Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌



We have been selling on ebay for over 10 years. Sales have been down since start of 2024 but its completely dead. Like we look at our stats from July to September and sales figures are less that what we are paying ebay for Promoted listings etc.


Although we have moved our inventory to Amazon and tiktok but wondered what has actually happened to our Ebay. It used to be aweseome but we now cannot even afford to list.  Listings are sat there doing nothing even with promoted listings.


November has been our difficult month so far as with Zero sales i mean come on there got to be something causing this loss. Is it new so called AI.


Please share your findings.🤔🤔




Message 1 of 488
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487 REPLIES 487

Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌

blah blah blah

Message 461 of 488
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Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌

I got the same. My items either where lost , returns or buyer pretended they did t receive yet was tracked to their door, and a nice photo of them receiving it. 
I’ve had 2 saying inr then later they backtracked and said I forgot my safe place was under a stone. Had another her safe place was in her bin which just happened to be bin day so again not my fault. Just had another bought 4 items and lost in the Newcastle Royal Mail hub. I told her replacements on way sent via SD . Between me sending and her receiving she asked eBay for inr and got two freebies. Hasn’t left me feedback or acknowledged the items are in her hands yet again tracked to the door. 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 462 of 488
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Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌

Mines dead one sale a day 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 463 of 488
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Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌

I’m pondering the same but can shift to another platform although no sales there either 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 464 of 488
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Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌

Got the same. Email as you. Buyer never returned my items or not as described. I showed one of my descriptions to sister and she’s said description matched photo. 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 465 of 488
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Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌

I was in a second tier business store. I’ve dropped it for basic as cannot afford the fees or the higher store I had, getting ridiculous now. 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 466 of 488
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Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌

Mine are in several baskets as it were. One of which is outdoing eBay at the moment 

“What we’ve got here is failure to communicate.”
Message 467 of 488
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Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌

Doing totally terrible.
Either I am being shadow ghosted or there is some sort of collapse.
They have just raised fees a small amount.
Really in this situation there never should have been any increase considered,
If its going to be this bad, a reduction in fees to 1999 levels would have been
more in line honestly.
Most importantly eBay needs to return to live agent access FOR BUYERS.
The HELP button needs to be right there easy to see.
Then when reason selected is BUYING a phone number
needs to appear instantly. Who’s ever idea it was to send buyers to
quote “help your self” has done great harm to this platform.
A person needs to ask an agent some questions for reassurance before spending
on a large ticket item and the last thing they need is to be sent to read
15 and 20 minute essays about something that has nothing to do with
they're concerns and find themselves in an automated circle not reaching anyone.
No automated thing is a substitute.
I am about to list a Chandelier..I have just stopped dead in my tracks..
I see 812 Metropolitan Lighting Fixtures are listed and only 9 have sold !!
I have sold three of these Chandeliers on ebay in the past for
$800..$1100 and $540.
Oh oh.
Message 468 of 488
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Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌

I have had two ok months but 20% down on the same period last year. I have reduced the amount of promoted listings and each  one I do promote is considered on its merits   My fees have been significantly reduced this way from paying over 30% last year ( that included my shop fees ) to around 24-25% still too high as far as I’m concerned and the fact that as a business seller you are actually funding a high proportion of “PRIVATE” sellers who pay nothing to list still irritates the hell out of me. 
However I digress   EBay is certainly not what it used to be. When I started in the early 2000s an item which sells for £5 now was selling for £15 - £20 at least.  I’ve stopped buying and have a 5 year plan to sell as much stock as I can before I retire and relocate. I’m hoping to continue on a much smaller scale but who knows what eBay will be like in 2030. If we had a crystal ball we could see   I have had very minimal success with items I have listed on vinted but I certainly will not be moving over there in the foreseeable. I think that platform has its own issues 

so I’m staying till the death. I’ll probably be one of the last business sellers to jump off the bow of the ship as it slowly sinks into the icy waters of the next decade but again who knows what lies ahead. An iceberg or calm warm waters.  Hopefully the latter 

Message 469 of 488
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Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌

2030?……Can’t see it lasting through 2025 at this rate….! One sale a week if I’m lucky, promoted items waste of time, too many businesses dodging fees on private accounts and above all - virtually no buyers.

Corrupted search and buyer fees will likely get rid of the remaining few still buying.

It certainly isn’t the site it was and definitely not the first choice for most shoppers today.


Message 470 of 488
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Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌

"Corrupted search..."


Another of those ebay things that's 'working as intended'.  The search is now primarily concerned with identifying Promoted listings and pushing them into buyer's faces.  Regardless of whether or not that's what the buyer is looking for. 


Non-Promoted listings are not shown to buyers even if they are exactly what the buyer typed into the search box but might be shown at the end as "Items with fewer words".


Ebay is run by idiots who are TURNING AWAY SALES FVFs in order to get Promotion fees.


Ebay should stop trying to be clever / greedy and go back to making it easy for all sellers to SELL.


Ebay was said to have started manipulating the search results because it had so many listings they couldn't all be shown.  So why introduce stupidly large categories and throw collectables into them along with 100K modern 'similar' items?  ONLY because it makes Promotion the only way to be seen.  

Message 471 of 488
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Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌

You have to love the 1000+ "private seller" accounts reselling multiple quantity new items. We already sell at competitive prices, but we can't compete with that. Even when the buyer protection fee comes in, it's a fraction of the 9.9% fvf fees on most the items we sell. I have no issue with fees as long as the marketplace is fair, but it isn't.

Message 472 of 488
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Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌

Ebay should remove the listing fees, and give every business seller a free shop, and highlight the businesses on the platform. I know that would never happen. I want to start selling again on Ebay for business, but it doesn't feel worth it. 

Message 473 of 488
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Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌

I agree but it's also the sellers fees for businesses they need to reduce massively!

I've even seen so called private sellers getting 1st page advertising thanks to ebay promoting them.


Business sellers will do whatever is needed to survive and if it means moving to other platforms.

Ebay only understand 1 thing, money and when they wake up and see less business sellers on here lining their pockets then they will make changes but by then too late!

For such a large company it is impossible to discuss matters and recommendations with higher level staff all we get told is it will be passed back as feedback.....which clearly it never does otherwise the site would not be in such dissary as it is now

Message 474 of 488
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Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌

Totally agree! I’m constantly asked to lower my prices because customers have purchased one similar on EBay for much less but my hands are tied because of EBay’s greedy fees. 

Message 475 of 488
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Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌

I’m thinking of doing the same, I’m just worried my sales would be even worse if i dropped  down a tier but I just don’t know what else to do as sales are slowing down again for me and the fees are just too high. I’m making hardly anything after paying EBay fees, postage fees, bank fees, price for the stock and my accountant to do my books at the end so f the year. I just don’t know how much longer I can last. 

Message 476 of 488
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Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌

I have a return opened for a brand new bedding set, buyer opened it and removed from packaging then changed their mind and EBay excepted the return request so I’m now out of pocket. Everywhere you look on EBay it’s all leaning towards buyers and no protection for small sellers. No other companies accept return bedding unless damaged so it’s really unfair. 

Message 477 of 488
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Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌

I have found in seconds private sellers with up to 33k transactions, and 5000 listings how can this be write !!!

As everyone has said all ebay wants is for you to promote your items so they get even more money

Message 478 of 488
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Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌

It's as dead as a dead dingo's donga..........................Again.

Message 479 of 488
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Ebay Sales Completely Dead **November 2024** ‌

@exponential_developments wrote:

It's as dead as a dead dingo's donga..........................Again.

Nothing new then !


All the best mate. I am now moving to another site.

Message 480 of 488
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