14-12-2024 2:16 PM
Hello ebay Fellas! 🚥🔔
We have had a terrible year with Sales on ebay- Moved most of our listings to Tiktok and other platforms and slowly growing but still long way to go.
What happened to Ebay - once no1 platform for easy sales. Since April 2024 we struggled with zero sales or one or two during the week.
Its close to Christmas and our sales are still Zero. What has AI done to Ebay promoted listings? Even doing 20% promitions yields ZERO sales while all other platforms are doing great.
14-12-2024 3:47 PM
Yes, sales are completely dead and have been in my line since eBay gave Private sellers free listings.....
Meaning they can sell very similar items to me but have no fees etc to pay and can thus undercut me.
A good friend of mine who is also a dealer attended a fair today, ALL the other dealers there are now selling as Private sellers with no fees, he was the only one there still selling as a business and he said they all thought he was crazy to still be selling as a business.
Thanks eBay, but unless you do or announce something drastic in the next few days to combat this, like massively reducing fees for businesses, the shop will go and private accounts await me.
I will gain significantly from doing this, ebay will lose significantly if what my friend saw today is happening across the board. They have really screwed this up
14-12-2024 5:07 PM
Well of course they are. Technically if you are a business that is how you make a living. If the powers that be let private sellers undercut businesses, it’s the only way to go to be on a level playing field.
And of course if you are a business, you won’t be selling to the EU or NI or rather it is too difficult so being a private seller you will be able to with no problem….
Its all mucked up…
14-12-2024 7:13 PM
I think it is happening across the board. When the fee-free started, a private seller popped up in one of my categories. From the images, I reckon I know who it is - they're a business and have a website. I think, but don't know for certain, that they're VAT registered, but the items don't show a plus VAT price - which I think listings do if the seller's VAT registered.
I went onto the site to check the images and found that they're out of stock, but will be back in stock in January. Just a coincidence that the fee-free ends in December?
So ... they've had three months of advertising their wares to a wider audience and have not even had to pay
card charges. Absolutely free and clear profit, and a war chest of names and addresses that they can send discount vouchers to when the stuff's back on their website. On one of the items, my eBay fees would be £10+, theirs are zero.
I also know a private seller that, as a side line to his main non-eBay business, buys up anything he thinks he can make a profit on. These aren't low value items, they're in the £100s, sometimes approaching £1k. He couldn't believe his luck when fee-free started. It's saved him a fortune in fees.
I think eBay have completely lost the plot. They've antagonised established business sellers who have now moved their items to other platforms or created a website. I closed the shop, reduced the number of listings and built a website when eBay started pushing PL. I've now delisted more items because I just can't be bothered with eBay any longer. Less items means less INRs and nagging emails from eBay.
I find it hard to see how eBay are going to recover from this, to my mind, crazy adventure they've embarked on.
03-01-2025 11:31 AM
Speaking as an occasional private seller, traders who identify as private will be reported to HMRC anyway once their sales exceed £1700 : https://www.gov.uk/government/news/information-for-online-sellers. Plus, it looks like, as of today, fees are being reintroduced but with the buyer footing the bill.