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Forum Posts

Why isn’t eBay verifying my account?

Can anyone explain why eBay isn't verifying my account?I eBay gave sent 0.01 to my account but haven't withdrawn it so my account hasn't been verified. I'm not sure why this needs to be done to be honest as I have had the same account attached to my ...

Category approval

Hi, I have a situation I need help with. I applied to sell e-cigarettes back in 2022 but never received a response. I contacted customer service back then, but it didn't lead to any resolution. Afterward, I took some time off eBay and returned to sel...

Locked out of an account

Please can a member of staff get in tocuh, I've recently updated my password (different account) and the system wants to send a code to a phone I haven't had in ~8 years. I can't get into my account to update this, and when I go through your help bot...

Saved Search Layout Changes

I'm not sure what's happened but the layout of saved searches has changed from new items being displayed across the whole screen to now only listed on the left hand side of the screen. The issue with this is that the images are tiny in comparison to ...

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Not helpful change to ipad view

Is there a way of feeding back to eBay how the new view on ipad is making it virtually impossible on an accessibility point of view. When you search now for items, the ads are stupidly small on the left and one large ad on the right. Even with glasse...

Unable to add item to the Watch list

Anyone else not being able to add more items to their Watch list as of today? (Yes, I checked and my list is not full)I mean, it's been broken for a while where I had to add an item, refresh the page and then add it again for it to actually register ...

Is ebay broken?

It seems to me that ebay are making changes without them being fully tested. Little glitches keep cropping up e.g. selecting the Selling tab from the drop-down menu displays my Offers page and I have to navigate to where I want to go from the side me...

Sky Q Box

Those buying Sky Q boxes should be made aware that Sky turns off all channels, including free to air. They are useless.

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More than one currency in basket... So therefore I have to pay full postage more than once?

As the title says, I have multiple items from ONE seller. They are from Germany, I am from the UK. The price for postage is £25.49, the item total is £62.42. Yet, the total postage is £76.47. Most items add £0.53 to the totally after the first one, b...

Glitch or scam?

Logged in today to see 3 notifications, one of which was for a seller offer, on an item I had not watched nor interacted with, when I clicked on it, it said i had both bought this item and had an offer on it, i refused the offer and it does not show ...

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