  And yet Gap failed.


I haven't worked in retail furniture, but spent many years selling office furniture.  My take is that it is generally big money items, people only have one sofa at a time and buy new every few years, my son owns well over 60 tee shirts which he wears and umpteen jeans.  M&S and Next are big players in this marketplace because furniture is an add on.  The likes of SCS do constant sales and online furniture dealers do well directly to the public, but you can search around their websites more easily than eBay.  Office furniture is a whole different ballgame, always driven by individual monthly sales with decent rewards for sales people, and if course multi thousand and even multi million contracts.  Even working self employed in that industry meant no rhyme of reason for sales figures, except the desire - hope- to reach a monthly target.  Needing to pay one's bills every month makes one very hopeful and very hardworking.


You need to know your market.  If it's staggered sales, you need to bring in other selling streams.  You need to work out a promotion budget, and use it.  You need to find a niche.  And, if possible, you need to have 'names' in your stock.  And amazing titles on your listings, and be very very good at delivery and quality when folk are buying from a photo.


EBay isn't 'build it and they will come ' but it often is an ebb and flow site, oftentimes depending on month end monies, weather and the time of year.


I'm searching for a simple hall cupboard and some drawers for the bedroom, search returns many listings that are not even furniture and very few listings given me the confidence that they are not poor quality, so worth checking if your listings are appearing, especially as promoted listings are rotated.


Best of luck.

Message 3 of 20
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Erratic daily sales

Thankyou Magpie for the very welcome advice. If you see anything you like on our site let us know - we'll deliver too.

Message 4 of 20
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Erratic daily sales

Thanks for the reply superchallenge - Yes, we did this a while ago -  we culled everything under £60 and then set a new benchmark of the products need to have a value of at least £80. It worked well just like it did for you but then we have plateaued ever since. 

Message 5 of 20
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Erratic daily sales

A big plus, so little nearby when you live in Scotland.  If you have any cherry cupboards or drawers similar to Grange give me a shout and I'll keep an eye on you listing for my hall cabinet.  I do wish you luck, you could do really well if you crack it.

Message 6 of 20
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Erratic daily sales

Your listings are a little more unusual than the norm in the sense that the initial impression is that all items are collection only, therefore some buyers will scroll past. I can see in the description that you do offer delivery but it is restricted from the South up to the Midlands, so your buyer base is reduced. 


I am reaching a bit here but naturally some interested buyers will see no postage option at checkout, maybe aren't familiar with eBay so they don't know how to message you to organise delivery and may give up and buy elsewhere. How much that will explain erratic sales is debatable. 

It doesn't mean your frustration over inconsistent sales is unfounded as sellers who sell UK wide and internationally have reported similar issues but I think you would be more prone to this happening than the average eBay seller is. 

Message 7 of 20
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Erratic daily sales

Everything you've stated as a variable, is stuff you control, ie. 'With a consistent level of stock, consistent pricing, consistent frequency of listings'.  I suspect the problem is with what you don't control. This is ebay's train set. Imagine a group of people were standing by the doors of that Gap store and only letting a few people in one day, none the next and then free entry the next. 

Message 8 of 20
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Erratic daily sales

You are bang on the money with this - we've been thinking of the collection only status as an issue for a while  - next month we're launching free delivery on everything as like you say even though we do offer delivery it's not set up on the eBay template buyer screen - the reason being is we run our own van and eBay won't allow you to charge variable amounts of delivery fee to different counties of the UK. So to go 30 miles we'd have to charge the same as going 300 miles. eBay seems likes it's managed by people who have never ran or operated a shop in their lives. 

Message 9 of 20
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Erratic daily sales

This is exactly what scares me about eBay - the control they have over where and how frequent  you're really in the search listings.

Message 10 of 20
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Erratic daily sales

Thankyou very much - certainly will look out for you

Message 11 of 20
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Erratic daily sales

Beacause the visibility of items is clearly being turned on or off. Why- and according to what criteria is a different question altogether. But the fact that visability is artificially controled is I think now undesputable?

Message 12 of 20
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Erratic daily sales

Exactly spot on and thankyou for helping guide us.

Our product is heavy and bulky and with no official delivery option we looked a poor choice,

We costed and introduced Free Delivery and our sales have boomed enormously,


Thank you!

Message 13 of 20
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Erratic daily sales

We are finding this too at the minute with it being fairly up and down day to day, although one thing I have noticed compared to previous years is that although sales have largely been down the monthly sales figure for individual months are within a couple of thousand of each other month, whereas previous years some months have been 10/15/20k more than others, I'm starting to think it's almost like we have a selling limit that gets averaged out to daily sales to keep competion for sales with other sellers 

Message 14 of 20
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Erratic daily sales

You should be so lucky.


I had a small pick up in sales a couple of weeks ago....then in the last week I have taken £6.


You get your hopes up things have changed, then ebay slap you back down to earth, give you no sales in a week then a couple of weeks later want £90 off you for shop fees, but as always give you nothing back.


Clearly my eBay Shop and items have been 'switched off' from their highly manipulated search engine, as ebay screw around thinking of new ways to shaft their sellers who won't play ball and pay them 'promotion' rip-off rates in fees for a sale.


Message 15 of 20
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Erratic daily sales

Without a doubt.


eBay's search engine has been so manipulated by them, showing you what they want you to see and not what you want to see, they have a cheek to even call it a search engine anymore.

Message 16 of 20
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Erratic daily sales

What really pigs me off is that if i do some searches for my kind of listings, some of the listings searches say that the search has been streamlined, ie many listings missed out, sometimes including mine, so what the hell am i paying for...?

Message 17 of 20
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Erratic daily sales

Welcome to eBay!.    We've been sellers on here for 15 years, now given up completely.    Originally on eBay if you optimized your listings (similar as you would search results on google) you could guarantee your listing would show on the first page.  

Now, eBays clear focus is on Promoted listings, the more you pay the more visibility you get, however, you can't simply say that if your listings are promoted, that you are guaranteed to get a prime slot or any particular advantage, if every seller promotes their listing.

And if you don't promote at all, your visibility is virtually zero.

eBays biggest problem now is that they culled a lot of sellers through selling standards and lack of visibility, they also have promoted blue chip and chinese sellers, that are never buyers.   I think this is their largest reason for offering free listings to private sellers, because they have lost a lot of mom/pop seller/buyers and they need to restore those seller/buyers, the less share to spread around, so less visibility and sales.

Frankly, their biggest mistake by far was removing paypal as a payment method and insisting on funds going into your bank account.  Its easy for hobby buyers to keep a little "stash" of paypal monies to buy things on eBay from things they have sold, but once it hits your bank account it gets included in your household budget and is less likely to be spent back on eBay.

We were one such seller and now in all honestly I buy most stuff off AMZ since I have a prime subscription and its all next day delivery.


Message 18 of 20
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Erratic daily sales

Sales have been erratic for about 2 years now it seems. I have now not sold a thing since Friday morning which is not the norm for me at all. I often have a day of no sales but not 4 days. But i have reduced my promoted listings as i really cant afford 12% on top of the already high fee's. 


I would normally get a run of sales over  3- 4 days then a day or two for not a lot, then on again and off again. It probably depends on what your selling as well as these days people are watching their spending more and if its not something they NEED they might add it to their watch list and eventually buy it  later 😃 

Message 19 of 20
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Erratic daily sales

Exactly, eBay have got a real cheek calling it a search engine anymore.


It isn't and hasn't been for some while, as they manipulate it to show you what they want you to see.


I know Google etc do this, but not to the extent eBay do and just cut items out, or hide them on page 20.

Message 20 of 20
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